Chapter 24

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*Michaela's POV*

As we're on our way to my house, the car ride is awkwardly silent, this isnt like Austin, he's usually his sweet yet cocky self, is there something wrong that hes not telling me? i have to know.

I turn to look at Austin and he looks lost in his thoughts, his focus isnt completely on the road. As we turned the corner to reach my house he almost passed a stop sign, if it wasn't for the fact that i told him to stop he would have kept going.

When we finally reach my house, i instantly open the door and try to get out of the car as soon as possible. As i unbuckle my seatbelt and try to step out i feel Austin grab my hand, i turn to look at him, he has a look of guilt and he seems almost apologetic. his voice is almost like a whisper.

"Michaela, im sorry."

im starting not to like this, what is he sorry for? what is he hiding?

he now has my full attention and i close the door so we have more privacy to talk.

"Austin. is everything ok?" i ask worried

he stays quiet for a bit as if hes thinking of an answer.

"yeah, everything's fine, its just." his voice trails off and he doesnt finish his sentence

i am concerned. did someone do something to Austin, maybe it was Harley. maybe she threatened him.

"Austin? does this have something to do with harley?"

*Austin's POV*

Oh No! does Michaela know about what just happened, i completely freeze when she asks if this has to do with Harley. I dont wanna lie to her but i also dont want her to think i had something to do with harley while i was with her. Im not exactly sure what Harley is capable of but i dont want her to do something to jeopardize my relationship with Michaela.

"No, this has nothing to do with Harley, i've just um, been feeling kind of sick lately." obviously im lying but im doing it to protect Michaela's feelings, i dont want her to think i cheated on her when thats clearly not the case, it was Harley, Shes the one who was all up on me and i didnt even kiss her back, as a matter of fact, i pushed her away because i felt disgusted.

Michaela looks at me and she seems unsure, her face is unreadable.

"Are you sure thats it Austin?"

i furrow my eyebrows and i feel my heartbeat increasing with every second. i cant tell her, she will be devastated.

"Yeah babe, ive been having a very bad headache and all i wanna do is just get some rest." i lie again.

A look of worry comes on her face

"Austin, are you hurt? do you need to see a doctor or something." she asks with a worry that sounds almost motherly, its so cute.

i giggle "No, its not so severe, i think i just need to get some rest, ill feel better tommorow."

Michaela sighs "ok Austin, ill let you go so you can rest, ill see you tommorow."

She gives me a warm smile and opens her door to get out of the car. Right when shes about to step out i grab her hand again.

"Hey! dont i get a goodbye kiss?"

she giggles and leans back in and kisses me softly on the corner of my lips.

She then smiles and steps out of the car.

She closes the door and turns back to look at me with a smile. I smile back at her and wave just before i drive off.

*Michaela's POV*

When Austin drives off i go into my house and i find myself alone. i walk over to the kitchen and see a note on the counter.

'hey hunny, sorry i wont be joining you for dinner today, i got called in for work again and im not sure at what time ill be back. love you.'

well this sucks, im all alone again. i just hate how my mom works so much, i know shes a nurse and she has things to do but hey im her daughter and i need her attention too.

So my boyfriend is sick and my mom is not home, what am i gonna do now.

i decide to just take a shower, eat something and take a nap.


After i've showered and ive ate some leftover pizza i decide to get some rest, luckily i didnt have homework so thats great. before i jump into bed i check my phone for any messages, strangely i didnt have any messages, not even from Austin or Danielle.

I feel so weird because its only 6 pm and im already going to bed, this must be what it feels like to have no friends.

I try not to let the idea get to my head but to some extent i cant help but feel kind of sad that Austin didnt even bother to text me. Maybe im just being overdramatic but who knows.

i decide to be the bigger person and just text him

To: Austin <3

'Hey babe, i hope you feel better, im kind of tired so im gonna go to sleep already, good night :) '

i lock my phone and within about a minute it buzzes

From: Austin <3

'lazy butt! youre already going to sleep? haha just kidding, i feel better now babe dont worry. good night beautiful, sweet dreams and ill see you tommorow :)'

i sit there smiling at my screen like and idiot. i re read the text a good 10 times before turming off my phone and falling into a deep sleep.


The next morning i am awaken by not my regular alarm but by my phone going off. hmm didnt i out my phone on "do not disturb" mode at night? hmm i guess not.

i look over at the time and its 6:30 am, ehh, it was already time for me to get up anyway so whatever. damn! i cant believe i slept about 12 hours, thats a new record.

i then redirect my attention back to my phone. i have 3 new messages, one from Austin, one from danielle, and one from an unknown number which looks kind of familiar, it must be harley "threatening" me again. i decide to ignore her message and just open Austin's and Danielle's. I smile at their "good morning" texts.

I finally get up and make my way to my closet, As im searching for an outfit i become curious as to what that message may contain but i cant let her get the best of me so im just not gonna open the message.

I finally decide on black skinny jeans, a baby blue tank top with a cream colored cardigan and some black converse. once im changed i go into the bathroom to do my hair. instead of leaving it down in its natural waves i decide to put it up in a half ponytail and i put on some small heart shaped eaarings.

i look at myself in the mirror and im somewhat satisfied with what i see.

i head downstairs and as usual my mom has prepared me pancakes. i devour them in the quickness.

As im picking up my plate i hear my phone again, i quickly set the plate on the sink and run back to the dining table to check my phone , its a text from Austin.

From: Austin <3

'hey babe, im right outside your house :)'

I quickly grab my book bag and give my mom a kiss goodbye before going out to meet Austin.


When we arrive to school i decide to meet with danielle

"i'll see you later babe." Austin kisses me before he heads with his friends and i head off to find Danielle.

As im walking throught he halls i suddenly see Harley standing by her locker with her friends Katelyn, Chrissy, and Briana. Great! just what i needed.

I try to walk faster and just avoid them.

"Look there she goes." chrissy says to harley signaling her to look at me. i turn to look at them and theyre all laughing at me.

"Hows your boyfriend?" Briana asks sarcastically while trying to hold in her laughter

i dont see what so funny.

"You guys are pathetic." i spat

"we're not the ones that have a jerk as a boyfriend!" Chrissy calls out

What are they talking about, i know theyre stupid but now theyre reaching a new level of stupidity.

"What are you guys talking about?" i ask

Briana laughs "didnt you get Harley's text this morning?"

"As a matter of fact i did get it but that message is as relevant to me as she is to Austin so i decided not to open it." i pat myself on the back as the words escape my mouth.

Harley furrows her eyebrows and looks at me. "i told you not to mess with me."

i keep a straight face "you dont frighten me Harley."

i see chrissy and briana looking at us taking in every word we say to each other.

"i should frighten you. you have no idea what im capable of." harley almost whispers

i laugh "crazy much?!"

i hear Briana and Chrissy giggling but then they stay quiet when harley gives them a dirty look. i then direct my attention to Katelyn who hasnt said anything, she just stood there minding her own business. Well, at least one of her Harley's friends is decent.

Harley then turns to look at me "its funny knowing that Austin doesnt care for you half as much as you think, you think youre such a big shot now but youre no better than any other girl Austin has ever dated, you're nothing special, so dont think you are."

"just because you let Austin treat you like shit doesnt mean he'll do the same to me, im not like you Harley!" i say to her

"If you dont believe me, just take a look at that message."

She then turns to her friends and they start walking away.

i see them walk away and decide to not pay her any mind and just go my own way looking for Danielle, i finally find her standing outside the library where we usually meet.

"what took you so long Michaela?" she asks

"sorry i had a slight interruption." i smile


Before first period starts i decide to go to the bathroom, Danielle went off to class and i went to the bathroom, when i finished i washed my hands. Before i went to class i started thinking about what Harley said. How chrissy and briana were saying Austin was a jerk and how i should read that message to understand, maybe theyre just trying to get the best of me?
To get myself out of doubts i pull out my phone to see the message. Strangely its a picture message. i find myself nervous, my heart beat accelerating as i open the message. The picture is taking a bit to download which makes me more nervous about what i might see.

Before i knew it the picture was visible and i couldnt believe my eyes at what i was seeing, That picture was taken yesterday, i recognize the outfit austin was wearing and its right outside my sixth period class but hes with harley, and hes kissing her!

TAKEN (Austin Mahone Fanfiction) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now