Chapter 14: A nightmare returns.

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"Sherlock have you taken your pills? John said holding up the pill bottle to reveal a almost completely full bottle. Sherlock looked at him and shrugged rolling his eyes slightly. then slumped down into the couch allowing his body to take up the whole sofa. "What's that supposed to mean?" John said laughing slightly. Sherlock sat up a bit then slumped back down. "No John of course not they won't help." He replied. John rolled his eyes and walked over to Sherlock placing the required two pills in his hands. "I told you I wouldn't kiss you till your better." He said sitting on the back of the couch. Sherlock looked at the pills and then at John. After a while of staring he placed the two in his mouth and swallowed them at once. John smiled victoriously then walked to the opposite side of the couch and lifting up Sherlock's legs and placing them on top of his lap so he could sit. Sherlock smiled at this and then placed his fingers under his chin in thought. "So Sherlock..." John said allowing the words to hang in the air. Sherlock removed his hands from his chin and looked at him. "Hmm?" Sherlock replied. John looked at him for a second thinking of how he would word his question. "Are we ever going to talk about what happened between you and that teacher?" Sherlock looks at John and bites his lip. "Nope." He says plainly before returning to his mind palace. John looks at him and laughs a bit before adjusting himself so he was on top of Sherlock inches away from his face. Sherlock looks at him for a moment, confusion enveloping him as John put his hand on his chest. John smiles at him seductively his hands stroking his chest. "John please kiss me." Sherlock says like it was a normal thing to say. John laughs at this and then stands, "Nope, you're still sick." John whispered into his neck before returning to the kitchen, a smirk stretched wide across his face.


Sherlock smiled brightly at John as he watched John try on suits for their wedding less than a month away. "I like this one." John said looking in the mirror. Sherlock looked him up and down and then stood walking up behind him and placing his arms around his waist, "Me too." He said watching their reflection. John tilted his head back so Sherlock could kiss him. Sherlock took the innovation happily, he had been sick for two weeks, two weeks without kisses from John. After a while Sherlock broke the kiss and returned his gaze to the mirror. John smiled at the reflection as a tear slipped down his cheek. "What's wrong dear?" Sherlock asked nervously. John smiled at him again before replying, "Nothing bad, Just the fact that I am marrying my best friend." A grin stretched wide across Sherlock's face as he leaned into kiss John again this time more passionately as he slipped his tongue in fighting affectionately for dominance.In the end Sherlock let John win as he broke their kiss becoming aware of the stares. John rolled his eyes,still happy with his defeat. "Let's go home." Sherlock said after a while. John looked at him and then nodded heading back to the dressing room. When John entered the dressing room he quickly undressed and hung up the suit on a hanger placing it neatly on the back of the door. He turned to the mirror in the dressing room and frowned looking his body up and down. This was the reason he made Sherlock wait. He hated his body, his ugly scars from Afghanistan, and the ones he had inflicted on himself some of which bore Sherlock's name. He ran a cold finger over the initials buried in the skin on his hip '-SH '. He remembered the first night he did it, he had gone over it with the blade at least a dozen times, the pain that kept the memories away. All the man he had gone through, all the tears he had cried as he finally came to terms with the fact that he was in love with a dead man. Now he was marrying him, he was marrying Sherlock. After a while of wallowing in self pity John pulled his trousers and jumper over his bare skin. John walked out of the small room the suit tagging behind him. Sherlock grinned toothily at him as he placed a hand in John's lacing their fingers together.

On the cab ride home a silence fell between them (not what I meant whovians... If you thought that... Don't lie to me.... I love you :) ) it wasn't an awkward silence in fact it was rather blissful as the two shared their space looking out opposite windows, their fingers remaining intertwined between them.

John handed the cabbie 10 pounds and smiled to show his appreciation. the man looked at him and smirked then pulled his hood down to reveal his face. John's eyes widened and he took a step back, "Moriarty?" He choked. the man sneered and placed a finger to his mouth "shh." he whispered a smiled spreading across his face. John turned quickly to get Sherlock but he had already entered the flat. John turned and watched the cab speed away with Moriarty in it his face burned into his mind. John slowly turned and walked into the flat his heart beating like a bee, he walked up the steps and placed a hand on the door knob but then stopped. He couldn't face Sherlock and tell him what he had just seen. It was to much, even for him. John pulled out his phone and messaged Sherlock;

I went for a walk don't worry about me. -JW

Whats wrong John.-SH

nothing I just went for a walk don't worry love.-JW

John, I think you know better than to lie to me.-SH


Was it the Moriarty?-SH

You saw too?-JW

Of course I did John don't be daft.-SH

Why didn't you say something?-JW

He would have killed us.-SH

Right then... Well I'm gonna go for my walk and think.-JW


John read the last text and then put it back in his pocket happy with leaving the conversation at that. He turned on his toes and walked back down the very steps he had just walked. ((The italics are either John's thoughts or texts... You should figure it out. Unless your Anderson... Then stop reading my book you're putting me off...))

    John walked outside and stopped his thoughts swarming through him. Moriarty is back.... But how? I saw the bullet wound through his head. I felt his cold body. This was different from Sherlock's death, this time John had tried to strangle Moriarty's corpse before realizing he was dead. He knew he had killed Sherlock before... Or so he thought. If he had killed him before than what was he here to do now? The same thing? John felt himself getting overwhelmed with the wedding fast approaching and Moriarty's new found return he didn't think he could do it. John watched the sun in the sky as it set peacefully across the London skyline. John walked over to a brick building and slid down it a tear falling on his cheek. He had just gotten his Sherlock back and now that bastard was going to take him away.

A/N: Okay I know this was short and crappy but I'm sorry I tried :P! Please like/comment/share to show ya love! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE 400 READS OH MY GOSH GUYS!!!! i DIDN'T EVER THINK IN MY WILDEST DREAMS THIS COULD HAPPEN *Does dance and ends up falling...twice* I DIDN'T THINK ANYONE WOULD READ THIS!!!!!!! *GUSH* I love you guys to much for my own good! I hope your week is amazing and please read my Phanfic... If your into that... Sorry I feel like I'm advertising but if you did I would die!!!!!!!1 I love you all <3!!!!

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