Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Elsie’s POV

“El?” Emma called my name as she walked into my room.

“Yes?” I sang playfully and she stopped in her tracks and quirked an eyebrow at me.

“Someone’s excited for her wedding…exactly 4 days from now,” she said, glancing at her watch. I grinned.

“You know it,” I replied and she sat on my bed and threw the book in my hands across the room for it to land on my desk. I didn’t hear it impact the wood and I looked over at the door to see Nathan holding the book in one hand, clearly catching it.

“Nice,” Emma commented and Nathan winked at us. I only rolled my eyes as Nathan came to sit next to me on my bed as well.

“Right, back to business. I feel that having a wedding with just us,” she paused, referring to her and Sam and Nathan’s clan, and continued on, “would be boring,” she finished flatly and I laughed at her expression.

“What do you suggest, then?” Nathan inquired.

“Well, El, you haven’t met the Harrisons…. They’re another clan we’re very much close to, just like Nathan’s. I think it’d be great for you to meet them and I’m sure that they’d love to see Nathan finally get married,” Emma grinned at Nathan cheekily and Nathan made a face.

“You must’ve been a real loner before me…” I muttered and his eyes widened in disbelief at what I just said.

“She’s right, Nath,” Emma stated and I burst out laughing. Nathan tackled me onto the bed and Emma screamed and covered her eyes.

“Children, just tell me give me a warning next time!” She yelled and Nathan placed his weight on his arms, still on top of me and grinning.

“Sorry, Em,” I apologized and shoved Nathan out of the way with too much force than intended and he landed on the floor. “Oh, sorry!” I apologized again, looking over the edge of my bed and Nathan pouted.

“Make it better,” he said. I knew his fall didn’t affect him at all.

“How?” I chuckled and he hesitated and looked at Emma first then back to me.

“Maybe later…” he muttered and I realized what he meant.

“Oh God, okay,” Emma exclaimed and she started walking out the door. “So I’ll give the Harrisons a call, ‘kay? You’ll love them!” She added and then she was fully out of view.

I turned my attention back to Nathan who was still sitting on the floor. “Unbelievable,” I stated and he just smiled like a small boy.

“Can you make me feel better now?” He asked with a smirk and I shook my head.

“Nope,” I said, popping the ‘p.’ I picked my book up and flipped through it to find the page I was on and began reading. Nathan climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around my middle from behind and trailed kisses from behind my neck to the base of it. I maneuvered my view of my book around his head and I groaned when he kept moving at the same time I was moving.

“Nath,” I said sternly, but my voice faltered when he kissed my sweet spot and I felt his smirk against my skin. His lips moved to my ear and I flinched slightly when his breath tickled my ear. At this point I was completely still—I didn’t really have a choice.

“I want you so bad, you’ll need crutches when I’m done with you…” he whispered and I couldn’t help but laugh. I made eye contact with him and the lust in his eyes was completely gone, which made me laugh even more.

“Sorry,” I managed to get out in between laughs.

“You ruined the moment, El,” A voice I recognized to be Jay’s, said, and my head snapped up to the door…I should really close that more often these days.

“Go away,” Nathan mumbled from my behind my hair and Jay pretended to be offended.

“Fine, don’t go hunting with us…” Jay stuck his tongue out and I sprang up from the bed excitedly.

“It’s cold now.” Nathan whined and I chuckled.

“Come on.” I said and Nathan took my hand.

Jay exited my bedroom and Nathan kissed my knuckles. “I can’t wait for you to be my wife.”

A/N: God, that was a terrible chapter.....why did I even bother updating today :P  I didn't want to waste my efforts tonight, so there ya go.

Note to self: try not to update on weekdays as you are very distracted.

This is what school does to me.... Oh well.

Till next time :) xx

Edited December 30, 2013

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