Chapter 2: 221 Sherlock Baker St

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John rolled down his sleeves covering his self harm scars and ran out of the graveyard waving his hands for a cab, a cabbie pulled up next to the kerb, and john quickly hopped in. "thank you." John said out of breath. John looked at the driver, it was the man he got almost every time he came from Sherlock's grave, but if all was right and this wasn't a cruel prank he may never see this cabbie again."hey mate, what's the rush?." the cabbie asked raising an eyebrow at him. "I think someone is-" John started but then stopped, how does one explain that they think their best friend is alive when the cabbie picks them up from their grave. "I think I forgot to turn my telly off and my landlady thinks someone is in the apartment so I'm checking to make sure." John lied, he wasn't very good at it, he always started to freak out when he lied especially to nice people like his cabbie. the cabbie looked at John then back to the street again.The minutes that passed in the cab ride made John grit his teeth and ball his hands into fists, along with being a crap liar, he was very impatient to. the cab pulled up to John's flat and John looked up into his window to see if maybe he could see Sherlock, but he couldn't see a thing from down on the ground. John handed the cabbie some money and walked up to the flat. "see ya tomorrow mate." john looked at him and tried to muster a smile "yeah." John murmured knowing the cabbie wouldn't be able to hear it. John straightened his back up and pulled his cream white jumper down close to his knees, John was a short man, but he had a healthy weight. John fumbled to get his key to the flat and shoved it into the hole and turned, he could feel the anticipation rushing into his hands but he had to keep reminding himself that this couldn't really be true, how could his dead best friend be alive, John thought how amazing it would be though. He could remember the chemistry that was between them, he was going to tell Sherlock that he loved him before he died but he had talked himself out of it knowing Sherlock wouldn't love John.  John pushed the door open and Mrs. Hudson rushed over to him grabbing onto him and looking as frightened as ever. John pushed her away still holding onto her, "what is it? What happened." John said looking worried, "It's Sherlock he's- He's upstairs John! He's alive!" Mrs. Hudson said, she looked like she was going to faint, or cry. John pushed her off and ran up to the apartment and slipped the key into the lock and pushed open the door. John's mouth gaped open, there was Sherlock nonchalantly playing his now untuned violin on the arm of his favourite chair. Sherlock turned and smiled, "John!" Sherlok said getting up and walking towards John, John felt tears coming close to spilling out of his eyes as he ran to Sherlock and hugged him, "you aren't dead!" John said his voice cracking. Sherlock felt a smile spread across his face which he hadn't had in almost a year since the day he had to leave John. "well obviously." Sherlock said sarcastically, pulling away from John. "Your hearing aid John, it fell out when you fell ,I tried to tell you I was still alive but the hearing aid was gone, that was our means of comunication, I would have texted you but I could have been tracked and I had to save you and Mrs. Hudson." Sherlock said trying to explain the events that went down that day. Johns eyes swelled up again, he had already cried over Sherlock today but he couldn't help it, but these tears wern't his regular tears of depression, they were tears of joy. "I don't even care." John whimpered. After a few more moments John broke the hug, and sniffed. "let's go get dinner." John said.

************************************************Sherlock's veiw*********************************************

        It had been a while since sherlock had seen his blogger, John and sometimes he was so close to texting him but he knew that if he did, John would die and he couldn't let that happen. Wait...Had Sherlock just thought of something close to affection? No, he didn't have affection in his brain, and eccpesially not for John, John was a man and Sherlock was straight. The thought almost scared Sherlock, because when he had pushed the thought from his mind every little thing John did brought the thought back. Sherlock didn't love, he couldn't he was a sociopath and that would put John in danger and he lov- no he was to close of a friend to John to do that.

*** (at the resturaunt)

      John sat down next to Sherlock, causing Sherlocks heart to race, what was this?  "stop it Sherlock." Sherlock said quietly, not thinking anyone would hear him, "what?" John asked raising an eybrow at Sherlock. "hm? Oh nothing." Sherlock said trying to push the conversation away, Sherlock thought of a new topic but when he tried to speak his mouth felt dry, he had never gotten this way around anyone and he knew he couldn't get this way around John. Sherlock felt a smile creep up behind his lips but he tried hard to supress it,"what's the smile for?" John asked smiling back at Sherlock. "Nothing it's just, it's been a while." Sherlock replied trying to put his smie back onto the inside of him. When the waiter came he stared at Sherlock, his face turning pale, "you- you- but- I went to your funeral." The man said pointing to Sherlock, "can you see him?" the waiter said to John looking as if he was going to pass out. John smiled "yeah. He's real." Sherlock felt butterflies erupt in his stomach when John smiled, his lips curling up on the edges causing small dimples to apear, God that drove Sherlock mad. Wait what was he thinking he couldn't do this, John would be so terrified of Sherlock because Sherlock was a sociopath. Sherlock felt the butterflies in his stomach disapeer with the thought scaring John away, he wanted to be with John forever and if that meant hiding his true feelings for him then he would do it just to be close to John

A/N: Okay so what did you guys think...okay I have 16 readers (I feel so acomplished!!!!!!) I know that it isn't much but to think that 16 different people from God knows where took the time to read my crap fanfiction <3. This is also deticated to my favorite writter and I kinda fangirled when I saw you read it ( I overeact to absoultley everything) Thank you so much for writting your fanfictions and I love them so much! Okay so anyways I'm getting off track the point is I LOVE YOU GUYS WHO READ MY STUFF <3 I'm thinking of writting something that isn't Johnlock but not till I finish this, I'm trying to upload a chapter everyother day so you don't have to wait very long. Love you again my little pretties BYE!

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