Chapter 7

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Noel's POV

After telling Jake, the whole thing. I felt so ashamed of myself. I allowed people to try over me, such a bitch I was.

I eye contacted with him, his face was showing anger, but i looked carefully in his eyes and found a hint of hurt. I was most probably ashamed. I didn't realized that I had already started crying.

"Jake, are you okay?" I asked politely.

"No, I'm not okay Noel! How can a person do that hilarious thing? He think that you are a toy, anyone can come and play with you, for shitty money. You have self-respect. You have to standup for yourself Noel, we have to find that guy and need to show him his limits" he yelled and I just startled.

"No, I can't standup, I can't make fun of myself over and over again." I said looking down. I couldn't be possibly saying that now, after 6 months!

"I want to die do you understand that?" I yelled at him.

"What! are you insane, Noel? First off remove all the thoughts of dying from your mind, standup by your own, not for you at least for those girls, he has been playing till now and god knows, who's going be the next!" He said

Yes Jake was right, I couldn't see him spoiling other girls life as well. I have been through this and I knew everything.

"Yes, you are right Jake. I can't see him spoiling other girls life for bullshit money. I can't let this happen to anyone, especially in front of my eyes. As I know everything." I said him with full of strength in me and yes! I could fight.

"But Jake don't you feel ashamed or different about me now?" I managed to ask him somehow.

"Are you seriously asking me this Noe? You know, you are the most amazing girl I have ever seen in my life and you are way better strong then you think of yourself. I know how kind, loyal amd awesome person you are nothing's gonna change my point of you towards that. Im still the same Jake to you and will always be. I promise! "

"Im so sorry for doing all this and yes I can stand up for myself! " I cheered

"That's my Noel, just give me minute!" he chuckled

He took out his phone, and called someone.

After a couple of minutes...

Sienna came in my room, I guessed Jake called her.

"Hey, you were in such a good mood yesterday, i thought everything will be all right, what's the matter today, El?" She asked.

Jake came forward and told her whole story about my plan for suicide. I was just scared of her reaction.
She knew about what Ryan had done to me.

She came forward slapped me, hard.

"Ouch!! What the hell Sie, are you mad?" I yelled, rubbing my hands on my cheeks.

"I'm not! Noel, are you out of your mind. How dare you...decided to commit suicide?!" she yelled back, already in tears.

I didn't said anything, because I knew it was my fault. And I was ashamed of that. I looked down, I didn't even looked in her eyes.

"Listen, I am sorry for slapping you, but how can I see my sister dying? Noel we all love you. We all love our brave Noel, not this weak Noel, who gives up. Just remember we all are with you, be strong and fight." she assured me.

"Yes, Sie I will. Jake also told me about that." I said, full of strength and Jake chuckled.

"You understand now what I wanted to fill that in your brain since that day." She sighed and I shrugged.

"Thanks Jake!" She said and he smiled.

"Any of you have Ryan's number?" Jake asked

"No I deleted from my phone, that day's next morning, and he changed his number." I answered.

"I have, but I tried to find him. But he's number was not reachable." Sienna said.

"Give me his number, I need to go through it" Jake said, anger never left his face. Sie gave him Ryan's number. He tried to call on that number. But that number was not available.

"It's over now, guys no need of doing this. What was going to happen, it happened." I said, losing hope.

"No, its not over Noel, its just a beginning, you don't worry. I'll find him soon, wherever that jerk is." Jake said.

Sie's phone started ringing, she picked up the call. It was Barbara, she told.

No i don't.
Forget it, can you send me his pic.
Of course.
Yeah, bye.

"What happened Sie?" I asked her.

"Uhmm... Barbara said she's dating a boy who's name is R-Ryan Lorgan." She said, guilt clear in her eyes.

"What!!! I don't believe this." I said widening my eyes. It couldn't be possible! He was gone and no more living in this city, how did Barbs made Ryan her boyfriend? Maybe he was someone else. I thought.

"You have to believe this now!" Jake said running his hands through his hairs.

"Okay" I simply answered

"Wait! Guys she's sending me his pic" Sie said, restlessly looking on the screen.

After few seconds of waiting, her phone buzzed.

"Hey, guys see he's that jerk only!" she said

For a few seconds, I was shocked. The person I loved so much, he cheated on me. Why?

"So, here he is" Jake said

"But how did she met him?" I asked

"Even, I don't know. She didn't told me much about him" Sie replied

"Call Barbara and ask her for a coffee tomorrow with us" Jake said

"Fine" Sei replied.

"So, girls I'm leaving now. Better not to do anything" Jake said pointing towards me.

"Yeaa, I'm going to stay here." Sie replied, narrowing her eyes towards me.

"Okay, guys i promise. I'm not going to do anything!" I assured them.

"Fine, Bye" he said and left.

She kept on telling me random stuffs to lighten up my mood and I was lucky as hell to have her.

How was it? *cross fingers*

We were wondering if we should name the chapters, what do you all think? Let us know.

Votes and comments! Neva forget!

~Kiran and Himanshi

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