Chapter 8 - The date (part one)

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I thought you might want to see what the main characters face looks like so here's a picture of Zyana from when she was getting ready for the date.

-Georgia xx


I am instantly nervous, what if I am dressed too fancy, what if he brought the motorbike, how am I going to ride that in this outfit?

"Zyana?" I hear Jayden's voice from the other side of the door.

"Coming!" I reply before opening the door to where Jayden is standing, looking as gorgeous as ever. He has blue jeans on and a black T-shirt.

"Wow!" he breathes and I smile at his comment knowing that this morning's preparations did their job. "You look beautiful" Jayden tells me while his eyes look over me.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." I say with a smile. "Shall we go?" I ask.

"Sounds good." He replies and we head out of the door, to... the car?

"You brought a car?" I ask, surprise evident in my voice.

"Yeah, well I wasn't sure if you like the bike and-"

"I'm glad you brought the car, considering I'm wearing a skirt and all. But for next time, I like the rush I feel when I'm on the bike." Kinda like the rush I feel when I'm with you, I add in my head.

"I'm glad you like it" Jayden replies with a wink while he opens the car door for me and I get in.

"So, where are we headed?" I ask.

"Well we have a few places, and I'm not really sure if you will like them but they are special to me so I thought I would share them with you"

"Thanks, I'm sure I will love them" I say as we pull up to a massive modern looking building.

"We're here" Jayden tells me as he gets out of the car and comes around to open my door.

"Where exactly is here" I ask because I've never seen this building before.

"You'll see" Jayden lightly kisses my lips and we then walk hand in hand into the modern building.

The interior of the modern looking building matches the outside, white walls with many pieces of art. And by looking past the receptionists head top the plaque on the wall I can see that this place is an art gallery. Hold on, that receptionist looks familier.

"Maggie" Jayden greets his sister with a hug and although she returns the hug and sends me a small smile she isn't fooling anyone.

"Um, Jayden can I talk to you for a moment or two?" Maggie asks her brother in a sickly sweet voice, geesh this chick does not like me.

"Yeah" Jayden replies and they move to the other side of the room. I try to stay focussed on the artwork but I can't help but eavesdrop in on their conversation. For some weird reason I seem to be able to hear them really well even though they are on the other side of this massive room, I blame it on the acoustics of the room and continue to listen.

"You can't bring her here!" Maggie whispers in a harsh voice.

"Why not? It's a family business!" Jayden retorts just as harsh.

"You know why not!"

"Maggie, this isn't just some random that I want for a night, This feels different, right and I am sure that If she had a tattoo it would have connected us, but she's not 18, just like you. Maggie, you don't understand, I have been driving myself mad, needing to know this, and coming here could help me. I will wipe her memory after" Jayden finishes off and I can't help but think what the bloody hell is with me and being 18? And he can't wipe my memory, that's impossible!

"Fine" Maggie sighs in defeat "But you have 1 hour only"

"2 hours" Jayden replies.

"1 and a half is the best you are getting" Maggie finalises.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Jayden hugs his sister and then they head back over to me where I quickly pretend to be looking at the Egyptian painting in front of me.

"Lets go in" Jayden tells me and grabs my hand.

"Thank you" I tell Maggie while leaving the entrance room.

"Just bring some roses to my grave" She mumbles under her breath (how did I hear that!) With one look at Jayden I can see he heard it too with the satisfied grin that had spread on his face.

"So, now what?" I ask Jayden because there must have been a reason he wanted me here so badly.

"You'll see" and with a cheeky grin Jayden leads me down a staircase to where hundreds of paintings hung on the walls and many sculptures were scattered around the room. They were all pretty revolved around man made things.

Jayden instantly walked over to a painting of a lightning bolt, but not any lightning bolt, on closer inspection you could see that inside the lightning bolt outline there were slightly visible objects such as tv's or light bulbs. I then realised that the pattern inside the lightning bolt were all the other picture and sculptures combined. Next to the painting was a plaque with a hand print engraves. Jayden rose his hand to the plaque and I gasped as I saw that It fit perfectly. Around the massive room I could see other visitors doing the same thing.

"What are you doing?" I ask Jayden barely above a whisper. Even though I said it quietly I knew that the others in there were listening.

"It will all make sense soon enough" he replies matching the volume of my voice. I sigh a little at his response but can't be too angry because I feel so happy and alive here, I don't understand it but right now I don't have to.

I feel drawn out of that room and to another one that is quite similar only this time the art is based on nature.

I instantly walk over to a painting that was on a rectangular canvas. In the top left corner was a small image of water, on the top right was an image of fire, bottom left was a symbol for earth (I read the info plaque) and on the bottom right the symbol for air (read the plaque again). In the middle of the painting was a big S which (according to the plant) stood for spirit and soulmate and when you find your soulmate their letter would replace it.


Looking to the right of the painting I noticed that the plaque that was meant to have a hand print was blank.

I suddenly felt dizzy, really dizzy and I had like four different voices in my head, my vision was going blurry.

"Jaydeeennnnnnnnn whas habbenin?" I ask.

"Oh thank the lord!" Jayden said while smiling. The smile wasn't an I'm-going-to-kill-you kind of smile it was a thank-god your-alive kind of smile, a smile that would make everyone and anyone happy. "Lets get you out of here before you pass out" he tells me while lifting me up bridal style.

"Why would IIIIIIIII passssss oud?" I ask considering I hadn't eaten anything odd recently.

"You will find out soon enough, you are going to be very powerful" Jayden tells me.

And as I turn to look back at the painting I swear I can see a hand print on the plaque that was blank just moments before.


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