Chapter 17: The Game Is ON!

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A/N:OK, so this chapter does get a little graphic and to all of you who sent me stuff about you THANK YOU! But you guys who haven't don't worry you can still send me it and I'll include you in other ways. This chapter may not have all of you in it... It may not have any of you in it I just don't know yet!


           John woke up again a few hours later to the pain in his chest searing and throbbing. Moriarty quickly saw that he was awake and walked over to him a long shiny knife in his fingers. "Morning pet! Actually it's the evening it's." He glanced down at his wrist which didn't bear any watches so John knew he had checked it earlier. "About 5:30" He hissed, taking another step closer. John backed up his now sweaty palms colliding with his blood on the cold cement floor. John cringed at the thought of his sweat and blood being mixed in one place, but he didn't allow his face to show it.Moriarty took one large step again so that he was straddling John, his rather large feet on either side of him. Moriarty placed the tip of the blade on John's bare chest turning it anti-clockwise as he hummed a tune that John didn't know. He then crouched down so that he was hovering just above John, He glided the knife into his skin blood pouring out of it. He tried not to let out a cry knowing that Moriarty would only become more pleased by it. "Whilst you were sleeping I was so bored! Thank you for entertaining me!" Moriarty hissed into his ear. John flinched at this trying to back away from him but was only met with a wall. 'Sherlock please come, I know you can find me.' John thought silently, the only words that had crossed his mind during the whole day. "I think we should show Sherlock all the fun we're having... Let me get my mobile!" He said as he trotted off to somewhere that John couldn't reach. John sat there in silence, the pain in his body rushing through him like adrenaline. He tried not to think about it but after a while it became to powerful to ignore.

         When Moriarty returned he started to record the basement talking to Sherlock about the time he had left and how Sir-Boast-A lot would loose his prince to the charming Sir-Genius who spoke only of truth. He then switched the camera to John and showed Sherlock all of the 'fun' they were having. John shut his eyes not facing the camera knowing that if he did he would only cry. "Say something." Moriarty ordered. John stayed silent his eyes still sealed shut, ignoring what Moriarty had asked. "SAY SOMETHING JOHN!" He screamed striking him across the face. John opened his eyes and looked to the mobile, "Sherlock, I believe in you, I always have, I always will." He croaked out a tear rushing down his face. "I love you." He said before his vision blurred from blood loss and he collapsed onto the floor. "Well isn't that sweet, the loyal pet!" Moriarty said facing the camera again. "But look at this, not all the scars are from me!" Moriarty pulled down John's trousers enough to reveal his hip where he had engraved Sherlock's name, initials and a single heart. "You wern't very loyal so John found other methods of self preservation... But it didn't go well did it Sherlock?" And with that he shut off the mobile's camera and sent it to Sherlock.


       Sherlock continued pacing his fingers under his chin in a steeple formation. His phone buzzed on the table and everyone around him watched as he opened the text. It was of John, he was being tortured. This was getting bad. He listened to John's words, he still believed in him, and he loved him, even after getting him into this.

(5 hours later)

Sherlock blinked away the last of his tears before running out of the flat and into London's night air. He ran to a cab and told him where to go. Big Ben. He didn't know where he could be in Big Ben but he was going to search until he found him.

      Sherlock rushed out of the taxi and walked up to big Ben searching for a way in. He ran around it (Okay I don't live in London well I don't live in the U.K {anymore} So I never saw Big Ben. so I know nothing about it :P except what I 'learned' in primary school) several times until he came across a door labelled JM. Sherlock smiled and ran into it only to be face with empty darkness that wasn't big enough to hold anyone and didn't look like what was on the video. Sherlock continued running until he found a lift. When he got in he stopped. What number? He quickly thought back to what Moriarty had told him. 8-The basement. A face appeared, Moriarty. "So the game is ON? Well let's play a game of ESCAPE THE SLEEPING GAS!" Moriarty  shouted. Sherlock's ears rang from the sound as gas filled the lift. Sherlock quickly Placed the scarf over his mouth and nose and faught off the urge to sleep. When the doors opened Sherlock ran out of the lift breathing in the good air, well partially good. The room smelled heavily of blood and sweat with an undermining stench of urine mixed into it. He continued running, running until he found him... "JOHN!" Sherlock shouted over the silence. John didn't move, his head hung low and his body was strapped to the floor.

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