Really long A/N plz read

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Hey guys! If you're reading this then you've probably finished reading this whole fucking thing. (Or Not).. Which is hella rad.... Thanks for that.... It really means a lot. A lot has happened over the course of me writing this whole thing. Which sound so cheesy but its true. I have become a lot different and Im glad you all could take that journey with me.

To those of you who have read from the beginning:

Shout out to all you bitches. You put up with all my shit and all my weeks where I didn't update at all or if I did it was terrible. So thanks so much.....

To those who haven't read from the beginning:

Goo timing! cos I had you just randomly decide to read this... That's fucking awesome.

I'm not going to tell you guys to post this to your Tumblr to show your love... That is super conceded, I won't ask you to tell your friends or anything else. I just wanna know if you actually enjoyed this... Tell me below please. Or in a private message. I love to hear from all of you and I do read every comment just sometimes I don't reply.... Sorry about that. But I usually do reply to personal messages. I don't really have a lot of other things to say....

I just want you all to know I love you each so very much. Also thanks to anyone who ha read The Jeremy Project. It means a lot. Every submission helps.

Okay I think that's about it... Thank you all for reading this. I love you all sssssooooo much! Seriously. If you ever need anything just talk to me. Expect the new story in a couple weeks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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