~Chapter One~

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A person that is doomed and cannot be saved 


~Mist's P.O.V~

I sat there, staring into the fire's blaze. It was me, (Mist Gone), Daryl, Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Merle, Lizzie and Mika, Carol, Beth, and Michonne. I had found this group on one of my runs to town. They kindly accepted me into their group, although I learned that's not always how it goes. I had been with this group for about a year. We had lost many people, people I had learned to love. My family had died, I even had to kill my parents. My mom was bit and I had to kill her, my dad I found as a walker. My mother's last words were "Fight on" so that is what I will do. Carl was probably my best friend out of the group. Lizzie and Mika are my good friends too. Everyone is pretty nice. Daryl carries a crossbow EVERYWHERE and the arrows always have a 'DD' burned into them to prove it's his. Daryl is kinda like my dad, I guess. He watches out for me but he watches out for everyone. Merle, well Merle thinks I'm just another kid that's gonna die. I'm 13 now, 10 when the world turned. I was currently one of two people awake... Daryl being the other. It was late at night. Daryl was the only other person that knew about me having to kill my parents, and knew about my nightmares I would always have. That's one of the reasons I wouldn't sleep a lot. He's kind once you got to know him. He was the only one I have really opened up to.

"It's always the same. I'm always in a building forced to kill my parents, over and over and over again." I say, talking about my nightmares.

"I know, it sucks. I'm sorry." Daryl says, trying his best to comfort me.

"I had a sister." I told him.

This was always a hard subject for me. I hadn't told anyone about my sister, not even Daryl.

"Ya did?" He asked, his accent showing.

"Yeah, she was 7 years old when all this happened..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"Did she..." Daryl started but didn't finish his sentence.

Him and I both knew what he was hinting at.

"Yeah. She got bit only the second day in. I...I let her die. I couldn't do it. It haunts me everyday knowing I..." I paused letting a few tears roll down my cheeks, "Knowing I couldn't put her down. Someone else either killed her, or she is out there, killing anything she can. I was weak, Daryl, I was weak. Her name was Rose... Rose Gone. She was beautiful and innocent. I let her die. It had been just me and her, seeing as how we got separated from our parents day one. I found my mom later on, and found my dad dead." I said.

I could feel the wet trails the tears left.

"I'm sorry. I know what it feels like, to lose someone you love. It hurts." He said. "Ya weren't weak though. It was strong of ya to keep on going. You were only 10 when it happened." He continued.

I rested my head on his shoulder, as he draped his arm over my other shoulder. I loved these kind of nights. The kind where you could relax in each other's company. It was peaceful. I stared at the fire once again and closed my eyes, letting darkness consume me.

I opened my eyes. I was in a small room, with only a gun by my feet. I crawled over to the gun, picking it up. I slowly stood up, checking if there were any bullets. 3. There was a creaking sound behind me. I spun around and pointed my gun, seeing my parents and another man.

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