Nightmares and Daydreams

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I cry out as a knife is buried  into my shoulder but I don't  stop running. I hear a whooshing sound in the air and quickly duck. I look up to see the knife imbedded into the tree in front of me. I grab the knife and pull it out of the tree and continue to run using the knife to cut branches and vines out of my way. I reach back and pry the other knife out of my shoulder and use it to throw it at my attacker. I look around my surroundings for a chance of escape when I noticed that this place somewhat resembles Lian Yu.

I quickly turn as another knife comes at me cutting through my forearm. I touch the cut with my hand and it comes away sticky with blood. My vision blurs and I hear the attacker getting closer. I don't have time to react as another knife is thrown into my lower back. I stumble and fall forward. My breaths become heavier and I scramble to stand back up but hands wrap around my neck and pull me off the ground. I kick my legs out trying to land a blow on my captor but I feel my energy leaving me. I look down at the person holding me to see Lizzie "Funny meeting you here sister." She sneers, "This isn't real" I mutter as she tightens her hold on my neck choking me. Then her face changes to a man with glowing red eyes and yellow lightning coming off him in waves.

"Who are you?" I gasp. He smirked and tightened his grip on my neck. "Your worst nightmare." He says before slamming me into the ground and plunging a knife into my heart. 


I scream as I quickly sit up and check myself for knife wounds. I quickly take in my surroundings, I was in my apartment, I wasn't dead and there was no red eyed man. It was just a dream, just a goddamn nightmare.  I wrap my arms around myself and try to get my breathing and shaking under control. 

My phone buzzes causing me to jump. I look at it to see that Cisco was texting me.

Cisco: Drinks with Caitlin and I 2nite?

Lexi: I don't think I'm up for it.

Cisco: COME ON! U can't sulk in your apartment for the rest of ur life.

Lexi: I'm not sulking.

Cisco: Just cause Barry broke up with u doesn't mean u shouldn't have a social life!

Lexi: Cisco I don't even drink.

Cisco: WHO CARES! U will not become a crazy cat lady on my watch.

Lexi: fine I'll come, but if Barrys there ur a dead man.

Cisco: ;P


I walk into the bar wearing a fancy green shirt and tight black jeans. I quickly spot Caitlin and Cisco so I start walking towards them but before I could reach them I run into the one and only, Barry Allen. We stare at each for a second before he speaks "Why are you here?" He asks bluntly . "Cisco invited me, why are you here?" I deadpan back. Gosh this couldn't get anymore awkward. He sighs "Cisco invited me." At that I turn and glare at Cisco who smiles and waves back.

 I was about to push past Barry when he caught my arm "Wait Lexi, uhmm. I realize I might've over reacted the other day and that the team could probably use your experience. So what I'm trying to say is, even though I still kinda don't trust you, would you come back to the team?" I sigh "Fine. But only because Felicity would kill me if any of you got hurt." I finish. "Plus I get the rest of the week off." I add.

"Somewhat friends?" He asks holding his hand out. "Somewhat friends." I confirm, shaking his hand.


"Guys there's a window washer about to fall!" Barry says through the comms. 

"Don't try and catch him you don't have super strength." Caitlin warned.

"Is there like a bed store near here? I could stack a bunch of mattresses." Barry said.

"Barry this isn't a road runner cartoon." I say. "Well how fast would I need to go to run up the side of a building?" He asked.

Caitlin and Cisco both start writing down equations. Now I'm no mathematician but I understood some of what they were calculating. "Um just run really fast." I tell Barry. "Also maintain your speed on the way down or." Caitlin adds. 

"Or what" Barry asks. "Splat." I say. 


I return to my apartment a few hours later. A building had blown up and Barry had saved a window washer while running up a building for the first time. 

Just a normal day in Central City, folks.

 I immediately collapsed onto my bed hoping for a dreamless sleep.

Instead the nightmares welcomed me like an old friend. 


I run through the forest breathing hard. I hear people behind me fast approaching so I pick up my speed. I take a sharp turn only to run face first into a branch and fall on my back. I groan getting back up. Why are forests so hard to run in? 

I stumble to my feet as a figure with yellow lightning whizzed past me knocking me over again. I pull myself to my feet and continue running. I glance back to see if anyone was following me. I face forward again just in time to run into a wall of branches. I crash through them and trip and fall over and crash down a hill. I force my limbs to a standing position and look up to see Cisco being cornered by the red eyed man.

Before I had time to call outthe man plunged his hand into Cisco's chest, killing him. The man turned to me his red eyes glowing and lightning crackling around him. "Wh-who are you?" I struggle to get the words out. "My darling sister, do you not remember me?" He smiled as his face flicked back and forth between his and Lizzie's, as if the creature couldn't chose which would scare me more. It looked down at Cisco's body then looked back at me and smiled. "Your next." He whispered before running at me.

All I could do was scream. 

A/n: I am so terribly sorry for the delay on the update. I had exams then writers block. But I know no excuses can make for this. Anyway hope you enjoy. - Charlie

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