Nightshade is Born

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Present day:

"Nightshade there's been a robbery at the ba..." "All ready on it!" I said cutting of Felicity. I ran down a ally way chasing the robber, he turned left and became trapped at a dead end. I quickly shot an arrow at his leg, not killing him but making sure he won't be escaping before the police show up. I was about to head back to the base when a headache hit, and then I wasn't in Starling City anymore.

I was on Lian Yu.


I was on the fishing boat where Lizzie was killed. I look over and there's her body with the arrow sticking out of her heart. Then the body changes into Oliver, then Diggle, Sara, Laurel, Thea and everyone else I've met in Starling City who has helped me cope wth the loss of my sister.

"You did this" 

I spin around trying to match a body to the voice.

"You could have saved us"

I look down at the corpse now back in Lizzie form. It's eyes are open and it's talking to me.

"You think being Nightshade can save those you love but your wrong"

I just stared at the body "That's not true"

"You'll see for yourself, one day"

"Your wrong this isn't even real" I muttered to myself.

"This isn't real." I continued

"This isn't real"


"This. Isn't. Real."




I closed my eyes then opened them again and Lian Yu and the talking corpses were gone, I was was on a roof top near the ally I had been inI before I started hallucinating. I looked at Oliver "What happened?" I said taking  a shaky breath. "I don't know Lexi, Felicity said your weren't responding so I came to check on you and found you here muttering to yourself." Oliver said. I took another breath." I must of been hallucinating." "Come on," Oliver said "Let's get back to the base."


After being checked for injuries from both Felicity and Oliver I was finally allowed to go home. Once there I just sat on my crappy couch and watched the news while eating pizza. I was thinking about what happened that night when I had an idea. This hadn't been the first hallucination but all of the previous ones had been when I was Nightshade. So what if I just stopped being Nightshade. I could move to different city and restart. I could have a happy life. I'd have to tell Oliver tomorrow. I looked to the right and saw a old photo of Lizzie and I, and I did something I hadn't done in a long time.

I smiled.

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