Chapter 20

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Many unwelcome thoughts kept replaying n my mind,. What if Danielle didnt wanna be my friend? Is it worth loosing her friendship over a guy? Will i have to let Austin go just for Danielle? The thought gave me an uncomftorable knot in my stomach so i dismissed it quickly.
I ran upstairs to my room to take a shower, off to my happy place and forget all the things that have happened with Danielle. As the water fell swiftly on my body i closed my eyes and just enjoyed the fresh water making me feel clean. I started day dreaming, daydreaming about......him.....yes, about Austin. In my thoughts i saw me with Austin in the future, still crazy about each other. The thought brought a smile to my face. I love how even in the worst situations possible, just thinking about Austin can make me forget for a while, why does he have that effect on me? and this early?
I finally stepped out of the shower, drying my body i put on some pink shorts and a black tanktop. I dried my hair completely then i threw it into a messy bun and jumped in bed. I looked over at my phone, it was now 7:00pm.
There was also a text message from Austin

From: Austin
"hey babe, i hope you're okay. Dont worry, everything is gonna be okay with your friend, please try not to overthink things. :)"

i smiled as i read his message, i hit reply

"im good Austin, thanks for worrying :)"

Austin's reply was almost instant

From: Austin
"im always worried, i want to see you happy, i wish i could be with you, comforting you x"

a huge grin came upon my face, i felt like a small child getting candy on halloween, but Austin was my candy, my special candy.
i responded quickly

"nothing would make me happier but right now i just need to rest a bit <3"

i stared at my phone desperately waiting for his reply and once again it was almost instant, thank God for imessage.

From: Austin
"alright baby, ill let you rest, i hope you feel better, see you tommorow at school (:"

i composed a final reply before dozing off into my subconscious mind also known as my dreams.

"see you at school, good night babe ;)"

i never liked calling Austin words like baby or babe, it really wasnt my thing,ot kimd of made me uncomftorable but i decided to say it just so he could see im okay. i locked my phone and put it to charge face down, i turned on the "do not disturb" option to avoid getting up in the middle of the night and with that i zoned into a nice restful sleep.


i heard my alarm early in the morning, i immediately rose to my feet. i wasnt tired since i fell asleep super early, i looked over and picked up my phone, i had a text from and unknown number. hmm thats face showed a puzzled expression, i immediately unlocked my phone and read the message, i could not believe my eyes.

"i suggest you stay away from austin if you know what's good for you, i know where you live and i can make your life a living hell."

my face was in shock. my brain immediately thought of danielle. It couldnt be her? could it? i dont think she would go to that extreme. i let the thought doze off and then it hit me! this message was from harley, yes. clearly it has to be. who else is as mad as danielle about this whole situation. damn. should i tell austin? i think that would only be looking for more trouble, but hes my boyfriend, he has to know. My brain was steaming, way too many thoughts going on, i decided to just close the message and lock my phone again.

i headed for my closet to pick out an outfit. after what appeared to be eternity i decided on some black skinny jeans, a loose baby blue shirt and some black converse.

after i was changed i stepped into the bathroom to brush my hair, i decided to put on some light pink blush and some mascara , im not a big make up person. i checked myself in the mirror and i was satisfied with what i saw, i let my long waves of brown hair hang over my shoulders, i then picked up my phone and headed downstairs.


"good morning mom" i called as i ran down the stairs

"good morning hun, heres your breakfast." she set down a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me, well this day suddenly just got better.

i sat down and ate my pancakes with patience, savoring every bite along with a glass of milk, they were delicious.

"how was your day yesterday michaela?" my mom asked curiously and anxiously

"it was great mom, Austin took me to an amusement park, we rode a roller coaster and he also won me a giant teddy bear, its up in my room." a huge grin came on my face recalling yesterday's events

"thats wonderful darling, im glad you had fun, Austin seems like a really nice boy, take care of him, guys like him dont come around too often." oh mom, if only you knew how austin was with all the other girls. using them for sex. seems like a pretty normal guy to me.

the thought of Austin using girls for sex comes unwelcome but i cant help but think the most disturbing thoughts, Austin and bed....eeww, talk about a disgusting image.
ugh i dont wanna think about this any longer, ill probably vomit.

at least he trusted me enought to tell me, thats a start.

"yeah, hes great mom." i smile forcefully still thinking about how Austin only wanted me for sex to begin with.

my subconscious argues with me 'GET OVER IT! he likes you, and you should be grateful he told you.'
strangely, the thoughts from within my conscious mind are right, other guys wouldnt have ever confessed to what Austin did, he also trusted me enough to tell me about his dad, maybe i should just get over it.

As i pick up my plate and head over to the sink i feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket, God please not another anonymous text. i slowly pull my phone out not wanting to look at the name on my screen. i finally take a peek and i finally breathe, i didnt even know i was holding my breath. i smile at my phone.

From: Austin

"good morning babe, i hope you slept well, i'll be over at your house in 2 minutes to pick you up for school, i want the whole school to know i'm the luckiest guy alive to have someone like you. x"

the message brings extreme joy to me. wow. austin wants to show me off at school, i would have never guessed that all of this could happen in one weekend.

"why so smiley?" my mom asks as she stares at my unerasable grin

i blush "oh, Austin is gonna pick me up for school."

my mother smiles "see michaela, thats why i like that boy, he cares about you. im not home most of the time so im glad i know you have someone who looks out after you."

inside, im jumping up and down at how much my mom likes Austin, this is great.

i rush over to get my keys and my bag while Austin waits in the living room with my mom, i suddenly remember the anonymous text message from earlier this morning, should i tell Austin?
i dont wanna ruin his day so i guess i'll just tell him later.

i rush downstairs and Austin is waiting, he glances at me and then stares, my mother is no longer in the room so i greet him with a peck on the lips.

"you ready to go?" he asks

i nod and he grabs my hand.

as were walking out i yell "MOM, IM LEAVING."

she yells back from another room "OKAY SWEETIE, BE CAREFUL, LOVE YOU!"

i smile "LOVE YOU TOO!"

austin laughs and i jokingly hit him on the shoulder, we then make our way to his neatly parked red range rover.


We're in the student parking lot at school, and like always all of Austin's friends are waiting there for their "leader"

Austin pulls in and neatly parks the car next to a white bmw. i dont even realize that im shaking, what are people gonna say? but then again. why do i care what his friends think? he likes me and thats all that should matter. right?

he looks over at me and gives my hand a comforting squeeze, i look up at him, his soft hazel eyes locked on mine "michaela, you have nothing to be nervous about, you're beautiful and i could care less what other people have to say."

his words are comforting and i relax a bit, i give him an assuring smile that im okay.

he then releases my hand and steps out of the car, i can hear his friends greet him from inside the car.

"ayo whats up Austin."
"whats up bro?"
"why didnt you hit us up mahone?"
"you missed a great party with some fine ass girls."

His friends are so stupid, Austin simply ignored his clearly immature crew and headed to the passenger seat to open my door. they looked at him in confusion and when austin opened my door they were desperate to see who i was, Austin was kind of blocking my face so they couldnt really see. i could hear them whispering to one another questioning who i was. i then stepped out of the car and austin grabbed my hand as he shut the car door. i felt so awkward but yet proud that Austin wanted everyone to know who i was, ha! take that Harley! Robert, Alex, Tyler, and Zach all looked at me confused and with anticipation and awe, they're faces looked liked they had just seen some obscene extrterrestrail like creature, but they didnt dare question Austin.

We walked hand in hand into the building, Austin squeezed my hand a bit tighter and pulled me closer to him. his little crew then followed behind us quietly.
i honestly felt like some sort of important celebrity, all eyes were on us, not a single word except a few whispers here and there. all these people are aware that i, michaela wilson, am Austin Mahone's girlfriend and they are all in awe.

TAKEN (Austin Mahone Fanfiction) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now