Chapter 26: Uh they're going to Disney.... Is that a chapter name?

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A/N: I'm writing this (Or starting it at least) on my Birthday... December 14th.

Sherlock huffed as John pulled him into the long line already holding on to Hamish who was having just as much fun as his father, Sherlock was. "I don't understand,dad, why this is fun." Hamish called his head turned up, John looked at Sherlock then to Hamish. "Because normal children like this, and your dad is living his childhood through you." Sherlock explained smirking ever so slightly. John glared at him, even if it was true, he wouldn't admit that... To anyone. "Just act like you're having fun bud and I'll give you twenty pounds." Sherlock whispered in Hamish's ear, squatting down to his level, making John step on his foot harshly, "Do not bribe our three year old Sherlock!" John said laughing ever so slightly. Sherlock huffed, "Well he won't get on any rides if I don't." Sherlock said standing up and grasping John's hand then moving it to his waist.

"I love you so much." Sherlock murmerred, John blushed slightly feeling Sherlock long fingers stretch on his skin, running over some of the scars he had, he closed his eyes earasing it from his memory, if he could, he would go back in time and stop himself, tell himself Sherlock was alive, that one day he married the love of his life and raised a beautiful child with him. He could feel Sherlock's fingers rubbing into his back just slightly causing the fabric of his shirt to rub on his skin. "I love you more." John replied after a while, opening his eyes to look up at the tall man infront of him. He leaned against him, breathing in his strong stench of lemongrass and soap, not like a chemical soap, but natural, and clean. He stuck his hand out and wiggled his fingers to signify for Hamish to come and join the hug. Hamish huffed slightly, but none the less he joined the hug. "I love you all." John whispered, Sherlock grinned and kissed John and Hamish's head. "I love you both." Sherlock murmerred. "Sentiment." Hamish growled making his eye roll obvious by his tone, John chuckled slightly, "Yes Hamish, and maybe one day you'll see that even if you turn out to be a sociopath like your father that sentiment is not a bad thing and that even if you don't want to, you will fall in love." John explained touching his nose slightly, "That's how it works." He whispered to him. Sherlock let out a chuckle and then nodded slightly, "It's true Hamish. I fell in love with your dad. Completely against my will, I was terrified at first, and it all seems very scary, and it hurts, and it takes a lot of sacrifice, but it's not in vein." Sherlock explain watching the people ahead of them move up and get in the ride making them next. Sherlock clenched his jaw at the thought of the ride infront of them but ignored all of his nerves, he could do that... For now.

"Alright you three can get in this row." A blonde lady with a circus trainer outfit said, her hair was in a bun, but it wasn't tight, it was very messy, college student Sherlock thought to himself. Working to pay bills, most likely not close to family, runaway? Yes must be it, why? Boyfriend- No. Girlfriend? Probably, possibly why her parents kicked her out. No bad background, how else would she get this job? So definatley the girlfriend, still together though- Sherlock stered at the lady for a moment then looked at her hand watching a ring glimmer on her finger, he smiled, cheap, but it was special, definatley an engagment ring. Sherlock made a note to tell John to give her some sort of money to pay for a wedding. It was the least he could do, she was also obviously struggling with depression, like John did- or still does- but it comes in strides now- he was sucidal though, that much was obvious, which was why he was making it a point to show he loved him.

Sherlock sat down in the row and let the bar close down on their laps making Sherlock feel uncomfortable, John could tell that so he gripped his hand, lacing their fingers together, John's hands were cold, matching the just barely cold weather outside. He rubbed his thumb on the space on Sherlock's hand where his thumb and forefinger met. "Do you think we can give that girl money, John?" Sherlock asked making John raise an eyebrow, "She is engaged, but her family isn't supporting her, it's a same sex marriage, she is also in college, she deserves a wedding." Sherlock explained before John could question anything, "Is Sherlock holmes being... Nice?" John tease putting a hand on his mouth to show his suprised face, Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Shut up I'm using my powers for good." Sherlock said nudging him. John smiled, "Yeah okay, whatever, I can give her one hundred, but anymore and we won't have anything to use!" John promised as the ride urched forward.

Hamish, just like his father, shut his eyes immediately, the ride came to a stop as they got to the top of a small mountain. (the ride itself wasn't to big) Hamish glanced at Sherlock who sat on the other side of John, Sherlock looked back at him and faked a smile, hiding his nerves then looked at John. John chuckled, "I understand Hamish being scared, he's 3 but I'd think my sociopathic 34 year old husband would be at least a little less scared." John snickered, putting an arm protectively around Hamish and interlock fingers with Sherlock's now clammy ones. The ride itched is way up some more before letting go and allowing the cart, with all 3 men (plus some others) to go plummeting downwards with a spin as it shot through a black tunnel.

Hamish cried out as the ride went on screaming for it to stop, whilst Sherlock sat perfectly still, trying his hardest to deduce what was happening, and really why "normal" people liked these rides. "John! I don't understand! why is this fun John?!" Sherlock cried shutting his eyes again as the ride turned and twisted. John laughed, "This is nothing! Wait till we do Tower Of Terror!" John screeched as the ride slowed, to Sherlocks relief, "From the sounds of it- I'm gonna watch Hamish whilst you go on that." Sherlock murmured as the ride's bars lifted. Sherlock scampered out, almost clambering over John and Hamish, then brushed off. John turned to Hamish, taking his hand tightly an protectively as he watched some colour return to his now pale face. "Money John." Sherlock reminded placing a hand out for John to place cash in. John instead took it, "it does no good if you don't say why." John explained walking up to the blonde woman who was trading spots with a new girl.

The blonde woman jumped as they tapped her shoulder, only slightly after she left. "Sorry," she almost whispered, "may I help you?" she continued quietly. "HI! My name is John Watson an this is my husband Sherlock and son Hamish." the lady's face softened when John said husband, as if she accepted them, liked them. John was about to finish but Sherlock butted in- "I'm a sociopathic genius and I read people like books- I couldn't help but notice, along with other things that you obviously have no family support in your life choices, obviously for being a lesbian, and you are still in college, but you're engaged so my family and I wanted to give money to afford the wedding as a part of the LGBT family." Sherlock explained in a split second, "and that's as modest as be gets." John said shrugging. The woman's face turned red as a tear slipped down her face, before it reached her chin though she wipe it off, "Oh my God! Are you serious?" she asked looking around for cameras to show her it was a trick. "obviously." Sherlock retorted, instantly receiving a correctional, soft pinch from John to stop him. John pulled out his wallet and offered her a one hundred dollar bill that they'd just exchanged from pounds. She started to cry more, "this is the nicest thing anyone's done. Oh God- Cathy I going to die! we needed one hundred dollars to pay for her dress and- this is- no one is this nice." She said taking the bill and wiping off tears. John smiled, "we're glad to help, I hope you and Cathy are happy together and your family comes to accept you." John said smiling and offering a hand to shake, she took it happily and smiled as big as she could. "Thank you so very much. I hope that you three are happy!" she said smiling even wider. "Thank you very much." she said as they all turned to go in other ways.

Not long after, the three were heading to their hotel, already tiers from driving. Sherlock rested his heavy head on John's shoulder as Hamish sprawled out on both o their laps in the back of the cab. Sherlock groaned sleepily as John put his arm around his neck and fondled his hair, Sherlock returned the favour by playing with John's free hand. He smiled slightly at the way their hands looked together. Although he could see light scars that traveled down his sleeve he still smiled because he knew in some way he got John to stop. Then he frowned, he stopped them, but he also started them. he slowly rolled down John's sleeve without him noticing or Hamish, who was dead asleep. He bit his lip at them, they were deep and is scared him. The scars showed signs of gash like cuts instead of just scratches, John wanted to hurt himself. And from the looks of it and his deduction, he had more than on just his wrists. John looked down and tore his hand from Sherlock's grip and shoved his hand up his sleeve. "Why would you do that?" John asked looking out the window, "because I- I care about you and I'm worried that you'll do it again." Sherlock said looking up- or rather down at John. "Why did you do that?" Sherlock asked, catching his gaze, "because I lost the love of my life, and just- other stuff okay." John said avoiding his question. "We're married and you won't tell me?" Sherlock asked, "Are we doing this now? can we save it for the hotel? This is our honeymoon, Sherlock, I don't feel like discussing the way I found relief." John said moving his gaze to his hands that had moved from Sherlocks's hair to folded in his lap. He shut his eyes and blocked out more memories, "I'm sorry." Sherlock whispered, but the conversation was over.

A/n: I'd this short? it was written on my iPod, sorry for mistakes. Lots of Loki love!!! -Alex *has confetti parade* (supernatural fans get me!)

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