Chapter 14

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I awake to a knock on the study door. I look up to see Jayden peacefully sleeping and our tattoos connected, the ink connecting like thread between our wrists. Yesterday was hectic, but the end result was good, Jayden loves me.

"Jayden, Zyana, can I come in?" I hear Katrina's voice come through the door.

"Yeah, of course, come in" I reply before giving Jayden a quick kiss on the lips to wake him up. He wakes up just as his mum walks into the room.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" Jayden asks, sleep lacing his voice.

"I need to check to see if the process worked before getting to my first appointment." His mother replies. "Ok, pull your hands away, don't be scared" Katrina orders us and before I can even hesitate Jayden pulls his hand away and I feel a breaking sensation. I suddenly feel really lost, depressed and scared. I feel all alone, I can't depend on Jayden this much, can I? Besides from the emotional pain I also feel physical pain, it's not as bad as the first time but it's still there. "How does you feel?" Katrina asks us.

"Depressed" Jayden speaks first.

"Scared and lost" I speak next.

"And that's just the emotional pain, not to mention the physical pain" Jayden completes, while grabbing my hand in his. I instantly feel better.

"I did tell you that this bond was like marriage." Kathrine replies. "Basically, when your marks separated for the first time after the process, they thought that their soulmate was dead. These emotions are what you would feel when loosing each other. As your bond is that strong, it is possible that you may be able to bring the other back from death even though it has never been proven. Anyway, now that your marks realise that what they just felt is not the other dying, you will not feel that pain again until one of you dies, this shouldn't occur for centuries. You will still feel pain but it shouldn't be nearly as painful as what it originally was. The longer you go without connecting, the worse the pain will get. Now I have to go but before you guys leave can you please go and see Chris."

"Of course" Jayden replies for the both of us.

"Great, I will see you later then" and with that Katrina left the room.

"Chris?" I ask Jayden.

"My dad" he replies. "Come on, let's go and find him."

Five minutes later we find Jaden's dad in the kitchen.

"Mum, told us to talk to you?" Jayden speaks to his father.

"Oh, yes, you must be Jayden's soulmate." Chris speaks to me with a small smile. He looks a lot like Jayden, just older.

"Yes, I'm Zyana, nice to meet you" I say while shaking Chris's hand.

"Ok, well Katrina had an appointment so she told me to fill you in on a few things" Jayden's father speaks to me. "As I am a defence trainer I believe I am also probably the best fit to tell you this."

I notice his hesitation so I nod my head, signalling for Jayden's dad to continue speaking.

Ever since Jayden could walk I have been teaching him how to fight, yes I knew he would be a vampire, yes I knew our family was rich and there could be a time when he needed this defence knowledge, but I also knew that he would be powerful. I have the power to see future visions, this told me that Jayden would be a vampire, and a powerful one at that. I did not know how powerful he would be, I certainly did not know he would be the most powerful male vampire to ever live, but I felt the need to teach him how to fight. So I did. Every day, before Jayden was a pre-vampire, we would go out the back of the house and I would teach him how to fight without his vampire gifts. Once Jayden turned into a pre-vamp I taught him how to use his gifts to his full advantage as best I could. Because Jayden's gifts are so strong and there are so many of them, I haven't even taught him half of what he could do." Chris then stops talking, I am pretty sure he is debating how much to tell me.

"The point is, now that the two most powerful vamps have been born and marked, you are both going to be in danger most of the time from now on. I would teach you how to defend yourself, Zyana, but I believe that Jayden would do a better job as he knows you better, he knows what drives you, what makes you sad and what makes you happy. As Jayden's father I knew those things about him." Jayden's father stops to take a breath and I look at Jayden, he has a look of sadness on his face, I can tell he doesn't really want to be this powerful.

Together you two are unstoppable, you will find out that you two are stronger together than you are apart. You may be thinking, what is the difference, we do the same things together than when we do alone but think about this. Zyana, you have all five natural affinities, which was thought to be impossible, yet it's not and you are the proof of that. Jayden you have the affinities for all things man-made and electronically based, that too was thought to be impossible yet you somehow have that gift. By yourselves you conquered many 'Impossible things', but together you could most likely conquer all impossible things. But for now, you need to focus on training your gifts and making your defences stronger. Ok, that's enough information for today, you know where to find me" And with that Chris left the room.

"What??????" I turn to look at Jayden, thousands of thoughts flying around my brain.

"Don't worry about all of that, let's go one step at a time, follow me" Jayden starts to walk the other way.

"Where are we going?" I ask Jayden.

"We are going out the back, I am going to teach you some defence".

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