Chapter 28: A very Good Morning.

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A/N: so? how are you? I know. I'm updating quickly.... I'm being nice... shut up... okay... bye!

Sherlock's eyes fluttered open first, the light from the sun poring into their room and onto his skin making him glisten. ((PLOT TWIST! Sherlock is Edward from Twilight! whot? JK.))He smiled as he looked at the sleeping John on his chest. He stroked his fringe and kissed the top of his head lightly smelling the product in his hair that he always used, bringing back memories of first kisses and first snuggles. It was still weird for him, the whole love thing. It was basically sharing your whole life with someone, someone who at one point in time, no matter how long ago it was, you didn't know. Then you do stuff, like kiss, and wrap your arms around each other as you watch shows and eventually, get married and have kids.

Sharing saliva, that's what a kiss is. Sticking your mouths on others and moving hands around a bit, that's supposed to be romantic. Sherlock used to think of how unsanitary it was, putting a place where you eat on someone else's place where they eat. It's really quite gross, but now, something- there was something John did that made him crave it. Like he wanted nothing but to share saliva and wrap his arms around him and make John happy all the time. It made him angry at first, that someone could just do that to him. Yet here he was, naked, laying with John, listening to the sounds of him waking up, and kissing head and breathing in his scent. It was nice to feel.... Human... That was the right word for how he felt around John, instead of cast off, and shamed for his intelligence, he was human. He felt emotions and he shared them and he did things for others and he kissed. He kissed. He smiled at his thoughts, closing his eyes for a minute and opening them again.

John yawned and stretched slightly so he didn't hit Sherlock. John smiled as he realised he was lying on Sherlock Holmes, his husband's bare chest. He but his lip to hold back a giggle as he sat up slightly, leaning just barely against the head board so the blankets still covered from his belly button down. He breathed in Sherlocks smell as he fell onto his shoulder with a smile. "Good Morning." Sherlock whispered without even having to look at him to smile. "Very good indeed." John whispered as he curled his fingers in with Sherlock's. "It was a good night too." Sherlock muttered with a smirk earning a nudge from John, "Don't be Like that." John laughed, "Why? we could make it an even better morning too." Sherlock teased getting up and nibbling John's ear, John smiled but pushed him off, "No. Not with Hamish." John replied putting an arm over Sherlock to block his next attempt, Sherlock wiggled a bit and bit his neck playfully, "I'll be quiet!" Sherlock promised, "Did you not have fun last night?" Sherlock asked knowing John couldn't resist for to long, "No Sherlock, I'm just being responsible! he's only three!" John said, "We can cuddle and kiss but no- no sex." John said firmly with a smile knowing how easy is was to get Sherlock, "You're like a teenager!" John said giggling, Sherlock tried to seduce him again but to no prevail so he instead got up and slipped on some pants and trousers, "You win." Sherlock growled as John got up and and laughed.


John strode into the kitchen and sat on the bar wincing slightly. Sherlock smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you." he whispered, "You better." John joked, shuffling uncomfortably in his chair to try to be comfy. "You want me to wake up Hamish?" Sherlock asked putting an arm around John. "No need." Hamish called from the living room, both men turned to see Hamish with a bowl of cereal and the History channel on. John smiled and then started to chuckle, "How long have you been?" John asked in an almost question. Hamish shrugged, "like thirty minutes." he said completely overestimating, Sherlock chuckled slightly "Okay then. You wanna get ready then?" John asked suppressing a chuckle himself. Hamish shrugged, "Can we go swimming?" Hamish asked turning on a puppy face that he had inherited from Sherlock that John couldn't resist despite his solid former plans to go to Animal Kingdom and the rest of Frontier Land in Disney today. John looked at Sherlock who immediately turned on his own puppy face so he didn't have to go on more rides, John sighed heavily, "FINE! go get your trunks!" John replied with an eye roll. Sherlock smiled in his victory and kissed John before returning to get his swim trunks on.

Minutes later as John made himself some toast and sat down to eat before being interrupted by his loving husband who always seemed to get John when he was sitting down, "JOHN! WHAT IS THIS? WHERE ARE MY SWIM TRUNKS?!" Sherlock called from his room making John get up with a start, "I'm coming!" John cried back as he stood up and walked to their room. "Oh gosh John, these are yours right?" Sherlock said holding up a black speedo and scowling slightly. "No, those are yours." John replied with a smug look, "but they're- John!" Sherlock huffed, "You didn't have trunks!" John replied shrugging with the same smile, "plus I think you'd look fan-tastic in them." John replied emphasising the 'fantastic-ness' of the speedo. Sherlock huffed, "John I'm not wearing this, I'm gonna go get trunks." Sherlock replied placing the speedo on the bed, John smiled and stopped him wrapping his arms around Sherlock's neck and kissing him lightly, leaving a trail on his neck, "You're wearing the speedo." John whispered into his ear getting up on his tip toes and teasing Sherlock's hair, Sherlock could feel shivers travel lightly on his spine, "Okay." Sherlock replied, John smiled smugly and kissed his mouth again before leaving his hand brushing his chest as he left. Sherlock quickly got into the Speedo before sighing, John just used a version of puppy eyes on him, and he fell for it. Sherlock bit his lip as he looked in the mirror glaring at his reflection.

John smiled deviously at Sherlock in the Speedo when he came out of Hamish's bedroom from helping him. Sherlock, who was now sprawled on the couch glaring at the TV, occasionally yelling at the inaccuracy, or how easy it was to solve the case. John came behind the couch and placed a kiss on his forehead making Sherlock jump slightly. "I said you'd look good." John replied quietly making Sherlock smile just barely, "I'll get you back John Watson. Mark my words!" Sherlock said laughing slightly, "That's John Holmes mister." John replied smiling. Sherlock blushed, "You took on my name?" Sherlock said with a slight sense of victory in his voice, "Of course, Sherlock Watson sounded awful." as he helped Sherlock off the couch. "No it doesn't, because it has your name and it makes me smile." Sherlock responded thinking of the name. "you're only saying that because of last night. I know your tricks." John replied with a smirk, "Only partially! I do like Sherlock Watson though! Sounds, I dunno- good." Sherlock replied as John pulled him along on one hand and Hamish on the other.


Sherlock jumped in the pool almost immediately, letting his body sink to the bottom of the nine foot floor, (They're in America so I'm using their measurements.) his curly hair flopping in his face. John admired his long looking hair in the pool, the way it flowed with the waves he made. "Okay Hamish, I'm gonna teach you how to swim." John replied as he walked to the other end of the pool where it was two feet and climbed in opening his arms for Hamish who now had on his floaters (reluctantly, who went down crying not to wear them.) . Hamish scowled slightly at the floaters before jumping in as Sherlock did getting chlorine into John's eyes. John winced but helped Hamish stand slightly. "Shouldn't you go check father first?" Hamish said sticking a small finger towards Sherlock who hadn't emerged from the water despite him being under for three minutes. "Oh my god." John gasped as he looked at Sherlock laying on the bottom of the floor. "Hamish, I need you to go get help. Right now. go get any adult please hurry." John almost screamed as he pointed to the lobby outside the pool. Hamish nodded and John swam quickly to the opposite end of the pool. John took a deep breathe before nose diving into the water to get Sherlock's body at the bottom of the pool. He tried his hardest to pull him upward feeling the weight of his body in full now. he swam to the top and took a breathe before returning to the bottom and trying as hard as he could to get Sherlock. He let out a scream underwater as he jerked him hard to get out of the water as Hamish returned with people to help. John took one more gasp of air from the surface before diving down and grabbing his arms and pulling his now pale ish body to the surface, watching his hair move eerily with his head falling back as John pulled him to the surface, people clawing to help. "Oh God." John whimpered as they pulled his body onto the cement floor. John crawled up next to him and and started to pound on his chest, "Sir just back up I've called 911" he said pushing John back, "HE IS MY HUSBAND! I'M A DOCTOR! GET OFF ME!!" John screamed as he elevated Sherlock's head and began to breathe air into his lungs, stopping for a second to pound on his chest with the heel of his palm then back to his mouth. Eventually he could start to feel warmth return to Sherlock's body as he was quickly pushed off to make sure that no stranger had their lips on his. He then saw it was John he smiled before starting to cough violently not getting air and eventually passing out again.

A/N: I'm a little shit... Sorry... update soon. *puts out pinky* I swear!

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