~Chapter Eleven~

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"You?" He asked.

"Don't hurt any of them. If you really have to kill someone, let it be me." I said.

"Well, aren't you a loyal one." He said.

"Kill me." Theo said. "Not her. Don't hurt her."

"Well, look at the lovebirds." He pushed me down onto the ground and kicked my side, preventing me from getting up, but not enough to knock me out, leaving me to see whatever he does. He walked over to Theo, and pointed the gun right at his forehead.

"You shoulda kept your mouth shut." He said but before he could pull the trigger, someone interrupted. Daryl.

"No, don't hurt anyone else, but me. Leave everyone else out of it." Daryl said.

"Well, someone needs to step up or everyones gonna die. So, who will it be?" The man said.

"Me." Me, Theo, and Daryl said at the same time.

I gathered enough physical strength to stand up.

He pointed the gun at me, then Theo, then Daryl chanting, "Eenie, meanie, minie, moe."

But one time was different. Instead 'moe', he said, 'her.' I saw the gun stay pointed at me. Everything went in slow motion as I heard a shot ring out, then another. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I fell to the ground. I stared up at the sky as people rushed over to me. I felt someone lift me up and take me towards the house. My head fell limp and I saw the dude on the ground, dead. He had blood leaking out of his head.

"You gotta stay with me. Keep your eyes open." Someone said.

My mind was a daze as I felt my eyes start to close, and darkness consumed me.

When I woke up, I had a bandage on my stomach and I was alone. In the same house, just alone. No one was there. I pushed myself up, and stood up. My stomach didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I walked, more like stumbled, down the stairs. I started hearing voices.

"She has been out for a month; we have to consider the other options. With Eugene gone, we don't really have a proper doctor."

"My dad taught me some things or two. We can't just kill her!"

"You ain't gonna touch that little girl."

"If you try to kill her, I'll kill you first."

"My dad is right, she could die. She could turn right here, right now."

"Watch yer mouth."

"Don't you tell my son what to do."

"Didn't your dad ever teach you not to lie?"

"You're in denial."

"Am not."

What the heck? Where they talking about me?

"Hello?" I asked.

All eyes looked at me, and most of them were wide-eyed.

"Mist! You're ok! I knew you would be!" Theo said as he hugged me.

We pulled apart and I saw Daryl standing there, with a few tears, and ran towards me and picked me up into a hug.

"I thought I lost you." He said.

He put me down. I looked at Rick and Carl.

"You guys thought I was gonna die?" I asked.

They looked at each other.

"You were out for a month. Maybe even a month and a half." Carl said. "And shot."

"Dang...." I said as I put a hand on my forehead.

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