Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Elsie's POV

This couldn't be happening. I felt like I was going to burst into flames.

"She didn't even leave a note-something," Nathan said, after he took her body down from the rope. The whole process was like in slow motion; I had to look away. I couldn't bear to see my best friend that way. We set her on her bed and decided to call the authorities.

"Is this her daughter?" The policeman asked. Louisa looked up briefly and went back to playing with her dolls. She doesn't know that her mother is gone-she's too young.

"Yes. Louisa," I added and he nodded.

"If she has no godparents, I'm afraid she'll have to be put in a home..." he rubbed the back of his neck as I shook my head.

"No, we're her godparents," I stated.

"Really? We need proof, Ms." He told me and I inched closer, and Nathan grabbed my shoulder gently.

"No you don't, because I'm sure we'll take care of Louisa much better than a home can. So you let us take her and reassure Matilda that her daughter is in good hands," I told him defiantly. He looked at me with a dazed expression before nodding his head. My charms were working on him.

"I'll sort it out." He finally said and he went off to talk to the other officers.

Nathan looked at me in shock and whispered in my ear, "Don't ever do that again. You're mine." I only smirked at him and told him that it was for something good.

They still took Louisa to a children's home that night, but a court hearing was scheduled at the end of our two week stay in London, which was perfect timing, as I had no doubt we'd be able to gain custody of her. To be honest, I was excited at the idea of taking care of a child. Tilda, however, wasn't going to have a proper burial. I had no contact with her family, though I'm sure the authorities have contacted them, but I had a feeling we'd have to meet them at the day of the court trial. They might want to take Louisa.

"Why?" Nathan suddenly asked. We were walking back to the hotel in silence. I looked up at his stressed face and frowned.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do that?" He asked, his tone getting stronger.

"What, ask to adopt Louisa? She's my best friend's daughter, plus she'd be better off with us than being with Tilda's messed up family, or a foster home," I challenged and his eyes snapped at my direction.

"She's human. And vampires don't take care of's always been about mates," he said a little softer and I felt infuriated. It's like it's all about mating and nothing more-no family factor at all.

"You're unbelievable. I'm going to change that, whether you're with me or not in this," I began to walk faster and he easily caught up with me, but he said nothing more up until we finally entered our hotel room.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly and I turned around. "I should be on your side and support you 100%."

"Yeah. You should," I said simply and sat on the edge of the bed, not even taking off of my coat. "I think Louisa would be good for us..."

"I think so, too," Nathan said and he sat down next to me. I smiled at him when I saw his genuine eyes.

"We're going to be parents!" I whispered and Nathan laughed softly.

"It's so unheard of...'vampire parents.'" He shook his head as he laughed.

"Change is always good," I said and he nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll get Louisa. I'm sure Tilda wouldn't have had it any other way," he thought out loud and I agreed. Perhaps that's why she had gone. She knew Louisa would be in good hands; it was just all too soon.

"I hope so. We just have to anticipate her family's say in this," I pointed out and Nathan hummed in response. He was already at my neck and I giggled.

"That's definitely something we'd have to control when we get Louisa." I said and we both laughed.

"How are we going to tell the others?" I asked worryingly and Nathan whipped his phone out.

"Let's call them now. Then I get to suck your blood."


"WHAT?" They chorused and I rolled my eyes at Nathan and he did the same. We had just told everyone, word for word, that we're trying to gain legal custody of a child.

"This is going to be so great!" I heard Emma squeal and I smiled. I also caught Rosalie exclaim, "Another baby!" She's always been a sucker for children in general.

"Thank you!" I said sarcastically as I threw my hands up in the air and Emma continued to giggle.

"Be careful, though. We don't want a repeat of Bella and Edward," Emmett warned and I nodded as if they could see me nod. The night the Harrisons visited us before the wedding, Edward and Bella's revelation of a story was shared. Their daughter, Renesmee, was conceived and born whilst Bella was still human. Naturally, this was unheard of in the vampire world, but the whole family pushed past the accusations of Renesmee being an immortal child-- a huge no-no.

"But this is different. We have no relation to Louisa whatsoever. We're just going to take care of her as if she's our own," Nathan argued and an ensemble of agreements rang down the line. The good thing is is that we have the whole clans' support, and that's all that matters.

This was really happening for us.

But I'll never understand why Tilda ended her life.

A/N: Awww, they're fighting for Louisa! Lol, I'm sorry for that little out burst. So guys, this fanfic, is unfortunately, ending soon! I might be able to crank out a few more chapters, but everything comes to an end, right? Thanks for all your support, and in the mean time, comment and vote! Xx

Edited December 30, 2013

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