"It's invisible." - The Main Problem in this Movie

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So I went back to the movie theater... Again... This time I saw Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. It was AMAZING!!! The only problem I had was that I figured out who Grindlewald was once it got to the first scene in New York.

I don't want to be cliche, but it's true: the best part wasn't in the movie, but the fact that, when I went in there, there was eleven year olds (one kid in a Hogwarts uniform)and 60-70 year olds in the same room knowing exactly what everyone else was talking about. Suddenly, generation gaps don't matter. It was amazing. I got into a somewhat heated argument with a ten(?) year old about Slytherin standards and a dead serious conversation about the layout of the Ravenclaw (Shutout to fellow Ravenclaws!!!!!!) common room with a 30(?)-something year old. It was amazing.

Highly recommended to EVERYONE!!!

Random Shit in my Head - Diary of a Problem Child 2016 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now