Chapter 31-Hold It Against Me

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I open the van's door, yes the boys and Sam came along. Zayn and I were gonna get a separate table from the others.

Everyone was dressed nice and fancy, because this was a fancy restaurant.

I was wearing a black dress that has glitter on it. Sam has the exact dress except purple.

The boys all wore suits, some ties, some bow ties.

Zayn didn't have either, it was different and that's kinda cute.

Sam and the boys go sit in a corner in a giant booth and Zayn and I are in the front.

"So, Darla, how's life been going?" Zayn asks then cursed himself for the stupid question.

"Good, the recital is coming up and the girls are really good." I tell him.

"What's it about?" He asks with curiosity in his eyes.

"Actually my story. It's starts with the struggle of being two people and goes through our relationship and it ends with me showing it made me stronger." I explain to him and realize the recital basically shows our realationship.

"I'm sorry." I apologize before he opens his mouth to say something.

"No, it's fine. It actually sounds good. I'm gonna see if we can see it." Zayn convinces me he's okay with it, but in his eyes all I could see is hurt.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I made this before I was over you." I tell him putting my hand on his.

"No, I'll be able to see how you saw the relationship through your eyes." He said putting on a fake smile.

"Yeah." I say trailing off. "So how is the next album going?" I ask changing the subject.

"Great, my favorite is Midnight Memories." He tells me, forgetting about the earlier subject.

"That's awesome, so are you guys doing a tour?" I ask him, with wonder filling my brain.

"Yeah, it's gonna be a worldwide stadium tour." He explains.

"Oh really?" I ask getting him to talk.


Once we get home, I kick off my heels.

"Next time, lets stay home. It's more comfy and less weird." I say to Sam walking into my room.

I go into the bathroom and take off my makeup. I take the sock out of my sock bun. It falls in the nice curls. I grab my 'nerd' glasses and put them on my face.

I went in my closet and grabbed a black sports bra and boom box pj pants.

I ran into the bathroom and changed real, quick. Then I took my dirty clothes and put them in the hamper.

I grabbed my soft and fuzzy black blanket. Then I drag myself into the living room. Sam was on the floor, which she put down 3 blankets.

I jump onto the couch and wait for the boys.

In the car we decided to have a movie night. On the table there was 4 large bowls of popcorn, random candy in 3 bowls, and tons of soda.

Then the boys race in and all are wearing sweatpants and t-shirts. Then there is Zayn, Niall, and Harry who happen to be shirtless.

"So, what movie?" I ask. The most easiest question to ask, but the hardest to answer caused a fight.



Hey!! So last Friday I went to This Is Us or 1D 3D. I also got my hair cut short.

Um I wrote two books you guys should read.

They are:

Miles From Safety- Secrets bring friends together, but can tear love apart. After a drunken night she did remember, weeks later she's been throwing up and she finds out she pregnant. After swearing to her boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, she will get an abortion, she goes on a nice long vacation with her best friend Perrie Edwards. As you guessed I'm Eleanor Calder. But these two girls share a secret that nobody shall find out. Hopefully it's kept that way.

So far the press hasn't even heard of the abortion, so the girls are safe. For now anyways.

But these girls are Miles From Safety.

Tuning Out The World-Al is not like other girls. Bet you've heard that in plenty of stories. This is the truth. She's very independent, she hates when people try to help her. She likes to hang with boys, not a people person at all. How does she like it when she was put into a band with 2 girls. Worse thing ever. To add on, they love One Direction. She couldn't careless about those boys or the two girls. As Al tries to get out of the contract she didn't mean to sign, she wanted to be a solo artist, but idiotic her fell for the trick. Then comes the second part of the contract, she has to open up for One Direction, and she must act like she likes that. So when a determined boy tries to get her attention, what can she do?Tuning out the world is the best thing she can think of. Putting on the headphones and listening to actual good artist can help, but not always in this case.

There also is one other thing.

Tuning Out The World Isn't The Best Escape.

Yeah so if you read those, thanks everyone.

So in my social life. Yeah I know I have one, such a shock. I have to read Tom Sawyer, I don't understand any of it. I repeat, I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!

Plus it just so happens that all the popular girls got Homecoming queen, all of them are nice, but one.



Kisses, -Sam:]

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