Chapter 1: An Empty Grave

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John knelt down next to the grave and put his hand on the headstone as tears started to fill his eyes and fall gracefully down his cheeks, "why did you have to jump Sherlock?" he whimpered knowing all to well he wouldn't get a reply. "You could be that clever Sherlock, clever enough to fake your death." John said quietly, the tears were now rushing out of John's eyes and onto the flowers he had brought just as he had always done before. he always laid the neatly on his grave, but by the time he had got there the next day they had disappeared. The sight of disappearing flowers used to excite John, It was like Sherlock had taken them but he knew that it was probably the grave keeper who had removed them, or possibly a small animal like a bird to use for it's nest. "why won't you just come back Sherlock, we can go after serial killers and fight crime and I can go back to being your blogger instead of just some lonely bloke who lost his only friend!" john cried out, he looked up and starred into the trees listening to the rustling of leaves and birds singing to their loved ones. "Harry wants me to move in with her and some new lover she has, but I can't leave the apartment, not without you." John said trying to calm himself down, he could feel someones eyes on him, watching him, but then again his was shouting at a grave. He heard his phone ring but he quickly silenced it out of respect for Sherlock. John tried to smile and wiped the tears from his face "can't be that important can it?" he said, his phone rang again, "damn." John muttered to himself. " I'm sorry Sherlock, just let me check this" he said standing up and patting the grave stone  gently. John unlocked the phone and opened up the text messages, they were from an unknown number, but it wasn't unknown it looked to familiar to John,he knew he had seen the number. John had deleted Sherlock's number from his phone in hopes that he could move on but it never worked, still John kept his hopes up that maybe just maybe one day he would be able to move on and stop leaving flowers at his best friend's grave.John opened the texts and read them, but what he saw surprised him, it was unbelievable, and it terrified John.

I'm not dead John, Let's go have dinner-SH

John looked it over trying to decipher if this was a cruel prank or if his one wish had come true. He looked at the phone again and again still taken a back. His phone buzzed again and it made him almost jump, it was the same number.

Is that a moustache? shave it off John-SH

 John felt his face growing hot as tears started to form in his eyes, who would do this? John looked at his phone then back to the grave, no,no,no it wasn't Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes was dead. "who are you? what the bloody hell is wrong with you?" John called out tears flooding into his eyes and out onto his now puffy cheeks. Johns phone rang again, but this time it was Mrs.Hudson, his house-, landlady.

John, I think it's time you came home dear, I think you'll want to see this- Mrs.Hudson

John gulped as he read the text, had Sherlock Holmes really come back? Had all of John's wishing really worked, God he sounded like a child but he needed this to be true.John looked at the grave, then down to the flowers still in his hands, John gave a half smile befor he placed them on the grave but when he did his sleeve came up revealing the self inflicted scars on his arms. John looked at the scars again, some still fresh from last night, then he made a mental note not to let Sherlock see them, if he was really alive.

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