I'm getting sick and tired about people talking about me behind my back.It's not even what they're saying. I don't give a shit what they say about me. The fact that they CAN'T SAY IT TO MY FACE is cowardly. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?! Call me a bitchy-ass-fuckin'-whore to my face, I don't give a shit. But beHIND MY BACK?!?!?! HONESTLY!!!!!! IF YOU'RE GOING TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT ME, SAY IT TO MY FACE, ASSHOLE!!!!!!
Random Shit in my Head - Diary of a Problem Child 2016 (completed)
RastgeleThe title says it all Update January 5th, 2017 - The beginning is crap but it gets better at My Recurring Nightmare, so you can start there if you want. Also, the Reason Why I Was A Messed Up Kids is pretty good too.