Chapter 33: seriously though... No one noticed I numbered these wrong?

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  • Dedicated to To all of my lovely readers! Thank you <3

a/N: I don't even know what to write anymore.... It's all fluff and crap.... Plus my writing sucks and like seriously BIG shout out to those of you still reading this.... I don't know why you are wasting your time but I love you for it........ Can I just skip to them being home? Like I don't know what to write.... I have plans for an older Hamish but I don't want to time skip because I got shit for it last time.... from she who I won't name.

It was true that the two of them wern't exactly what you'd call perfect, they sure were far from normalcy but the two of them.... Just something about them was, right. For instance, John had been with girls before, Sherlock not so much, but when John was with someone else, he was thinking of him. He never thought of marrying anyone but it was like: when he saw Sherlock, he knew. Which sounded to sappy to say aloud, especially in front of Sherlock, Sherlock was a wonderful person, if you peeled off all his layers and saw what stood underneath, but on the outside he was a shell that wouldn't crack. It was a wired thing that the two had going on. Dept Sherlock's mood, and frankly annoying lifestyle John couldn't think in his wildest dreams a life without him, he had already done that, life without Sherlock. It was one of his trials. He didn't even want to think of it. He always placed it in the back of his mind and covered it up with a smile.

John smiled and rolled over to a groggy Sherlock, "Good morning dear. Ready for the flight home?" Sherlock shook his head, which was actually practical, he wasn't ready, neither was John, after what had happened before he wasn't too sure he wanted to do it. John closed his eyes for a second and nodded, "Yeah. Me neither." he answered after a little bit of silence. The silence continued to fester between them and eventually turned from bliss to awkward, "Well I'm going to wake Hamish." John stood without another word and headed over to where Hamish was, alone in his own room, "Hamish?" John called out, rubbing sleep from his eyes, he shook Hamish awake, "Come on we have to go home today." John muttered as he stretched and helped him up. Hamish groaned after he let out a sleepy yawn and took his dad's hand, rising up like the sun had, unwillingly.


after running around the hotel for almost an hour, searching through it to make sure they hadn't left a thing or two and driving to the airport they were finally on their way home to their flat in London.

It had seemed like forever since they were there and a week slowly felt like it had morphed into a decade. John couldn't even remember the smell of it anymore.

Sherlock grasped onto John's hand, squeezing it tightly until John almost let out a yelp. "Get Hamish." Sherlock persisted as they boarded the aeroplane. John contained an eye roll and took Hamish's hand, helping him sit and buckle into the seat. Hamish fought against John, insisting it wouldn't actually do that much if the plane fell out of the sky, John closed his eyes, "Hamish. Please don't, or the love of god, talk about crashing planes around your father. It will cripple him." Sherlock scowled, "Will not." He hissed back, taking his place in the middle of the row. John smirked and sat by the window, "Really, Sherlock? Shall we review last time?" Sherlock pouted, "Shut up, John." John stifled a grin and locked himself down into the seat as the aeroplane's engines started.

Sherlock, with the help of some sleeping narcotics John had received, had slept through the whole aeroplane ride.

John shook Sherlock to wake him up. Sherlock groaned and let his head fall to his chest, "I don't wanna wake up, John." Sherlock moaned. John laughed and took his hand, "Come on babe. You can sleep at home." John pleaded pulling him up. Sherlock rolled his eyes and stood up slowly, "Okay." Sherlock said sleepily. Hamish was still sleeping when John picked him up and held him as he took his carry on and put it on his shoulder, and wrapping a hand around Hamish to hold him on his hip.
Sherlock plopped on the couch, not bothering to help John at all, plopping the two bags he had dragged in on the floor. "Thank you, Sherlock, for all the help." John muttered sarcastically, Sherlock looked up in thought, "Sarcasm?" Sherlock asked as Hamish walked over to him and sat on his lap, "Sarcasm." John assured. 


       "Sherlock an you come into our room for a moment?" John called out to Sherlock. Sherlock didn't answer, in fact he didn't even look up, he just went on working on the case that Lestrade had texted him. John popped his head out from the hall that lead to their room, "Sherlock." John said a little more gruff this time. Sherlock looked up, "It was a female, mid 20's she hired a con man to kill her husband so she could freely see the person she really loved who turned out to be her 5th cousin twice removed." Sherlock spat out quickly. John shook his head, "No, Sherlock can you come to the bedroom with me?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow but still stood up with a smirk, "No. Not that. Wipe that smirk off." John said as he put an arm around him. Sherlock sighed, "Okay what do you want? I'm on a case." John lead him to their room and sat him down on the bed.

                "I want you to know now that you can tell the truth and I do and always will love you." John said slowly, Sherlock looked confused until John leaned down, fishing a small shoe box from  under the bed. He held it up shuffling through the contents, "Can you tell me what this is?" John muttered, inside the box were small baggies, white powder, and leaves filling them. John knew perfectly well what they were, he had seen tons of it before. Sherlock bit the inside of his lip and flossed his teeth with his tongue, "It's uhm. For a case. I swear." Sherlock lied, "No it's not. Tell me why you have this." Sherlock was quiet for some time until John repeated the question. "You know what."

A/N: Ugh. I want to end this! Here is an update. Bye.

*Sleepy rave with streamers.*

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