Chapter 36: last one you guys <3

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A/N: EEEEYYY! LOOK I UPDATED! I think this is the last chapter and in a little while I'm going to make a sequel. So without further or do the last chapter of this!

John fit his hand into Sherlock's, squeezing lightly so he could remind Sherlock he was there, "Hey." He whispered up to Sherlock, Sherlock looked down at him and smiled, "Hi." Sherlock croaked back. He wasn't nervous. He was never nervous, he was the one and only Sherlock Holmes. However he did feel.... Uneasy about the whole- rehab thing John had insisted on him going to, after all, he knew he didn't have that much of an issue, if he needed to he could drop it, like his smoking habbit. Okay, so to be fair he was getting better with his smoking issue, he barely snuck them anymore, he now used the smell of his John Watson made tea's aroma that near- regularly filled the small flat.

John tried to muster a smile, "It's okay Sherlock. Don't worry. We're getting you better." Sherlock nodded but in a way that John could tell he was still angry, "I'm doing it for you. It's 45 minutes and then we can go back home and you can do a case and we can cuddle whilst we finish Doctor Who." Sherlock sighed, "I don't want to solve a case." I grumbled. John raised an eyebrow at him, pressing a palm to his forehead, "Are you feeling alright dear?" Sherlock swatted away John's hand, "I'm fine. I just don't feel like doing anymore of the cases the Lestrade has chosen for me. They're boring." John let out a small sigh, "Okay. So just cuddles. Maybe play with Hamish." Sherlock let out an even louder groan, "Children are SO tedious!" He practically yelled. John squeezed Sherlock's hand to get him to shut up as the doctor walked in, "Hello. I'm doctor Jotham." The man spoke with a thick irish accent. Sherlock's eyes widened and he stared, "No you're-." John covered his mouth with a hand, "Don't listen to him. As you were saying." Jotham mustered a fake chuckle and grin. "I wanted to say that I am here for Sherlock Holmes so I'm going to assume you're- him." Jotham pointed to him with a crooked fat finger, "Indeed." Sherlock replied hastily.


"So is everything in your relationship okay?" John nodded, "Oh yes! We're newly weds, we have a young boy, his name is Hamish, we are very happy." Jotham nodded, "Ah yes. Good but I was directing the question to Sherlock. This is after all, his issue." John looked at Sherlock who only returned the gaze, "Uhm, I can't think of any issues. I happen to be very bad at child care but John is fantastic at it. Also our landlady helps a lot." Sherlock shrugged, there wasn't much to say, that he hadn't. It had been all domestic bliss so far. The doctor nodded and jotted down a few notes, "Okay." He said seemingly unconvinced.

Sherlock looked out the window for the remaining minutes of the appointment, letting John answer most of the useless questions. He promised he wouldn't take the drugs, so he wouldn't there wasn't anything else to it. He used to have so much trust, he could just say something and John would agree, not that most of it was a lie, in fact he rarely lied to John, he couldn't get away with it anymore. Jotham sighed, "Okay, I suppose that's it. I'll see you next week." Sherlock let out an exasperated, thankful sigh and stood, "Thank god!" John scoured at him, "Sherlock." he nipped as if her were Sherlock's mother.


Sherlock sunk into the couch and opened his arms, "John you promised. " John sighed sarcastically, "I suppose we do have some time." John answered, sitting down by Sherlock and pulling him in, "John do you really love me? Like do you actually want to spend forever with me and Hamish?" John sat up and stared at Sherlock. Some how he didn't look the same, instead he looked more adolescent, more naive and hurt, "Of course I am. I would live without you. You're my everything, as is Hamish. I couldn't ever let anyone take you away, I love you so much." Sherlock didn't really answer, instead he just nodded softly and looked down again.

After a while John had shrugged off the question and instead payed more attention to the interact curls on Sherlock's pale face, he smiled at him and kissed his head, breathing in his familiar scent. Sherlock bustled his head into John's neck, "Can we have sex?" John let out a small chuckle, "I thought you were just supposed to ease into those things." John joked. Sherlock shifted his weight and sat up, pulling himself onto John's lap and facing towards him, his legs on either side, tucked up against the back of the couch. He stared at him, "Okay. Can we romantically make out until you want to have sex." John rolled his eyes and placed a soft kiss on his mouth, "Okay." John whispered. Sherlock fit his mouth to John's wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, John put both his hands on his back and pulled him in, "Every time you do that I get all hot inside." Sherlock muttered, John rolled his eyes and went back in for a kiss. Sherlock slipped a hand under the front of his woolly jumper and ran his fingers up and down his stomach, John held in a small moan that had formed in the back of his throat and up his spine.


John rested his head on Sherlock's chest and breathed in a long breath, "We have to go get Hamish from Mrs. Hudson." John mumbled, "I know. But just- I don't know. it's so nice being alone." Sherlock cooed, John sighed quietly, "I know, I know, but we are parents. What good would it serve to abandon him? Then one idiot would say, 'this I how they all act.' about us. We as gay men are held to a much higher standard." Sherlock groaned, "Fuck standard. I want to cuddle naked with you." John smiled, tangling his legs in with Sherlock's, "Me too." John concurred.

John closed his eyes for a moment in thought, letting the silence fill the air, "I want to be here with you forever." Sherlock muttered under his breath, John kissed the nape of his neck, "Me too." he mumbled. Sherlock ran his fingers over John's back, caressing the skin lightly, "I am in love with you." Sherlock whispered to John, closing his eyes, John met his lips with Sherlock's and pulled him close, prying his mouth open with his tongue. Sherlock smiled into the kiss, feeling the same spark as always, "I am so in love with you." John replied before getting up and slipping on his boxers and trousers, "No, no, no! get back in bed!" Sherlock groaned, pulling on John's hand, "I know. I know. But let's just get Hamish and then we can come back and I will cuddle you all night." Sherlock contemplated the option for a second and then nodded, "Okay." he replied, hopping off the bed and pulling on his pants and trousers as well.


      Hamish sighed, grunting a bit as John hoisted him up onto his shoulders, "Come on now. " John said, patting his leg, " We're just going shopping." John pushed the door out and walked into the busy summer air of London. Hamish looked like he may cry, "BUT I DON'T WANNA!" He pleaded, kicking his legs. John placed his hands over top of Hamish's legs so that he couldn't kick them and looked to Sherlock, Sherlock didn't seem to happy either, "Come on. That's not fair. We need to get things. We're out of milk, thank you Sherlock, for using it in your experiments. We also need some other basic things. " Sherlock groaned as Hamish did, cocking his head back, "I hate this shit." Sherlock moaned out, John glared harshly at him, "Excuse you. Language." John hissed. Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Daddy, what's 'shit' mean?" Hamish asked, tugging on John's hair. John shot a glance to Sherlock to resemble, 'You're getting it when we get home.' Sherlock bit his lip to muster a laugh. John sighed, "It means something you aren't allowed to say until you're 15." Hamish shrugged, "Okay." He replied. 


   "Hey John?" Sherlock asked, shaking him lightly, turning around in the bed and spooning him. John's eyes opened slightly, "Yes, Love?" John cooed back into the dark, "I just wanted to remind you I love you." Sherlock whispered into his ear. John smiled, taking his hand and lacing them together, "I love you too." John replied before drifting asleep again.

a/n: Long ass author note to come later but thank you guys SO SO SO much for reading this. I am so happy to have taken this journey with you, it's been great. I hope you all have a good week and I hope to make a sequel.

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