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A/n: I've been waiting to write this chapter since the beginning!! BTW revelation means an unknown fact becoming known in a dramatic way. Sry, spoilers. :P Hope you like it! - Charlie


Now this was hilarious.

We were all working with Barry to help him with his multitasking skills. Barry was playing chess with Dr. Wells, ping pong with Cisco, operation with Caitlin, and darts with me. He was winning at every single game except darts. But I guess I had an unfair advantage, being an archer and all that. 

"This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." Caitlin said as the buzzer went off on her game again. "That's not the point Dr. Snow." Barry reminded. "Then what is the point?" Caitlin asks. "To have fun!" Barry answers while he zooms over to me and throws a dart at the board and it hits the outer rim. Barry pouts and I pat him on the head. "Am I seriously the only one winning against Barry?" I say as I throw my own dart, hitting the bullseye. "This is also to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your abilities to multitask." Dr. Wells says, "and don't worry Ms. Grant, you won't be the lone winner for long." He added. 

"Checkmate." Dr. Wells announces. "Checkmate?" Barry questions. "Checkmate." Dr. Wells confirms, "guess we still have a few things to learn Mr. Allen." He adds. I hear our crime detector go off I quickly run into the cortex. "Armed robbery on fourth and Collins." I announce. "For the record I crushed it at operation and ping pong." Barry says. "But you failed miserably at darts and chess." I retort. I hear Barry laugh as he runs out of the cortex. 

A few minutes later Barry talks through the speakers "where's the nearest hospital?" He asks. Ok out of my 8 months in central city I have never needed to go to the hospital, so I have no idea where it is. "Uhhhh... Cisco can you help me out?" I ask. "St. Andrews, seven blocks north, two east." Cisco says. "Ok call them and tell them they have a incoming GSW." Barry instructs. "Ok, I'm on it." Caitlin responds. 


A few hours later: 

"Yo Lexi can you clean up those vials I left on the cortex?" Cisco asked. "Ugh fine." I moan as I walk into the cortex. As I was picking up the vials I froze as I heard voices. "And this is where my team and I monitor police activity. We can track all attacks in the city." I heard Barry say. I heard them getting closer. "And we have our own satellite." Barry added. "I know, I've hacked into it from time to time." 

Wait I knew that voice. I look up as the two figures walk into the cortex. "Felicity?!" I exclaim. "Lexi! Oh my gos-" Felicity never got to finish cause I crushed her in a hug. We stood there for awhile and I slowly started to feel tears in my eyes. "Hey are you crying?" Felicity whispered. "No... Yes. I've just missed the team so much and I've been to busy to visit." I whisper back. "It's ok we all miss you too." She replies, comforting me. 

"How do you guys know each other?" Barry asks. We break our hug, and glance at each other "Uhhh... I used to work at Queen Consolidated together." I say. It's not actually a lie, that's where I first meet Felicity. I hear Caitlin come up behind me. "It is, of course, so great to see you again Felicity." Caitlin started, "I'm just wondering how much of our operations she needs to know about." Caitlin continues. I walk back to the vials and pick them up. Cisco would get pissed if I didn't put the vials away.

"I'm really good at keeping secrets." Felicity says. 'Ha, they don't know the half of it' I think. 

"Felicity works with the Arrow." Barry blurts out. This was going to end badly for Felicity. 

"Sweet." Cisco says. "And you apparently are not." Felicity says to Barry.

"It's all making sense now, you know who the arrow is." Cisco points at Felicity. 'Oh shit, Felicity always breaks under pressure' I think.

"Uhhhh.... Lexi does too!!" Felicity exclaims. I freeze as I feel all eyes turn to me. 

"You.. You know... doing... doing superhero stuff... being Nightshade and all." Felicity says nervously. 

I whip my head around and glare at Felicity with a look that could kill. I hear a crash and I look down in shock, I had dropped the vials. 

"Is it true?" I hear Barry ask. "Lexi, is it true? Are you Nightshade?" He continues. I sigh "Yes." I feel everyone's eyes widen.

"I am Nightshade."


A/n: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you all don't hate me for this! Remember comment, vote and follow. - Charlie

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