Chapter 4:The sobs that reach us all

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A/N: so what did you all think? was it good enough for you? I know that chapter was long but I forgot to end Yeah. Well this is still the same scene and I'm gonna wait till the end for a better A/N note

Sherlock's breath was staggered and his heart was racing, that was his first kiss (although he wouldn't tell John that) and it was bloody amazing. "Sherlock?" John asked between breaths. Oh great now came the part where he would say that he didn't feel that way about Sherlock and that he was going to have to say goodbye. His last first kiss. "I'm sorry John, I couldn't help it." Sherlock said looking down, at least his last first kiss had been good. "No, just- was that something you really felt?" John asked his heart still racing but his breath slowly becoming normal again. John had tried to word his question correctly but he knew that it had came out wrong. Sherlock looked down chewing intently on his bottom lip. He knew that he would have to tell John that he loved him, it was time to face the fact that he couldn't deny it now. "Yes, yes John I think that-."  Sherlock said trying to finish his sentence but his mouth felt to try to even speak. "I know that, that was real." Sherlock said lifting his head to meet John's eyes. John felt his heart leap, in one day he had got his only wish, for Sherlock Holmes to come back to him so they could be together.Not only that but he had also gotten his other wish, that he could finally do what he had wanted secretly for the longest time, to kiss his detective. John smiled, and put his hand back into Sherlock's hair pulling him into another kiss. Sherlock went limp for a moment his hands falling to his to his sides as his mouth opened and closed in rhythm of John's lips. As soon as he had gotten his motor control back he snaked one arm around John's waist and the other into his sandy blonde hair, tugging it not so gently. Sherlock had never kissed anyone and he hoped that he wasn't doing something wrong, he figured he was though but he couldn't care less. Sherlock felt John's tongue slip into his mouth exploring it gingerly. "God, this was amazing" John thought to himself putting his free hand around Sherlock's neck. He moaned a bit as he lost himself in the moment, this was so bloody amazing! Sherlock felt his hands digging into John's back as John pushed his tongue into Sherlock mouth. If Sherlock had done this with anyone else or even thought about it, it would make him sick to think about two peoples tongues in each others mouth sharing their saliva, but this was different, he didn't mind, in fact the taste of John made him go mad with excitement. Sherlock knew that soon he would have to break the kiss, due to the sad fact that humans have to breath on occasion, but if he could he would stay like this forever. Eventually Sherlock broke the kiss, but he stared at John smiling slightly, his hands still on his waist. John put his head on Sherlock's shoulder breathing his scent in and letting it surround him, letting it fill him up. John started to giggle, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, his giggle eventually turned into a laugh until he was on his back laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. Sherlock raised an eyebrow looking at John trying hard to realize why he was laughing, did he say something? "What?" Sherlock asked as he watched John rolling on the bed laughing uncontrollably. "Sherlock! I just bloody kissed you! I am heterosexual and I just kissed you." John said clutching his stomach for support. Shrelock's brow furrowed as he tried to realize why he was laughing so hard. "I'm confused." Sherlock said his brow still furrowed, John stopped laughing for a moment and looked at Sherlock a smile still stretched wide across his face. "Sherlock, I have liked you for so long like that, I have always dreamed of this, and then you come back from the grave and just-." John said trying to make it as clear as he could to him. It was obvious by the look on Sherlock's face he hadn't gotten it but he tried to take John's words in and understand them but all he could manage to think was that he had made a mistake. Sherlock knew that, that was the best thing he had ever done but he also knew that he couldn't take a relationship, especially not with him being a sociopath, he souldn't have kissed John, he was so stupid.

A/N: PLOT TWIST! He HE HE HE HE HE HE I just led you on, but anyways I hope you enjoyed this, will John and Sherlock ever end up despite Sherlock being a sociopath? maybe, maybe not! All I know is that I just went all out and then BOOM, Moffat...Anyways tell me what you guys think, and if you write fanfiction of your own please tell me about it I love reading them (especially Johnlock)! Well I'm already working on the next chapter as you read this so you don't ever have to wait cos' I know I hate waiting so I'm gonna try and play nice and upload quickly! BYE PRETTIES!

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