Chapter 21 - The Final Chapter

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"I don't think you understand, they have to be in the same room!" I hear a familiar voice screech.

"I'm sorry ma'am that just isn't possible" comes another voice, I don't know this one.

Everything feels heavy, numb. My eyes won't open.

You read about being unconscious in books but what they fail to mention is how scary it is. I just want to be awake already.

"Zyana, if you want to wake up you need to make this lady change her mind" The familiar voice speaks to me, I know what she's hinting at, I need to use my powers.

In recent weeks my powers have become a second nature to me, I no longer needed to think about using them but this is different. My unconscious body does not want to help at all and it doesn't help that I can't see the nurse, I don't know who I am supposed to be controlling.

"Come on Zyana, think of Jayden" Says the voice.

Jayden... Oh my gosh Jayden! I can't stay away from him anymore, it's just too hard! If that makes me pathetic than so be it.

Come on Zyana, visualise the lady, come on, come on...



"Zyana! You haven't got much time" The voice screams at me. How long was I out? "The nurse has grey-brown hair that is tightly in a bun at the base of her neck, brown eyes, wrinkles and very pale skin. Come on Zyana, you are the only hope for my baby boy!" Jayden's mum is getting panicked=d and quite frankly I don't blame her. Oh the irony of this situation, isn't the guy supposed to save the girl cause im gonna be honest, I am not liking the responsibility right now. Ok Zyana, think...

I need a name. I know the exact appearance of Jaydens mum so let's see if this works. 'Katrina' I speak in my mind, 'I need a name'. Please work, please work, ple-

"Excuse me miss what is your name?" I hear Katrina ask the nurse.

"Olivia" the nurse responds.

I try the same technique as last time and speak through my thoughts.

'Olivia, go and bring Jayden to this room' I tell her. I instantly hear the shuffling of feet.

"You did it!" Katrina celebrates while I slowly return to blackness.


My eyes open to a white room, not any white room, a hospital room. Suddenly everything comes rushing back to me.

"Jayden" I jerk up so fast that I almost pull the needle out of my arm, wait, needle?

"It's ok baby I'm right here" Croaks a voice to my right and I turn to see him.

"Thank god" I respond, I'm so over the drama.

"Zyana, your awake" Katrina exclaims while walking into the room with a cup of water.

"Yeah" I respond.

"Good because I have some news for the both of you, you ain't going back to sleep for quite a while, you are now both officially vampires"

I look to Jayden who gives me a small smile and then to our wrists that are connected and I know, in that moment that we will make it.



Thanks for reading!

-Georgia xx

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