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Chapter 22

About five minutes passed when Reylor finally calmed down and stopped crying. She still had tears that streamed down her face, but all she was doing was hiccuping.

I was spaced out until I zoned back in and Rey had began to speak.

"He wants you." She started.
"But why the hell is he after me."

"Reylor," I started. "As crooked as this may seem, I would take your place any day. You saw a side of me tonight that I hope none of you guys ever have to see again. My buisness is my buisness, nobody else's. I really don't understand why he would go after you, but when I find out why he did, he's gonna wish he hadn't even met you the day you started working at the hospital." I declared.

She sat there. Her mouth was slightly open, but no words ever made it out.

Before she had the chance to talk, I saw Marcus and Nathan running towards us.

I rolled the window down and stuck my head out of the window.

"What's going on?" I said in a normal tone. Marcus was focused on getting out of there.

"Move to the back! Let me drive!" Nathan shouted. I did as I was told.

I hopped in the backseat, and waited. I had enough time, so I got out and hopped into Marcus's passenger seat of his truck.

I buckled in and within seconds, the guys were in and buckled.

"What's going on?" I asked.
"Those weren't cops." He mumbled.

He had his left hand on the wheel and his right hand on the gear shift. His car was automatic and manual.

He set it on automatic and reversed. He flipped around and we sped out of there. I was still so confused.

"What do you mean they weren't real cops? Marcus there's only one type of cop that 911 calls!"

"Lex, I understand that. But can you understand what I'm saying. Ryan must've had some kind of back up or something. He might be dirty."

"As in dirty cop, like a traitor?" I asked. None of this was adding up.

"Yes. We're going home and packing up. It's not safe here right now."

I sat back in my seat and let his words sink in.

"Where are we going?" I asked finally.

"Sofies." He responded. He took a sharp turn and soon enough we were home. Home. I'd never really had a place to call home. After my parents died, I was in foster care, bouncing from family to family.

I ran inside once Marcus opened the door.

"Are they packing anything?" I asked Marcus, referring to Nathan and Rey.

"Take some stuff for Rey. I don't think they are."

I grabbed three suitcases. Marcus grabbed four. I grabbed my bathroom stuff, my makeup and all of that stuff and tossed it in a backpack.

I tossed a bunch of clothed in the suitcases, some of it which I didn't even know I had. I grabbed one more suitcase and packed the rest of my stuff, beings that I didn't really have much.

"Are you done?" Marcus asked.
I tossed a yeah over my shoulder, and then finished zipping the last suitcase.

We packed some stuff into Nathan's car and the rest into Marcus's truck. Nathan and I traded spots. He was already falling asleep and so was Rey. I drove Nathan's car while Reylor fell asleep here and there.

We were on the road for what seemed like hours when we finally pulled into a rest area.

"I'm going to Mcdonald's!" Reylor shouted as she walked over to the fast food restaurant. I had no idea when she woke up, but I happily followed.

Marcus stayed behind and pumped gas. Nathan stayed asleep in Marcus's car.

I walked but turned around and walked back towards where Marcus was.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him.
"Get me a Big Mac, a large fry, and a Gatorade. Oh yeah, and a thing of twenty piece nuggets." He added.

"Seems like you would be the one eating for two." I joked.
"Ha-ha." He laughed sarcastically.

I ran to the enterance, and beings that it was four o'clock in the morning, nobody was really there.

I ordered our food, walked to a high table and connected my phone to the free internet.

I already had my phone paid, but it seemed to help me save my data and whatnot. I looked through in stag ram and realized that Marcus had tagged me in a photo.

I clicked on 'Photos of Me', then clicked the picture he had tagged me in.

It was a picture of Nathan and I laughing uncontrollably on the kitchen floor when we were wrestling and play fighting.

Nathan was laughing so much, that his eyes were squinted to the point that I wasn't sure if they were even open. His mouth was open and he seemed to be laughing, loudly.

I, on the other hand was laughing and slapping Marcus. That was one of the greatest days of my life.

Come to think of it, a life with Marcus is all I need, because in these past few months of living with him, I've learned to love, and appreciate.

I finally have parents again; real ones this time, not foster parents. I have a loving, caring, compassionate, and irreplaceable fiancé that is just, too good to me, too.

I can't forget what a crazy, and outgoing brother-in-law I have as well.

In a weird way, I'm glad that I walked down that alley. I'm glad I decided to walk to the hospital at six o'clock that morning. Because if I hadnt, I wouldn't have been given as much love as I'm recieving.

The cashier called my number and I stood up to go and grab my order. I grab the bags, checked them to make sure everything was in there that I ordered, then walked over to Reylor who had received her meal a few minutes ago.

We walked out and relaxed in Nathan's jeep for a while. It was as if there were no problems, no worries, and was all that I needed in the world at the moment. But I only wished it was that easy.

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