Chapter 9 - The Date (part 2)

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So, why are we here? I ask Jayden who is sitting in the car with me, we just arrived at a modern looking building.

"It worked!" Jayden exclaims, excitement in his voice.

"What worked?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I just dropped something into Maggie on the way to our date, she works here" He is lying, I can tell but I am not going to push him for answers.

"Ok... so where to now?" I ask, mainly to change the topic.

"I'm still not telling you" Jayden replies with a cheeky grin.

"Fine!" I sigh, defeated as Jayden starts driving. As I turn to look out the window I feel his hand on my leg and I smile, I honestly couldn't be happier right now.


After half an hour of driving we arrive at a forest. I try not to get my hopes up but I really think he is taking me to his special place. You know you read about it in books and stuff-

"Earth to Zyana?" Jayden must have been asking me a question when I zoned out.

"Oh, sorry, yeah?" I can feel the redness crawling to my cheeks.

"I said we're here." He replies. "Come on, I have got a place to show you"

With that we head into the forest.

"So what really happened at that place?" I ask Jayden.

"What do you mean?" he questions.

"I mean" I take a breath, "I know you didn't drop something off to Maggie, my gut is telling me. It's ok if you don't want to tell me why but, well, yeah" I finish off looking at the ground.

"Hey" Jayden turns around from where he was in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I will tell you but not right now, ok?" With his arms around me I can't argue.

"Ok, now come on, I don't want to be walking till Christmas" I say with a quick kiss on his lips and a wink.

"Of course ma'lady" Jayden replies with a bow and I laugh at our dorky relationship. We then continue walking until we find our way to a clearing where Jayden sits down. To be honest it looks pretty ordinary to me, dead grass and trees. I can't lie, I'm disappointed.

"Aren't you going to sit down, we need to rest before the rest of the walk" Jayden asks me.

"This isn't where we are stopping?" I reply.

"No, this place is nothing compared to where I'm taking you." He replies with a wink that makes my knees go like jelly.

"Oh, come on old man, we don't need a break," I hardly even finish that sentence without cracking up.

"I was only thinking of you"

"Whatever you say, hey when's your 98th birthday?" I ask laughing harder than I had in months.

"Haha very funny" Jayden replies with sarcasm but even he can't hide the smile tugging at the corner of his lips and all I can think in that moment is please lord let him smile, I want to see those amazing dimples. With that we start walking again in a comfortable silence, both of us deep in thought. I don't know what he is thinking about (Maybe about what happened at that building) but I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have a guy like Jayden in my life, just as my friend, let alone my boyfriend. I smile at this thought.

"Here we go" Jayden states and I look up to see a massive hill.

"Please tell me we aren't climbing that" I plead.

"No can do beautiful, that would be lying" Jayden replies with a cocky smirk.

Uh oh.

"I tell you what, I may or may not give you a break half way up" he is still smirking.

"Give yourself a break you mean" I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing" I reply with a smile. "Let's start". And with that we start walking.

About half way up I finally give up and collapse on the grass.

"I can't do it" I say in a baby voice with a pout.

"Come on just a little bit further" Jayden replies.

"Nope" I say but then I get a thought and a cheeky smile crosses my face.

"No way" Jayden says when he realises what I'm thinking.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaseee" I plead

"No way am I carrying you"

"You'll be my favourite person"


"But I'm wearing high heels"

"And that's my fault because-"

"I wanted to look good for you" I say in the baby voice

"And you do..."

"So carry me"


"I will stop asking questions about what happened earlier"

"Fine, but only because if I don't we will never get up there"

"Yay" I exclaim in a baby voice and then squeal when he picks me up bridal style. After 10 minutes of walking he still hasn't put me down and I am very impressed.

"I knew you worked out for a reason" I comment.

"What reason is that" he asks putting me down.

"Well you need to be strong to carry me up a hill, and of course to be able to have me to carry up a hill you need to work out."

"Is that so?"

"Yes" I say while laughing. By now we are at the top of the hill.

"Wow" I exclaim. "It's beautiful"

In front of me is the most beautiful view I have ever seen. I can see the whole city if I look straight ahead and a lake if I look to the right. But if I look to the left I see a picnic blanket covered in food and drinks.

"You did all of this for me?" I ask turning to look at Jayden. It's really hard to believe that someone would go to such lengths for me.

"Of course, I would do anything for you" This is when my heart melts. "It's hard to believe that I met you less than a month ago yet I am already falling in love with you." Jayden stares into my eyes when he says that.

"Really?" I am seriously speechless and that never, I mean NEVER happens.

"Absolutely" and with that we walk over to the picnic that was just for me.

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