Adjusting to the Pain

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A/n: Hey! Sorry for the late chapters I had a essay due and I was not prepared. Also this chapter takes place after the particle accelerator exploded - Charlie


I was currently sitting in the Cortex all alone, Caitlin was off running blood samples then was going to go home (probably to cry) while Cisco was in his work area trying to keep his mind off of what had happened. Dr. Wells was taking the day off today. All the other employees that usually made STAR labs a busy and lively place all quit. Cisco, Caitlin and I all thought about it but we couldn't bare to leave Dr. Wells alone. Plus we were getting paid much more than we used to.

With everyone doing their respective things it left me in charge of the patient, a guy named Barry. The guy had been struck by lightning the night of the explosion and was still asleep nine months later. The kid obviously had people that cared for him, so did I. After the explosion I got three different calls from Ollie, Felicity and Diggle. I wasn't even at STAR Labs when the explosion happened, I wish I had been there maybe I would've been able to save Ronnie.

I sighed. I brought my knees up to my chest in the cortex chair. I was wearing sweatpants and a STAR labs sweater. A few minutes later I was fast asleep.


The next morning:

 I woke up to the sound of Poker face by Lady Gaga. I opened my eyes and groaned glaring at Cisco, "Lexi that is the worst poker face I've ever seen." I groaned again "what are you doing Cisco?" I questioned. "What? He likes this song." I sighed "How could you possibly know that?" "I checked his Facebook page, I mean he can hear everything right? Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." He claimed. "Cisco has a point" said Caitlin as she walked in. I was about to respond when I heard a loud gasp. I quickly turned around seeing the patient awake.

The patient, Barry, got up in a panicked state "Where am I?" "Woah um kid calm down." I said slightly confused, I had just woken up and everyone was yelling and I was sorta out of it. Cisco ran over to the monitors saying "He's up! Dr. Wells get down to the cortex like right now." I looked back at Barry who was still looking like a cornered animal and I was seriously considering knocking him out again. Thankfully I was saved by Caitlin who ran over to Barry "Oh, oh relax." And Cisco continued "Everything's ok man."

"Your at STAR labs kid." I said answering his question. "STAR Labs?" He repeats "Who, who are you?" He questioned "I'm Cisco Ramon and this Lexi Grant." Cisco said pointing at me "and this is Caitlin Snow." Cisco continued. Caitlin took this pause to speak her mind "I need you to urinate in this cup." She said. I quickly jumped in and said "Not right now." "What am I doing here?" Barry questioned, I sighed " You were struck by lightning dude." He turned around noticing his reflection in the monitors "Lightning gave me abs?" He looked at me questioning me. I put my hands up in defeat "Dude I am no scientist but even I know that lightning was messed up." I heard Caitlin sigh "Your muscles should be atrophied but instead their in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration." Caitlin said while handing him a STAR labs sweatshirt. 

Barry sat down and looked at us "How long was I in a coma?" "About nine months" I said shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal and Barry's eyes grew wide. "Welcome back Mr. Allen, we have much to discuss." Dr. Wells said as he walked, sorry, rolled through the door. 


A few minutes later: 

Barry walked into the cortex with Dr. Wells rolling behind him. "I need to go" Barry claimed. "Dude you just woke up from a coma." I said. "Lexi's right, now that your awake we need to do more tests, your still going through changes, there's so much we don't know." claimed Cisco. "I'm fine" Barry said "I feel normal." He started walking towards the door and quickly turned around and said "Thanks for saving my life." Then looked at Dr. Wells and said "Can I keep the sweatshirt?" "Yeah keep the sweatshirt." Dr. Wells responded as Barry walked out the door.

"Your Welcome!" I yelled as Barry walked away causing Cisco to burst out laughing.


A/n: Soooooo Lexi kinda met Barry this chapter! Comment, vote and follow! - Charlie

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