You Know Everything Except...

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My brother and I were adopted by my grandparents. Whenever I say 'mom' or 'dad' I'm actually talking about my grandma and grandpa. If I talk about my biological parents, I'll say Lisa or Earl (or dumbass... which ever works). Anywho, that's just a bit of background. It's not really relevant, just proof that I know what I'm talking about when I start the mini rant about the system.

My all-time favorite movie is Southpaw for three reasons 1) I love boxing, 2) Eminem's best (in my opinion) song (Kings Never Die) is in it and 3) I love the story line.

Run down of Southpaw - Billy Hope, reigning junior middleweight boxing champion, has an impressive career, a wife and daughter, and an expensive lifestyle. However, Billy hits rock bottom and lost his daughter, his house and his career, because his wife was killed. He gets help from Tick Willis, a former fighter who trains the city's amateur boxers. With his help, Billy gets back in the ring hoping (no pun intended) to get back his daughter and life back together.

(That sounds bad, but it's actually really good.)

As I just told you, I'm adopted. The movie shows that somebody like Billy (who is also from the system) can go from nothing to everything. (Then of course he goes back to nothing and gains almost everything by the end of the movie. But...)

The only thing that I don't like about the movie is the fact that the system looks a lot better than it is. The system sucks. If you fight me on that point, you will lose. Don't go there.

Let me explain if you don't know: When I say "The System", I'm referring to Foster Care Services. You are put into a "House" (or prison your choice - also the picture above - not the one I stayed in but that's basically what it looked like) with about 10-30 other kids (depending where you are). You have to share a room with 1-3 other kids (again: depending where you are). Nothing is personal. And you're a file on someone's desk until you get "interviews" with potential "parents". It's horrible if you have people-phobia, like me.

Eventually, I got lucky and Earl's (dumbass') parents (my grandparents) got me and my brother out of there. My brother was too young to remember anything. They adopted us and here I am, telling you this.

And that's why my favorite movie is Southpaw (if that makes any sense...probably not).

Random Shit in my Head - Diary of a Problem Child 2016 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now