~Chapter Eighteen~

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I was knocked backwards onto the ground. Not by the furry thing but by surprise. I felt something warm and wet hit my face repeatedly. I heard Daryl laughing in the background.

"Hey.." I groaned as I opened my eyes. Daryl was still laughing. When I noticed what it was standing on my chest I couldn't help but giggle also. Before me stood a puppy. It looked like a German Shepherd - Pitbull mix. Two of my all time favorite breed of dog. I noticed that some of his left ear was bit off. Probably by another dog. His left eye was a beautiful emerald green and his right eye was a dark sapphire blue. His coat pattern was much like a german shepherd while his main coat color was a light gray with the extra parts as black. He also had a white patch on his chest. He had pointed ears, and a box shaped head like a pitbull. He was fairly skinny. I'm sure he hasn't eaten in awhile. Even though his coat was filthy, caked with dirt, mud, and blood, he still was adorable.

"Hey there boy!" I said happily as I scratched behind his ears. He was panting happily and licking my fingers. I smiled and scooped him up, crossing the stream, then walking up to Daryl.

"Can we keep him? Please!" I begged, holding the puppy up to his face.

He laughed. "Sure, why not." He replied

"His name will be..... Scout!" I exclaimed, holding Scout up like "The Lion King".

"Alright let's head back." Daryl said looking towards the sky. "It'll be dark soon" He finished.

"Yeah." I simply replied. We began walking back. Scout on my heals.

We got back fairly quick. The sun was just beginning to set. I led Scout into the house and he went straight for the stairs. Laughing, I followed close behind him. We got up there and he went straight over to Carl and Beth. They were laying down on the ground just about to fall asleep. Scout began licking Beth's face.
"Hey." Beth said as she sat up. Scout rolled off of her onto the ground. Beth gasped.

"A PUPPY" Beth screeched. I smiled happily as Carl sat up, a huge smile on his face.

"That's amazing! How did he survive this long?" Carl asked as he reached forward and patted Scout's head.

"I'm not really sure.." I shrugged. "But I named him Scout!" I added.

"He's so cute. I love his eyes!" Beth exclaimed as she scooped him up.

"I personally like his coat color." Carl commented.

"I like everything about him. He is perfect." I said as I smiled.

He yapped happily before laying down on his back with his paws in the air. All three of us scratched his belly and behind his ears.

After some time of playing with the puppy, we decided it was time for bed.

"Night Mist." Beth said as she rolled into her spot."

"Night" I smiled as I laid down.

"Don't let the walkers bite." Carl said with a wink before he laid down as well.

"Right back at ya" I said to Carl, returning the wink.

Before long Scout came waddling up to me. His belly was a bit bloated so I would suggest that he went downstairs for some dinner. I smiled as he laid down with me. He had his head resting on my neck.

"Good night Scout." I whispered before darkness consumed me.


Hey guys! Is anyone actually reading this? XD Sorry for this short chapter. It was just sort of a filler while I plan for bigger things to happen soon. So. How do you guys like Scout? I think he is actually perfect.





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