Chapter 15: My secret love song

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A/N: I know it's been a while... *hides in corner* I'm sorry... It hasn't really been that long though... Just like not every other day like I promised... Well Sorry... Any ways I hope you enjoy this...

     John got up from his place where he had been for three hours and turned to go back to the flat. He looked back at where he sat and picked up the money that people had given him thinking he wasa homeless man. He frowned, he had gotten 100 pounds in three hours. He wanted to keep it to help fund the wedding but something told him to give it away since that's what the people who had given it to him wanted. He walked past the first man handing him 25 pounds and smiling. The man thanked him profusely shaking his hand. John nodded still out of it and then continued his way down the street. He stopped in front of an alley way and saw another homeless man, he felt drawn to this person so he walked down the alley stopping in front of the man. He handed him the rest of his money (75 pounds for those of you to lazy to do math). The man smiled crookedly. John stepped back a bit finally seeing who it was but by that time the man had slipped a damp rag in front of him covering his eyes and mouth. "Moriarty." John whispered as he fell to the ground.


   Sherlock fiddled with the tuners on his violin plucking the sting between each turn. Eventually after a while he got it back into tune, he hadn't played the violin in a while, seven years actually. He picked up the bow and added reassign (That's what you have to put on it to make it stick... I play Cello and violin so I know dis' sturff) before placing it on the stings. The  crisp sound echoed through out the flat. He started to play a song he had written for John between killing snipers. He remembered every note and replayed it but this time he actually had a violin to play on. He put down the violin after playing it and started to sing the words he wrote to go with it, he was quite good at singing although he didn't do it often. His low voice rang through the flat as he practiced for the wedding.

(I just made this up now... They're usually a lot better... But  I did write this so NO HATE)


hey John I can see the pain in your eyes and the tears that you cried but I promise I'm coming back and I promise when I do I won't leave you

There's so much more to life than this, there's so much that we haven't done and I didn't even know this but I really love you.

I really do. I want to let you in on my charade let you knock down my walls. I want to fall for you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

If I tell you will you break me down? Or will you build me up? I remember telling you I wasn't a hero and I know it hurt but now I can tell you I lied.

because you are all I need and you're a hero to me your all I want and you don't even know this, you're all I can think about and you're all that matters. And if it's my only chance to say it John, I think I might be John locked.


Sherlock stopped and frowned realizing how awful the lyrics sounded when they were together. He looked at the desk and pulled  notebook from the mess on the table. He started writing it again. A tear slipped from his cheek, thinking of what would happen if he didn't have John, his little hedgehog. He didn't know why he thought this but it had just came across his head.

(Many hours later like 3 am.)

     Sherlock felt tiredness pulling at him. His head became heavy as gravity pushed his head on to his notebook. His head hit the table with a thud snapping him awake. "JOHN?" He called, still no response. He checked his phone, no messages. Maybe he should go search for John. He got up and walked towards the door but fatigue wouldn't let him take another step. He decided to just settle into his bed and wait for him to come home. Unlike usual as soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep.


      John woke up to a sharp pain in his head as he felt it travel through his body. "Sherlock?" John called out but the only reply was his echo. That was weird the flat had no echo. "SHERLOCK?!" John cried into the darkness. This time along with an echo a cynical laugh. The sound echoed just like his call, sending light into the darkness. The man continued to laugh until he turned on the lights causing John to go blind. His head screamed but he didn't say a word, "where am I?" He asked quietly looking around to see where he was. The room was bright with cement floors and ceilings, it smelled vaguely of mildew with a slight mix of alcohol. John looked at the detail of the room, there were pillars that stretched to the ceiling which had to be at least 12 feet high, to high to climb to get out of the windows that displayed the dark night sky that covered all the stars but the moon. A man walked over to John and smiled, "Welcome home John... Or should I say my new pet?" John looked up to face the voice. He shuddered and swallowed. "Moriarty." He replied his voice hoarse with fear. Moriarty laughed, "Oh yes my pet." John struggled to stand his chains binding his legs and arms to the cold cement floor. This only made Moriarty laugh more his yellowing teeth showing. "He'll find me Moriarty, you know he will." John hissed through clenched teeth. Moriarty snickered, "Oh he'll find you... Your carcass at least." The word carcass made John sick, it was as if he was an animal you found in the road. 'carcass.' John felt a lump in his throat from at the thought of Sherlock finding him dead.

A/N: I'm sorry :'( I had to make it interesting... I know it sucks to... I'M SORRY... I'M SO, SO SORRY. I promise I'll get around to writing better stuff so yeah... sorry... bye!

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