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           The young girl sat at the cafe, sipping on hot coffee. Winters in Chicago can be so brutal with the cold temperatures and many inches of snow on the ground.


       "I hope she comes." She mumbled, searching around for the person.

        The front door opened and she let out a relieved sigh. She made it. She smiled as she saw the young girl sitting at the table with her coffee. "Hey, Natahalia." The young girl greeted her guest as they sat down on the other side of the table. "Are you ready?" Natahalia asked she began playing with her thumbs nervously.

         She didn't seem relaxed.


      "Well tell me about your mom." The young girl said as she pulled out the pen she planned to right with.

       Natahalia began weeping with her hands in her face. "I'm sorry, but this is hard, Brianna!" Natahalia cried out. "It's okay, this is for Nicole, this is for you, this is for Nevaeh." The young girl replied comforting Natahalia. "You're right." Natahalia agreed and toughened up.


       "Let's do this. Well my mom and her family moved here to Chicago from Dominican Republic." Natahlia began as Brianna began writing down the things Natahalia said.

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