Welcome to Central City

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A/N Hello! Sorry if this chapter is bad. I've been suffering from writers block and the new Civil War trailers have me more focused on Marvel than Dc.

Jitters, while the name kinda made sense since they sold coffee, it was still a weird name. I was grabbing a coffee there before going to my job interview at STAR labs. Jitters was no Verdant but the the crowd was a bit calmer. Which was a relief. Once I got to STAR labs the nerves started to set in. The place was filled with scientists in lab coats and I felt really out of place. Not only was I the only person that looked lost, but I also wasn't a scientist and I know I sure didn't look like one. 

A guy with long dark hair and a space invader shirt came down the stairs, spotted me quickly and started walking towards me. "Hey I'm Cisco, I'm one of the STAR labs engineers working on the particle accelerator. Are you Alexis Grant?" He asked while talking super fast. He seemed to realized this and apologized talking slower "Sorry, um... You are Alexis Grant though right?" I replied "Yeah but I prefer being called Lexi." I smiled. "Ok Lexi, can you follow me cause Dr. Wells is ready for you." I breathed, nerves rattling in my chest "Of course."


I walked into a room with two chairs and one desk with some photos of the outside of STAR labs, the desk had some neatly stacked papers on it, other than that the room was empty. Cisco said I could take a seat and that Dr. Wells would be there in a minute. While waiting and without moving from my seat I quickly looked for emergency exits, security cameras, fire alarms and anything else that could be used as a weapon. I know there was no reason to do so, but what can I say old habits die hard. 

I heard the door click open and I got up quickly to shake Dr. Wells' hand. Dr. Wells was a bit taller than my but didn't seem as scary as they made him out to be on the news. He smiled and walked over to me, "You must be Alexis Grant, it's a pleasure to meet you." "Thank you" I replied. He sat down behind the desk and gestured for me to do the same. "Do you mind if I ask a few questions about your background Alexis? It's just precautions to make sure everyone in and around the STAR labs environment is safe." "Of course sir." "Ok, where are you from?" "National City" "And is it true that your mother is the 'Queen of all Media' Cat Grant?" "Yes, but with all due respect sir I haven't been in contact with my mother for the past 2 years." "Yes I'm fully aware of that." I frowned I hadn't told anyone that except Oliver. 


After the interview I went back to Jitters to take a break before going back to my apartment and unpacking more. Cisco had said they would contact me if I got the job tomorrow. Running over the interview in my head, something wasn't adding up. Dr. Wells had seemed to know everything about me, sometimes it made a sense. I mean he obviously did a background check, probably looked at police records too, but he knew stuff that only people close to me know, not something you get from a background check.

I sighed I was just imagining things, this was just proving that I had spent to much time on team arrow and had become to suspicious of everyone and everything. I looked over and noticed a young man with brown hair reading Dr. Wells' biography while explaining the particle accelerator to a girl who I recognized as a barista from this morning. The way the man was talking about Dr. Wells and the particle accelerator they both were going to change the world for the better. Everyone else in Central City loved Dr. Wells. 

Let's just hope everyone else was right about him.


I got the call the next morning that I officially had a job as an architect at STAR labs. I called Oliver almost immediately afterward filling him on everything except my suspicions about Dr. Wells. "I'm happy for you Lexi, you deserve a normal life." I smiled "Thanks kid." "I told you not to call me that I am older than you." He whined through the phone. I ignored him and continued "How are things going at the Arrow cave?" "Everyone's good were still trying to adjust to having one less person on the team but we're fine." "Have you located Dr. Ivo yet?" "No the teams still working on it." "Good luck Ollie." "Thanks Lexi."

I ended the call. And then proceeded to get dressed for my first day as a STAR labs employee. 


I walked into what everyone called the Cortex an hour later wearing skinny jeans, brown knee high boots, a plain white shirt, and a brown leather jacket. My brown wavy hair was done up in a half neat half messy bun. I quickly adjusted my glasses and took a deep breath and walked inside. The guy who had brought me to Dr. Wells' office yesterday, Cisco brought me into a room with Dr. Wells and two other people in it. They both quickly introduced themselves to me as Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Ramond.

 "Caitlin, Ronnie, and Cisco, Ms. Grant here will be helping us build our particle accelerator." Caitlin smiled "So what is your science expertise Ms. Grant?" she questioned. "Uh actually I'm an architect and please call me Lexi." I answered. Caitlin's eyes widened, obviously she had wanted a female scientist on the team. Ronnie quickly got out some blueprints, "I've made a bunch of different plans over the past few months but every diagnostic I run it ends up in ruins." I leaned over and looked at the papers "Well there's your problem Mr. Ramond." I said pointing at the paper "The beam structure is all wrong." Dr. Wells smiled "I think all of you will do well as a team."


A/N so finally Lexi got to meet the Star labs crew! Comment, vote and follow! -Charlie

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