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A/n: hey guys so I'm skipping episode 3 cause I'm lazy and nothing important will happen to Lexi in that episode so yeah. Hope you enjoy - Charlie


I walked into the hospital and looked for Barry. I turned a corner and ran straight into someone, I looked up and saw that it was Barry. I felt my cheeks slowly go red, "Um, Hey Barry I was just coming to see if Joe is ok." I stuttered. "Umm, Joe's ok. I was actually coming to see you." He said. "You were?" I question. "Uh yeah, I was wondering if you still wanted to go get coffee with me?" He asked. "Um yeah sure." I said. "What time works for you." I continued "Um, is right now ok." He answered. "Yeah, I mean I have no where else to go." I said. "Ok great, let me just say bye to Joe." He said as he turned and walked away quickly. 

I quickly checked to make sure I was ok for a coffee date. I was currently wearing a knee high royal blue dress, black flats, and a black leather jacket. The downside was I had decided to go glasses and not contacts today. I sighed, thinking about calling Felicity but decided against it. Barry turned the corner once again and said "You ready?" "Yep." I responded. Barry then proceeded to pick me up, bridal style. "Um what are you doing?" I asked, feeling my face go red. "It's the fastest way to Jitters." Barry, I opened my mouth to say more but it was shut by a ton of wind blowing in my face. It stopped as Barry stopped running as we were in front of Jitters. Barry put me down and I had trouble finding my footing. 


1 hour later:

"So you don't think life has a purpose?" Barry asked. "No, I just think some people's lives are more purposeful than others." I say. "So how do you measure this, purposefulness?" Barry asks. I laugh "I think it's measure by how much of an impact you have on the world. That's why I signed on to build the partical accelerator. I wanted to be remembered. And maybe that's why you became the streak." Barry raised his eyebrows, "Thats why you think I became the streak." He asked. "No. I know you have personal reasons as well but don't tell me you don't want to be remembered for doing this stuff."I answered. "I guess you have a point Ms. Grant." Barry said jokingly. I sighed looking around, "Well we should probably get going Jitters will probably close soon." I say. "Yeah." Barry replies as we walk out the door.

We walk down to the curb together and Barry turns to me "So I'll see you tomorrow, then?" He asks. "Yep, I'll be there." I say smiling. "Well until then." Barry says as he leans down towards me, I suddenly move forward closing the gap in between us. Our lips touch lightly and quickly, but still managed to create butterflies in my stomach. "Good night Lexi." Barry whispers before he zooms away leaving me to whisper to myself 

"Good night Barry."


A few minutes later: 

I walked into my apartment and collapsed onto the couch and turned on the news. I still had that stupid smile on my face from when Barry kissed me. "CCPD are currently trying to track down a dangerous drug gang after a failed sting operation that the CCPD conducted." The news reporter said. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, Barry couldn't help, he was probably already asleep after defeating Kyle Nimbus today. I look over to my closet where my Nightshade suit is stored. I got up and slowly walked over. I opened the closet and looked down at the duffel bag. 'You only have to wear it tonight' a voice in my head spoke. 'You catch the drug dealers then you go back to being a normal person' I sigh reaching down and grabbing the bag. Already regretting my actions.

"Well, here goes nothing."


One hour later: 

After hours of tracking the gang I found what seemed to be their headquarters, a abandoned warehouse. I walk in feeling vulnerable since there was only empty space, someone could easily creep up on me.


I turn to the noise, drawing an arrow from my quiver. I slowly walk towards the wall, the wall has a line of discoloured bricks. I walk towards them and I hear muffled voices coming from behind the wall. I place my hands on the bricks and push. The brick swing back in the shape of a door. I slowly walk down the stairs. I hide against a wall as I look into the room. There was three guys, all with guns. I mentally thanked Felicity for giving me new high tech arrows before I left. I pulled out an arrow that could split into three. 

I pulled back on the bow string, and let go. In mid air it split and hit all three targets. I smiled as I walked over to the mans phone that he dropped. I was dialling 911 when I heard a whooshing noise and all of a sudden I was pinned against the wall with an arm against my throat. I look up and see that it's Barry in his streak costume. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He demanded. I activated the voice changer thing that makes your voice sound different as I started to speak, "You've seriously never heard of me?" "No" Barry responded puzzled, "You've never heard of Nighshade? You know, one of of the vigilantes in Starling city. I'm friends with the arrow." I said. "Oh, no I know how you are know, but what are you doing in this city?" Barry asked. "I'm uh, on vacation. Thought the new hero in town could use some help." I say. "Well I don't." Barry says obviously mad now. "Well how took down those three guys? I don't think it was you." I stated, Barry let go of me and I quickly rub my neck, "Well, Thank you for you help Nightshade. I have everything under control you can leave." He finished.

This pissed me off. I hated how Barry was so against someone being out in the field with them. I opened my mouth to say something back when I heard a click of a gun. "GET DOWN." I yelled while diving behind a desk as bullets fly everywhere. I look up and see the streak behind the desk with me. "What was that about having everything under control?" I say. "It was until you over stayed your visit." He growled. "That's it I'm so sick of you not wanting any help!!" I then quickly drew an arrow shot it at the man with the gun, causing him to fall over, but not before grazing my shoulder with a bullet. I hissed in pain, dropped my bow and grabbed my shoulder. "See, if you hadn't tried to help, you wouldn't have been shot." Barry said frustratingly and then ran away. I sighed, muttering 



I walked into my apartment and looked at the clock, it read 5:30 am. I sighed, I probably wouldn't get any sleep. I slowly started to dress my wounded shoulder. 

It was going to be a long morning.


8:00 am

I walked into STAR labs that morning feeling like shit. "Woah Lexi were you hit by a truck?" Cisco asked. I sighed "No, I just... Couldn't sleep." I said rubbing my eyes. Luckly I had gone to Jitters to get coffee. "Yo Lexi, did you buy me a donut?" Cisco asked patting his hand down on my injured shoulder as I winced in pain, "No I forgot, sorry Cisco." I say trying not to be rude. I went into my work station just outside of the cortex and looked at my blueprints for stuff STAR labs could do for the community. I picked up a pencil only to notice that my fingers were extremely sore from using my arrows. I sighed,

This was going to be a long day.


1 hour later: 

Barry walked into my work station. "Hey can I talk to you?" He asked "Uh yeah sure." I responded. I quickly started worrying that he knew it was me last night. "Um, you used to live in Starling city right?" He asks. "Yeah, why are you asking?" I questioned. "Well did you see on the news about the drug gang?" he checks. 'Oh shit' I think 'he knows it was me.' "Uh yeah I know about the drug gang." I answer. "Well I went to go find the gang and I ran into on of the Starling city vigilantes, Nightshade. Have you ever met her before?" He explains. "Uh no I've never met her, luckily I have never been in a situation where she had to save me." I lie. "Well thanks anyway Lexi." He says as he turns away. "No problem." I reply. 

"Oh, Lexi there there was one more thing I wanted to ask you." He says. "Go ahead shoot." I say. "Well, that kiss last night..." He pauses "It was nice." I say. "Um, are we a couple?" He asks. "I guess... Um I mean only if you want to?" I say. Suddenly Barry grabs on to my shoulders and kisses me. It was still as light as last night but it lasted longer and I can feel fireworks going off inside of me. I can also feel my shoulder explode in pain. Barry pulled away and smiled at me,

And I smiled back.

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