Chapter 32

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so day 1 of 5 of daily updates starts today. i know its a little late but i wanted to make this chapter good (not that any of them are good but you know what i mean) i hope you guys enjoy it.
i hope i can get 10 comments and maybe 40 votes on this one too (i hope its not too much to ask for). sorry i dont mean to sound like im begging but i love when you guys vote and comment, it gives me motivation to write.
fan, follow, vote, and comment 😊

im in my last class and the time just doesnt seem to go by, i look over to the clock and the seconds seem eternal.

class finally ends and the bell rings. i quickly grab my stuff and im the first one out the door. as im walking down the halls looking for austin i find myself nervous, we havent talked at all for about a week. what if he found a new "special friend"
i ignore the thought and continue my mission to find Austin.
im guessing that danielle left with alex because theyre no where to be seen, in all honesty im glad that danielle wont be here. shes my best friend and all but i know she can easily make me overthink things.
i reach the school parking lot and there he is, that beautiful brown haired boy. hes talking to his friends. i almost forgot how beautiful his smile was and how his perfect hazel eyes managed to make me nervous every time he looked at me.
As im approaching him he looks up and he notices me. His expression is unreadable and his friends seem to notice because they all turn to look at me.
I find myself more nervous than i was.
I finally reach him and he seems to not believe that i am standing here

"can we talk?" i whisper

he simply nods and then ridirects his attention towards his friends
"i'll talk to you guys later and we'll decide about that party."

Party? Hes gonna have a party with his friends? Will there be girls there? I really hope he hasnt moved on already because i wont forgive myself for that.

The environment around us is awkward and quiet, i seem to be lost for words.

"um, do you want a ride?" he finally speaks

i just nod and give him a warm smile.

We head to his range rover and as expected he opens the door for me.

i buckle up and he climbs on to the car.
He starts driving and theres nothing but awkward silence. i dont know what to say.
i just wanna hug him and kiss him and tell him that im sorry and i was an idiot for not believing him but theres something holding me back.
i decide to try to break the awkward silence.

"so you and your friends are having a party?" i bravely ask

"oh, yeah its zach's birthday and they wanted th throw a big birthday bash at my place."

"oh, sounds fun."


i can imagine how weird he feels. why cant i say anything to him. ugh i hate being such a scaredy cat. we cant keep making small talk and pretend that nothings wrong.
For some reason this 5 minute drive seems to be a 5 hour drive.

We finally pull up to my drive way and he unlocks the door. i have to say something.

"Austin!" i finally speak up

"yes michaela?" he looks up confused

"im sorry." my voice is so low almost like a whisper


i try to hold back all my mixed emotions

"for not believing you about harley."


why is he being so quiet, i want him to forgive me. i want to go back to being michaela AND austin not just michaela......and......austin.

theres silence for a few seconds. hes looking down at his fingers not saying a word. all i can hear is his steady breathing.

im a fool. this is austin mahone we're talking about. he could have any girl he wants at a moments notice. what could possibly make me think that he still wants me? i try to hold in my tears thinking that i just lost him. i simply open the car and try to get out and run to my house.

As i try to get out i get a familiar feeling. Austin tugging me back from my wrist. oh how i missed him doing that. i turn to look at him and before i can say anything he plants his lips firmly on mine, kissing me. hard. oh how i missed how his lips tasted like mint every time. i dont hesitate and i give in kissing him back. his lips fit so perfectly on mine and our movements are steady yet passionate at the same time, he cups my face with his hands and when i try to open my mouth for a breath i feel him tugging on my bottom lip asking for an entrance. i quickly oblige and i can feel his tongue roaming and deepening our kiss.
i can honestly say this is the best kiss ive ever had. not that i have many to comoare to considering austin was my first actual kiss. I did kiss a boy named jason in 2nd grade but i was dared to so that doesnt really count.

We pull away and i have a smile on my face. Wow, i never realized how much i ACTUALLY missed him this past week. His eyes meet mine and he leans in and hugs me. I hug him back and his scent attacks me, he smells of a combination of sweat and axe but i like it, as a matter of fact i love it. he nuzzels my hair and gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"i missed you so much baby." he whispers

i look up and give him a kiss on the cheek "me too."

this moment could honestly not get any better.

we pull away and we look at each other smiling like complete idiots.

"im glad you came back to me. i was worried i lost you."

*Austin's POV*

i look at michaela and i am amazed at how she still manages to make me feel the same way i felt when i first met her. i missed her laugh, her voice, her smile.
The thought of her paying more attention to Alex made me furious. even though i knew Alex had a thing for her friend danielle the fact that he was spending time with her and i wasnt made me want to punch him in the face.

I walk out of the car and go open her door so i can walk her to her doorstep.

i grab her hand and help her down. shes so small and so fragile compared to me. she looks so cute coming out of my range rover. i hold her hand and entwine our fingers and she smiles. i missed holding her hand, i dont think ive ever felt this way about any other girl. except besides Katelyn but shes moved on now and im glad i was able to move on as well.

"so does this mean your my baby again?" i joke knowing the answer to that already

she blushes. i love how i still manage to make her nervous.

"depends if youre willing to buy me a teddy bear." she teases

"i'll buy you anything you want as long as youre with me babe."
i wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck. i feel her nails feeling through my hair and she leans up planting soft kisses on my jaw. i tilt my head back in pleasure. She continues the torturing pleasure and i cant control myself and i kiss her lips again, hard. she keeps her arms around me tugging at my hair and i let out a soft moan. i feel her smile at her accomplishment under the kiss.

We pull away again

"wow. that was fucking hot. we should get mad at each other more often." i smirk

she does that little cute thing where she blushes and hides her face as if shes embarrased. i know it makes her nervous when i make remarks like that but thats one of the reasons why i adore her. her innocence is so cute.

i remove her hands from her face and peck her nose.

"i missed you austin."

oh how i wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth. if she only knew how much her absence in my life has affected me too.

"i missed you too baby."

its starting to get cold and i feel her shivering under my arms.

"i should probably go in now. its getting cold."

i squeeze her into my embrace not wanting to let her go .

"we always have body heat."
she looks up at me and i wink at her.

"as amazingly tempting as that sounds, i really have to go inside. plus i have alot of homework to do."

"okay babe but before you go i have to give you something."

she looks confused as i reach in for my pocket and pull out the necklace she gave back to me the day of our fight.

i wrap it around her neck and she grabs her hair allowing me to feel her nice soft skin.

she holds the necklace and she looks at me and she looks like she wants to cry.

"oh. dont you want it if you dont want to you dont have to wear it. its okay, its really up to you. i dont really care."
i lie, obviously i care alot and i want her to wear it.

she giggles at me.

"of course i wanna wear it, its just. why did you have it in your jeans?"

"ive kept it with me all these days just in case you decided come back with me. i was really hoping you would."

why the hell am i suddenly nervous. Austin Carter Mahone doesnt ever get nervous.

she hugs me once again and kisses my lips.

"thank you." she smiles

"you're welcome. ill be here tommorow to pick you up for school."


she gives me an assertive smile before going into her house.
i walk back to my car and when i close the door im smiling like an idiot but i dont care, i just got my girl back!


haha thanks for reading 😘

TAKEN (Austin Mahone Fanfiction) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now