Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Nathan’s POV

I sat on top of one of the highest trees, pondering on what my life has become. After a hundred years, I couldn’t be happier to have finally found my mate, and it makes me even happier to know that our wedding is tomorrow…actually, it’s in eight hours seeing as it's midnight, but I’ve no doubt my groomsmen and myself can get ready in no time.

“Nath! Come on, lad, your bachelor’s party is over; come down from that tree and let’s get going!” Tom yelled from the base of the tree and I swiftly climbed down and jumped the last 10 feet.

“I enjoyed that,” I stated.

“What, hunting big game?” Max said as he finished off a large deer.

“Yeah, it’s nice to know I’m still capable of taking down a bear,” I smirked.

“I’m sure you put those skills to the test in the bedroom,” Jay muttered immaturely and I narrowed my eyes at him. He only laughed.

“I’m also sure the girls are fussing over last minute things with Elsie,” Siva clapped a hand on my shoulder and I hummed in response. I had no doubt about that either.

Despite our little party having ended exactly 4 hours ago, us men have been hanging out in the woods, talking endlessly about anything. At one point, Sam gave me his best dad talk. I tried my best not to laugh at his ridiculousness. At around dawn we made our way back to the house where we heard the females’ voices ring around every corner of the house form the inside. We all managed to block them out just so we won’t get accused of ruining the surprise and whatnot. Upon entering the house, we all groaned at the sight of the stairs being barricaded by a large white blanket with a sticky note on it saying, “You shall not pass.”

I laughed at the Lord of the Rings connection and us men went down to the large basement where we had kept our suits a few nights before, knowing the ladies would completely occupy the second floor.


“Has anyone seen my other shoe?” Emmett’s deep voice sounded out from across the basement and I heard Carlisle chuckle. Who knew a vampire could misplace things?

“Here,” I heard Jasper say and then a muted thud followed.

“Thanks,” Emmett called out. I’m guessing Jasper had chucked Emmett’s shoe at him.

“You’re not nervous, are you?” Jay said from behind me and I shook my head. “Good. Because this will be the best day of your life, followed by your honeymoon in—“ I cut Jay off. It’s supposed to be a surprise, so I silenced him.

“Hush, child,” I patted his coat pocket and he gave me a cheeky smile.

“Okay, Nath, okay.”


I looked up at the sky and observed its blueness. The temperature was just right, and a breeze would pass by every so often. The ladies had taken their seats, as well as the rest of the boys, minus Tom, who I had standing next to me as I had chosen him to be my best man. It was a hard decision, really. I had agreed to pick a name out of a hat just so it’d feel fair for them all. I chuckled at the memory. Next thing I knew, Edward was playing the Wedding March delicately on the piano and everyone stood up. The pastor a few steps away from me adjusted his glasses and shifted on his feet. We obviously had to make him assume that this is a human wedding. The big, white cake was the centerpiece of the round table, surrounded by eight bottles of champaign. I was already thinking of having to eat and drink that stuff. We’d all have to chuck it back up later, though, but we had to put on a little show for the pastor as he was staying for the reception.

Bringing myself back to reality, I focus on the beautiful woman walking gracefully towards us-- towards me. Elsie looked gorgeous in her white gown, but then again, she’s always been gorgeous. She smiled at me and had obviously sped up her walk a little, making our intimate audience laugh.

Not long after, we’d said our vows and slid the rings on our fingers and shared our first kiss as husband and wife.

“Finally,” I said against her lips and she giggled.

“Who’s ready to party?!” Tom yelled and all of us laughed. Everything was so perfect; I felt like I was going to burst from all the joy in the air.

I took Elsie’s hand and we walked down the aisle, only to be swamped by our family’s hugs and kisses.

A/N: I realize it's been a month since I updated this story, and I'd just like to thank those who're reading this for being so patient. Things have been hectic recently and I hope you excuse me for that! Anyway, I hope you liked that little wedding scene, and the reception/honeymoon/drama scenes should be up during this week :D  Till next time xx

Edited December 30, 2013

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