The Ying and the Yang

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"I can't do this alone." Barry finished. Cisco, Caitilin and I looked at each other checking to make sure everyone was on board. "If we're gonna do this Cisco and I might have something to help." I claimed. Cisco and I led them into a smaller part in the lab. "It's something we've been playing with." Cisco explained. I spun the table with the suit around "It's been designed to replace the turnout firefighters usually use. We thought if STAR labs could do something nice for the community everyone wouldn't be so mad at Dr. Wells anymore." Cisco finished. "How's it going to help me?" Barry asked.

"Its made of reinforced trypolmer. Its heat and abrasive resistant so it should withstand your movement at a high velocity speed, and the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control." I said. Impressed with myself that I had remembered everything Cisco told me. " Plus it has built in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact with you from here." Cisco explained.  "Wait Cisco, where the emblem?" I questioned "It's a work in progress..." He explained "What! I thought you had it done?" I said "Well because of the Cotton Eye Joe fiasco I didn't" Cisco replied. 

"Thanks for the suit guys" Barry said smiling at me "So how do we find Martin." Caitlin ushered us back into the cortex and said "I reset STAR labs satellites to track meteorological abnormalities over Central city, in a few minutes we should be able to find Martin." Barry nodded his head and went and sat down on the crash cart. After a few minutes I joined him. "You ok?" I asked. "What do you think?" He responded chuckling lightly. I smiled softly "I think your nervous that you'll mess up and people will get hurt, and excited cause this seems to be the first time you have a chance of winning a fight, and scared of the crazy psychopath that you have to fight." He looked at me in disbelief, obviously I had hit the mark. I shrugged "I'm really good at reading people." Although I knew most of this stuff because I felt the same way on my first night of being Nightshade. 

"How did you know that I wouldn't be evil like Martin?" Barry asked. I sighed, remembering something Yao Fei told me on the island " An old friend once told me that life's events are like the Ying and the Yang. There's the good inside the bad and the bad in side the good. Maybe your the good inside the terribleness of the particle accelerator and the evil metahumans are the bad inside the good of you getting you powers." I said. " wow" Barry said "That's some inspiring stuff." I laughed "Maybe we should get coffee sometime and talk more?" He asked. I blushed, was he asking me out on a date? " Uh yeah sure sounds good." I stuttered out, all confidence somehow lost. 

"We just got a ping." Caitlin said " The atmospheric pressure reached 20 millibars in a matter of seconds." She finished. I mentally blessed Caitlin for getting me out of that akward situation as I walked over to the screen. "It's been tracked to a farm just west of the city." I said looking at Barry. "It's Martin" he confirmed. He then walked over to the suit and then both Barry and the suit were gone. 

All three of us crowded around the computers "Barry this thing is getting closer. Wind speeds are at 200 miles per hour." Caitlin warned. All we got was silence. I started to panick "Barry can you hear us?" I asked. "Yeah loud and clear." Barry responded. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. " Barry if it keeps it up this could become an f5 tornado." Cisco said. "And it's heading towards the city." I added. "Ok how do I stop it?" Barry said through the speakers. All three of us exchanged glances, and guessing by the looks on Cisco and Caitlin's faces, they had no idea. I sighed, it was clearly time for one of my crazy ideas. I used to do this a lot on team arrow. Oliver would never believe that it would work but it always did. "What if you unravel it Barry?" I asked. "How is he going to do that." Caitlin asked me, making sure Barry could still hear them. "I could run in the opposite direction, cut off its legs." Barry claimed. Finally someone who agreed with my plans. "He'd have to clock over 700 miles per hour to do that." Cisco said. 

"Your body might not be able to handle those speeds Barry, you'll die." I said, concern written on my face. "I have to try." Barry responded as he began to run. "Ha! The suits holding up!" Cisco exclaimed. "But he's not." I countered. "It's too strong" Barry said through the speakers. I turned and saw Dr. Wells approaching to computer screen. "You can do this Barry." Dr. Wells said into the microphone. He continued "You were right, I am responsible for this. So many people have been hurt because of me and when I looked at you all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness, but you Barry, you can stop it. You can do this. Now run Barry, run!" 

We all smiled at each other at the thought of Dr. Wells' speech. But attention was quickly brought back to Barry as we heard an unfamiliar voice on the speakers. "I didn't think there was anyone like me." Martin said. "I'm not like you." Barry responded "Your a murderer."  I smiled at Barry's words but then jumped as we heard two gun shots fire. "Barry?" I asked, concerned. "I'm fine, it's over." Barry responded. 

"I'm okay."


A/n: So the first episode is done (finally)! Also I added some stuff to chapter 1 do go check it out. Remember to comment, vote and follow! - Charlie

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