Chapter 13

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A knock on the door has Jayden and I jumping apart. I instantly regret this because as soon as me and Jayden's wrists separate the worst pain I have ever felt goes shooting through my body, the pain is the worst in my wrist. I hear Jayden grunt in pain before I start to scream and cry. Tanna comes running through the door.

"Are you ok Z?" she asks me. I am too busy running to Jayden to reply. As soon as I get to Jayden I connect our marks and the pain goes away instantly.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Jayden.

"That is our bond" Jayden replies looking from me to Tanna. "She's a pre-vamp Tann" Jayden tells Tanna.

"Really?" Tanna squeals while running over to me, "Yay, I'm not the only girl anymore"

"But aren't Brook and Will pre-vamps?" I ask.

"No, Brook had some family problems that messed up her genes, she knows about the vamps though" Jayden tells me.

"Especially because of Will" Tanna adds.

"Is Will a vamp?" I ask.

"Yes, Will, Tanna, you and I are the only pre-vamps in our friendship group" Jayden tells me.

"So what's your power?" Tanna asks me.

"I have the affinity for all five natural elements" I tell Tanna.

"No way!"

"Yes way" Jayden replies for me and we all laugh.

"So, can I see the tattoo" Tanna asks me looking really excited.

"Umm, yeah" I reply, completely forgetting about the pain that I feel when letting go of Jayden's hand. As soon as I let go I remember though because I scream and Jayden swears very loud.

"Jesus, stop with the screaming!" Tanna tells us.

"Tann, we have the strongest bond ever known to vampires, we have to get to my parents house"

"Hold on, what?"

"My mum works with this kind of stuff" Jayden replies.

"Ok, but how are we gonna leave without being rude? You guys did plan this surprise and we are leaving already?" I ask both Tanna and Jayden.

"Leave that to me" Tanna replies.

A few hours later Jayden and I arrive at the house. This isn't really how I wanted to meet his parents but what can you do?

"Mum?" Jayden calls out once he opens the door. "Mum!" he calls a little louder. "MUM" Jayden screams through the house, considering it's a mansion I don't blame his mum for not hearing him.

"Jayden is that you?" I hear a female voice from the right and when I turn to look I see a middle aged women.

"Mum, I need your help"

"What is it?" His mum replies and for the nest five minutes Jayden explains our situation. His mum looks very similar to Jayden with dark brown hair and a gorgeous smile. I can tell she is very family orientated.

"Oh dear" His mum finally comments once Jayden fishes informing her.

"Mum, this is Zyana, Zyana this is my mum, Katrina" Jayden introduces us.

"It's lovely to meet you." I say while extending my hand, the one that isn't connected to Jayden's.

"Thank you dear, it is a pleasure to meet the girl that Jayden speaks so highly of" Katrina speaks with her motherly smile. "Now come this way, we need to take some of this pain away." And with that Katrina leads us deeper into the mansion.

We finally stop at a door and Katrina opens it to reveal a study.

"Ok, this is where we will try to reduce the pain, just give me a few minutes to get things prepared." Katrina tells us before putting her arm in the air, closing her eyes and moving her wrist. As she does this, furniture moves around the room.

"Mum's gift is the power of movement" Jayden whispers in my ear. This makes sense as matresses and tables come flying through the door of the study. Once everything Katrina needs is in the study she begins to tell us what she is going to do.

"Ok, your bond is the strongest bond known to vampires, but your powers are also the strongest known to vampires so I am hoping that will help. However it is known that the soulmate bond is stronger than power but it doesn't usually bother vamps as they don't feel much pain from their bond. It is different for you guys though, it is highly likely that you will still feel pain when separated from each other but it shouldn't be as painful or frequent," Jayden's mum then pauses, I can tell she just realised something.

"Before we begin, you both need to realise what you are about to do, this process is not pleasant nor is it something we take lightly in the vampire community. This process will join you two together by mixing your blood you will have 1 eighth of each other's blood in your system so that you are always linked. This will mean that you will not always need to join your marks but I would recommend that you do it as much as possible. What you are about to do cannot be undone, this is more serious than marriage. I will give you a few minutes alone to discuss this." With that Katrina leaves the room.

"You don't have to do this" I say to Jayden. "I can live with the pain but I can't live with ruining your life and taking away your freedom" by this point I start to cry, he probably resents me.

"Hey, baby please don't cry, I don't know about you but I am so very happy to be committed to you like this. In fact I am so happy this is happening, you are the love of my life and I never want to be without you, this bond proves it" Jayden finishes with showing me our wrists.

"Really?" I ask


"So you don't resent me?"

"Of course not, I love you and want a life with you"

"I love you too" and I honestly do, I love him more than anything.

"You ready to do this?" Jayden asks me.

"Yes" I reply and Jayden calls his mum to enter the room.

"Mum, we are ready" Jayden informs Katrina.

"Ok, this process normally brings excruciating pain to pre-vamps but pleasure to adult vamps." Katrina tells us. "But I'm not really sure with you guys as you are more powerful than any other pre-vamps let alone actual vamps. Let's begin the first thing you both need to do is in one swift movement, release hands and bite down on each other's wrists. You will need to suck blood out of each other until I say stop"

"Suck blood?" I ask, suddenly scared, I don't want to suck blood.

Jayden must have noticed my hesitation, "Hey, Z, it's just me ok? We can do this."

Jayden's words must have comforted me because in one swift movement I moved my hand away from Jayden's and brought his wrist up to mine, I didn't have time to hesitate as it hurt so badly. I bit down and felt the skin tear under my fangs (when did I get fangs?). Although it was revolting for the first five seconds, Jayden's blood suddenly started tasting good, it sent pleasure all throughout my body (geese this sounds sexual). I could tell Jayden was enjoying it too as he started to moan, the sound sent shivers through my body.

"Okay, that's enough" Katrina's voice cut through my thoughts and I realised Jayden's mum was watching this. Oh god that's awkward. "Now put your hands back together and lie down, you will need to sleep like this, with your marks connected. I will leave you to it," And with that Katrina leaves the room and I fall asleep in Jayden's arms.


Who is your favorite friend of Zyana's?

Thanks for reading,

- Georgia xx

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