Chapter 15

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The outfit that Zyana wears to the party up the top.

Thanks for reading,

-Georgia xx


"Can we take a break?" I ask Jayden after hours of training, so far we have practised vamp running, boxing, shooting with different types of guns and of course using our gifts.

"Just a few more things to practise" Jayden replies while using his powers to break free of the vines that I had surrounded him with when using my plant affinity to protect me from whatever curse he was going to throw at me. "Next is climbing".

"But I'm tired" I say in a baby voice while pouting my lips and putting on my best puppy eyes.

"Please don't do that Z" Jayden says while looking away from me, "I just want you to be prepared"

"I know but we don't have to do it all today" I reply. "We have time".

"You don't know that! Someone could be coming for you right now and that thought drives me crazy" Jayden's voice had risen substantially by the time he had finished that sentence, "Sorry I just, I just wish we could be like a normal couple, not having to worry about all of this, we could be going on a date right now, or getting over a hangover from your birthday. Why can't we be normal?" Jayden finishes his rant by collapsing on the ground.

"Hey, I always thought that normal was overrated" I reply while lying down next to him and putting my hand on his chest.

"Not when being un-normal gets us hunted, I feel like I'm in divergent or something" Jayden mumbles while tracing patterns on my shoulder, I shudder at his gentle touch.

"I tell you what, let's get back to campus and go to a party. One night feeling like a normal uni student and then we can go back to training the next day." I say while getting up.

When we get back to campus I ring Tanna, Steph and Brooklynn telling them that Jayden and I plan to go to a party and I ask them if they want to come, they all say yes and tell me that they are going to come over immediately (Steph must have been at Daniels).

"That's your queue to leave" I tell Jayden.

"Really, do I have to leave?" He asks while tracing circular shapes on my hand.

"Umm, yes, this is a girl only thing." I say while pushing Jayden out the door.

"Alright, Alright I'm going" He finally gives in and turns to leave but not before giving me a kiss that I am sure was supposed to be short but my body reacted quickly to the gesture. My arms wrapped around his neck, his around my waist, I really don't know how long we were there for.

"Oh get a room!" Tanna's voice breaks us apart.

"We have one" Jayden replies while winking at me. He then walks out leaving Tanna and I to get ready.

"So how come you're here so early?" I ask Tanna considering she wasn't meant to be here for another half an hour.

"Well I thought we could talk about vamp stuff and considering Steph isn't a vamp and we don't really bring it up infront of Brook I thought I would get here earlier." Tanna answers.

"Ok, but first I have one thing to ask" I tell Tanna.


"What happened with Brooklynn?" I ask.

"I don't really know, Will and her don't really talk about it and we try not to push it as it seems like a sensitive subject but from what I have gathered, Will and Brook have known and been dating each other since primary school so they turned 18 around the same time. Will turned into a pre-vamp first but didn't want to keep the secret from Brook as he knew she was his soulmate, I mean come one who can date for like 7 years and not get bored? We all knew they were soulmates so Will went to see Brook's parents (they get along really well) and asked if they were vamps, because if your parents are vamps 99.99% of the time you are too. Unfortunately Brooklynn's parents told Will that there had been a problem with Brook's genes and she would not become a pre-vamp. As you know vamps can only date vamps so Wil was devastated, Brook's parents knew that Brook was supposed to be a vamp so they took it to court, they fought with everything they had to let Will and Brook be together but the courts rule of mixed dating is set because of the dangers that it brings to the human. Of course, Will knew that Brook would tell the court that she felt safe with him but Vamps were and are not allowed to be known about by humans and telling them is a crime punishable by death. So when Brook turned 18 and didn't turn into a pre-vamp Will told her what he was, the court was instantly on his back trying to send him to jail but I guess Jayden's mum and him put up a good fight because the matter is not being assessed until he turns into an actual vamp."

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