Chapter 24: The flight To A New World.

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A/N: God, I'm sorry Don't hurt me.... Here you go:

Sherlock gripped the handle of the baby stroller as he pushed it along ignoring the thought of the flight that was in his sure future. A sign above him flashed, "Now boarding flight 142 to Florida." A voice said as John turned into a gate flight 142 it read on the sign. Sherlock stopped letting John go ahead as it clicked in his mind, "We're going to Florida?" Sherlock asked slightly grimacing, John turned to him and smiled, "Yes but that's not all!" John said as he stopped for Sherlock to catch up. Sherlock sighed and pushed on making John have to take twice the size of his normal steps to keep up with Sherlock as he dragged two overly sized bags behind his short body.

*** Time skip to on the plane***

Sherlock gripped the armrests on his chair and closed his eyes shutting away the thought of where he was. John put Hamish in the seat next to him before sitting down himself and picking Hamish up again, he looked to Sherlock and frowned, "I'm sorry Love I didn't know you were so terrified of flying." He put his hand on top of Sherlock's which was still clutched onto the armrest, He rubbed his thumb up and down the large space between his forefinger and thumb prying his fingers off the chair and intertwining them instead, "Hey Sherlock it's okay. Don't worry." John said as Sherlock seemed to calm down just slightly. "I'm not scared. John." Sherlock spat even if John saw through his lies. John rolled his eyes but was smiling as he glanced down at the now hold band that replaced the silver one so that it matched to Sherlock's showing their undying love. "Hey Sherlock?" John asked after a moment only to be met with a nervousness sounding humph, "we're married." John said as he blushed and showed off the ring to a slobbering Hamish who only attempted to teeth on the ring. John smiled, "No Hamish, not for teething." He said quietly as he put his fingers back with Sherlock's. Sherlock smiled and looked over at John laughing slightly, "Yeah. We are aren't we? I did it! I married someone I- I fell... I in love John. with you." Sherlock said proudly as a smile stretched wide across his face, John smiled back and then pressed their lips together as the plane started its accent into the unfamiliar clouds above them.

After that Sherlock seemed to almost forget about the fear that had previously plagued him and instead focused on his mind palace denying ever being afraid of the heights until he looked the dark window. He WAS fine... Then he looked out into the now black sky seeing the city as a tiny mirage on the ground causing him to remember his was approximately 13,000 feet above Earth and soon it's greatest mystery, it's waters. It's a fact of life that the work knows more about the surface of Jupiter and its surrounding one hundred suns and moons than we did about our own ocean floor. It was also a fact that five hundred thirty people from all over the world have gone out of Earth's orbit yet not a single living human soul has reached the bottom of our ocean deep. The thoughts scared Sherlock as he started to hyperventilate as he thought of his sure possibility of not just his death, but John's and.... Hamish's, he was only three and he had not live at all where at least he had seen the world. Sherlock looked directly at Hamish and retracted a scream, "NO! d-don't you can't die! I won't let you!" Sherlock screamed disturbing the slumber of many on the plane with his outbursts. John shot out of his slumber as the baby began to cry, Sherlock attempting to take Hamish into his arms to guard him. "Sherlock what the hell?!" John said scared at his husbands sudden acts, "John we could die! He hasn't lived! I won't let him!" Sherlock screamed as the stuartess came to help, "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to calm down you and your son are in no danger." she said with a thick southern bell accent. Sherlock glared at her, "You don't know that, you're stupid." he said harshly as he began to hyperventilate again, John looked at the lady and mouthed a 'sorry' to her and then handed her Hamish. The lady went wide eyed before John went, "I can handle this you handle the baby mam."

   John slipped his hand into Sherlock's in an attempt to calm him, "Hey, hey Sherlock it's okay nothing's wrong with the plane we're O-K." he said stroking his now damp curls out of his sweaty pale face. "John, please don't let him die. No it isn't fair!" Sherlock welled as he continued his panic attack. John took a long breath in and tried to smile, "Hey love. It's okay we aren't going to die not me, not Hamish and defiantly not you."  John said as he kissed his forehead and Sherlock seemed to almost completely stop shaking. "But how do you know?" He asked looking up at him for once, fear flickering through his ocean eyes. "Because I won't let it happen." John replied and with that he placed a soft kiss on his lap stroking the side of Sherlock's quivering body with his thumb. "Thank you John." Sherlock said when they parted as he leaned back forcing himself not to look out the window. "You're welcome." John said as he returned to his seat.

     Not long after Sherlock's out burst the lady had returned Hamish back to them her face obviously showing she was hesitant thinking they were unfit. Sherlock shrugged it off and instead focused on John, John, the man he was married to. It felt sureal still to think he was married to something other than his work, but he couldn't think of actually  doing anything else. He smiled at the thought and took John's hand again. "What are you smiling about?" John asked as he returned the smile. Sherlock laughed slightly and leaned on John's shoulder, "I think I just really like being married."  Sherlock said feeling comforted by the feeling of John's rising and falling chest. "Me too." John said after a while but by then Sherlock was fast asleep. 

               *** ERH MERH GERHD TERM SKIP! (Oh my God time skip)***

      Sherlock had just barely awoke when the wheels on the airplane skidded across the macadam. Sherlock looked out of the window letting out a heavy sigh, it was nice to be on the ground. He checked his phone it was five thirty-ish here and still sunny as ever where as it was roughly ten thirty back home. "Were in Florida!" John nearly shouted as he stood and retrieved his bags from the space above their heads. Sherlock smiled as he stood to stretch only to be met with the low hanging ceiling of the plane. "Ouch!" Sherlock said rubbing his head, John choked down a laugh and kissed his forehead, Sherlock smiled at him before turning to pick up Hamish who sat wide eyed. "I can walk on my own." Hamish said quietly making Sherlock step back a little. "Did he just?" John asked as he was pushed back into the seat row by people walking by him. Sherlock just gaped, "What? I chose to be quiet." Hamish replied as he stood pushing past them. "Yup. He's defiantly yours." John said as he watched the small three year old walk off the plane. "I'm gonna go- I'm gonna get uhm- Hamish." Sherlock choked as he faltered to point where Hamish had just gone. "Yeah... Okay." John said as he tried his best to continue retrieving their bags so he could catch up to them.

      Sherlock raced from the plane swooping behind Hamish and picking him up and setting him on his shoulders. Hamish giggled, "You can talk why haven't you?" Sherlock asked whilst running to the end of the plane gate listening to Hamish's laughs. When he stopped he lifted Hamish off and placed him on his feet in front of him. "Because father everyone around us is just... Dumb."  Hamish said crossing his arms and making him appear much older than he was. Sherlock opened his mouth to speak but only closed it again and instead hugged his son. "Finally someone who understands! Oh my I have a son who actually knows what it was like for me!" Sherlock said smiling as Hamish just stood being hugged not really hugging back. "You're squeezing me with your body." Hamish said blankly, although he was only three he seemed to have the vernacular of a highly educated older child, of course Sherlock wasn't complaining, (I mean it was practically a mini him!) he did know who wouldn't appreciate it though...John.

        "Sherlock a little help please!" A voice from behind shouted, it was obviously John. Sherlock turned to see a sleepy looking John who had obviously already gone to the bag belt and gotten all of there things without them noticing. Sherlock ran and grabbed almost all of the bags and placed a kiss on John's nose, "You could have waited for us to help you." Sherlock said watching John straighten out his jumper. "I know but I figured I'd do it myself, I don't know." John said as he fixed his grip on the suitcases.

*** HOTEL!***

       "How come almost all the other men except for twelve couples were kissing females dad?" Hamish said looking to John so John knew he was dad. John stared for a second unsure of how to go about this and still slightly shocked that he could talk although he talked the whole cab ride over. "Uhm well Hamish some people just like the opposite sex where as some of them like the same sex like me and your father. It's a complicated subject and I'm sure you'll hear more when you're older, but basically it all depends on who you love and there is nothing wrong with liking the same or opposite sex."  John said trying to explain it. Hamish shrugged, "Okay." he said slightly as he lay down on his own hotel bed in a split part of the room. John turned to Sherlock who was now smiling. "I have a family." He said blankly as he walked up to John kissing him slowly like he did when they were on the pulpit. "A family John, I never thought I'd have one I just thought I'd live alone, my whole life I didn't understand love and here I am on my honeymoon with our child." Sherlock said as they broke leaning his forehead against John's and smiling. "I love you too Sherlock." John said with a chuckle. "I love you too." He repeated to himself leaning in for another kiss.


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