Chapter 18

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Sorry about the wait, Just incase you have forgotten, here are the last few sentences from the last chapter...

"Jayden, I need you to follow me." Over to the plaque I add in my mind.

"He's not going anywhere" Speaks a male voice and within seconds Tanna, Jayden and I are surrounded by at least 30 men with guns.



I am instantly thinking of a plan. I decide to telepathically speak to Tanna, 'I will take care of these guys, get Jayden to the plaque and use your shield' I tell her. I feel her nod beside me and I know she will do what I need her to.

"Yes he is" I reply and watch as the men surrounding us raise their guns. "Go on, shoot" I tell them. The men look around in confusion as if not knowing if to fire or not.

"You heard the woman, shoot!" Came the voice from before. It is as if everything goes in slowmotion, I see the men pull their triggers and raise my hand. As the bullets leave the gun I flick my wrist and watch in horror and relief as the bullets spin around us and into other men. Soon enough all 30 men are on the floor, dead. Obviously there was something in the bullet that was made to kill vamps.

Tanna then grabs Jayden's hand and starts to run towards his plaque.

"Stop them!" Screams the male voice.

"No chance" I reply. "Whoever wants to die, come and test me. Those who want to live, leave" I tell the men who are running towards me. Some turn around and try to leave while others continue running. The ones who turn come back just as fast, they clearly can't leave.

"Wrong decision" I tell the men who are running towards me.

With a flick of my wrist I have roots growing out of the ground and grabbing onto the feet of the men who are running towards me. They swat at the roots with their swords but it's no use, the roots are too strong.

I then focus on what fire does best, burn. I watch as the men in front of me widen their eyes and scream as the burns appear all over their skin. Knowing that they aren't going to escape anytime soon I turn to check on Jayden and see him looking at me with wide eyes, a new emotion showing them. I walk over (or run) to give him a hug but when I get close he steps away from me.


The emotion is fear, Jayden is scared of me.

I seem to lose control of everything in that moment. My powers start to take over me, my emotions fuelling the power. I faintly hear Tanna asking what's happening and telling me to calm down but I can't. Hearing Tanna's voice helps me though, I start to gain control of my emotions before it's too late.

"I- I'm so, so sorry" I tell Tanna and Jayden. Before turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Tanna yells.

"Away" I reply as I open the doors and run into the night. I start to sprint, not caring who sees and let my feet take me wherever. My wrist burns badly and my head is swimming in a sea of negative thoughts that I can't take.

"Zyana!" A voice yells, not any voice, Jayden's voice. I slow down because I know that Jayden is a faster runner then me and turn to look at him.

"What?" I snap.

"I- I'm sorry about-"

"About what? Being scared of me? Flinching when I came near you? You have nothing to be sorry about" I tell Jayden, meaning every word. "Everyone should be scared of a monster like me."

"Being powerful doesn't make you a monster." Jayden replies.

"Then what does it make me? You were scared of me, and I frankly don't blame you."

"I wasn't scared, I was under control of someone else. And as for what it makes you, it makes you my soulmate" Jayden tells me while taking my hand in his.

"I'm sorry Jayden but I'm not going to let you get hurt."

"You would never hurt me and you know that" Jayden replies.

"I'm sorry" I repeat while a tear slides down my cheek.

I then turn to walk away and this time he lets me.


This chapter shows you the kind of powers Zyana has,

Who's your favourite character?

-Georgia xx

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