Back in Black

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I walk into STAR labs dressed in my nightshade suit. And I am greeted by Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells. Cisco squeals and runs over to me. "I have so many ideas for modifications, changing to a more durable fabric, definitely changing the fabric on the hood to keep your head protected..." "Uhm sorry to burst your bubble Cisco but this hood and I go way back. The hood stays." I interrupt. "Do you always have to ruin the fun Lexi? Oh my god is that a collapsible sword." Cisco  gushes. "The proper name is Katana, and I also have a staff." I inform. Before Cisco could do anymore Caitlin interrupted "Where's your mask?" She asked. "Oh, so far I've just been using paint around my eyes." I say. "I'll make you a mask first Lexi." Cisco says running off to his lab. 

"While Mr. Ramon is distracted Caitlin and I are going to monitor you in the field." Dr. Wells says. "We'll have you on the look out for any small robberies and stuff to see how you do." Caitlin adds. 

I smirk "Lets do this"


2 hours later:

"Miss Grant, I think it's safe to say that your parkour skills are, as some would put it, off the charts." Dr. Wells says through my comm link. "And you showed excellent reflexes at the last bank robbery." Caitlin added. I smile as I leap off a rooftop and grab onto a fire escape and climb to the top off the roof. "Thanks guys, what else have you got for me?" I ask. "Let's see... Oh lookie here we have a car robbery passing under you in 10 seconds." Cisco suggests. I look over the edge and down the street to see a yellow truck with police cars trailing after it. "See it." I walk backwards and take two regular arrows out of my quiver. I take a deep breath and run towards the edge of the building and leap off the edge and landing on the top of the truck. 

I started to slide on the top of the truck but I quickly slammed my two arrows into the hood of the truck, keeping myself steady. "Nightshade I hate to be the bringer of bad news but there's a dead end up ahead and the police are falling behind." Caitlin says through the comm. "thanks for the update." I say, right before twisting my body sideways so only my arms were on the truck while swinging my legs and slamming them into the window. The truck window breaks and using the momentum from my kick, I swing myself into the truck. 

I land inside truck in the passenger seat. The driver notices me and starts swerving to try and throw me out of the the truck. I grab onto the wheel with one hand while punching the driver in the nose with my other hand. His head snaps back and he steps on the breaks hard causing me to get thrown into the inside of the windshield. The driver opens the door of the truck and grabs me before I have time to get up and throws me onto the pavement. As I stand back up I see yellow lightning and then Barry (in his streak suit) punching the driver just as the drivers skin turns to metal. Barry cries out in pain stumbling back away from the man and looks to me. I see yellow lightning and the familiar whooshing noise fills my ears and then suddenly Barry and I are back in STAR labs. 

"Well that went well." I mutter. As all chaos breaks lose when Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells surround Barry and I. 


"Your childhood nemesis is now a unstoppable meta human? That is seriously messed up man!"  Cisco says to Barry the next day.  

"I had a childhood nemesis, Lexi le Roche, she used to put gum in my hair." Caitlin says, bitterly.

"Jake Puckett. If I didn't let him copy my home work he would give me a swirly." Cisco says frowning. 

"Lucy and Lois Lane. Always used to purposely beat my sister and I at everything." I say. Remembering how Lizzie, mom, and myself would stay up until late at night coming up with plans to absolutely destroy the Lane sisters.

"I didn't know you have a sister." Caitlin says quietly. I shrug not wanting to delve into the topic.

"Ok now that we've all established that were all uber nerds. What are we going to do about Tony?" Barry asks.

"Glad you asked!" Cisco exclaims walking into the treadmill room. "We're gonna train you, Karate kid style!" 

"Behold!" Cisco pulls down a curtain to reveal an ugly piece of metal. "I call him girder!" Cisco says smiling at us all. 

"Cisco, this is by far the worst idea you've ever had." I say. "Well Lexi, you're welcome to go ahead and try first to see if it is a realistic fighter." Cisco challenges. I smirk, "Don't mind if I do."

I take my jacket off and get into a fighting stance. I blow a strand of hair out of my face. "You ready?" Cisco asks. I smirk "Bring it." 

Girder (controlled by Cisco.) pulls an arm back to punch and I run towards him and grab his arm and swing my legs up, somersaulting over girders head. I land and proceed to kick girder hard in the back. The metal robot swayed before falling face first into the ground. 

I looked up to see Cisco's face, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. I laugh "Barry you should have no trouble taking down this robot."

"Guys, give me five minutes, I need Lexi proof girder."


That night at STAR Labs:

"Hey Lexi, can I have a favour?" Barry asks. "Sure. What is it?" I say. "Well, uhm Iris had a run in with Tony today, so I was wondering if you could just make sure she's ok tonight, as Nightshade?" He asks. "Sure," I say shouldering my duffle bag that holds my suit "But you owe me one Allen." I finish. "Yep. Thanks so much Lexi!" He says before running out of the cortex. 

I sigh "I need a raise."


3 hours later:

I had been crouching on the roof of the West's for the past 3 hours and there had been no sign of Tony. I was considering calling Barry and telling tony was a no show until I heard crashing and I looked down to see tony flipping over a police car. 

I jump down from the roof and yell "HEY STUPID! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!!" Ok for the record I always yell insults at bad guys at the wrong time so no judging. 

Tony turned towards me, smiling, "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?!" He yells before running at me. I duck and roll to the side, "Didn't your mom ever tell you not to punch girls?" I joke. I draw an electricity arrow and aim at tony as he growls and runs towards me again. I wait until the last second and then let go of the arrow and it hits Tony right on the forehead. He grunts and drops to one knee as the electricity passes through him. Then all of a sudden it stops, tony rips the arrow off lightning fast and says "Out of the way, Bitch." Before back handing me into a tree. 

I hit the tree hard and all the air leaves my stomach. "Ok so electricity isn't your kryptonite." I breath out. 

Black spots dance across my eyes as I slowly drift to sleep.


A/n: CLIFFHANGER!! Lol sorry for the late update more will be coming soon! Did anyone else see that superman reference? Remember comment, vote and follow! - Charlie

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