Chapter 10

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Chapter 10~ Harry's POV

Ellie fell asleep in my car on the ride back to Louis' flat. Her head was leaning against the window, and her legs were curled underneath her. Her beautiful blue eyes were hidden behind her eye lids. She looked so peaceful when she slept.

I pulled into the drive way after Louis. Niall and Kerri were in the car with him. Zayn and Liam had taken the girls home. I watched as Kerri gave them both a hug and staggered back over to her flat. She waved at me, probably thinking Ellie was awake. I waved back and gave her a small smile before she entered her flat. Niall and Louis went into the flat leaving me alone outside with a sleeping Ellie.

I got out of the car and opened Ellie's door. I picked her up bridal style, as I did before, and carried her into Louis' flat. I opened the door to see Louis and Niall laughing on the couch.

Louis saw me and got up from his seat. The expression on his face changed. He tried to take Ellie from my arms. I pulled away before he even touched her. He looked at me strangely. I'm not even sure how to describe it, but he looked kind of angry. Niall stood up and joined our awkward stance.

"Hey, lads. I called Liam to come get me. I'm gonna go wait outside," he said. Louis nodded, and Niall left us.

Once he was out the door, Louis started talking. "Give me her," he demanded. I shook my head and took Ellie upstairs to her room. I laid her down in bed and took off her shoes before I slipped the blanket on top of her. I was half tempted to change her into her night clothes, but I decided against it.

"What did you do?" Louis asked when I rejoined him downstairs.

"I put her to bed," I stated innocently.

"That's my job, Styles," he said as he stepped closer to me.

"What is with you lately? Ever since dinner at your mum's house, you've been acting different. You've gotten really protective of Ellie, and I don't understand why."

"I just don't want to see her get hurt."

"Who's trying to hurt her? I like her, and I'm trying to let her know that. It would be a lot easier if you weren't butting in all the time," I whisper-yelled. I didn't want to wake Ellie so I couldn't really yell at him. Plus, he is my best friend.

"I don't want you dating her," he said. I looked at him wide eyed.

"Who are you to say who she can and cannot date? She can date whoever she wants. She's seventeen years old. She can think for herself. You just met her! You aren't her father!" The anger inside of me started to boil.

"Look, I have my reasons for protecting her. Reasons you just wouldn't understand."

"Try me," I encouraged.

"Alright." Louis walked into the living room and sat on the couch furthest from the door. I followed him and sat down on the other couch. He sighed before he began to talk.

"I'm not really sure how to say this. I mean I'm still in shock from it." He put his head in his hands. What is going on?

"Just spit it out, Lou." He looked up at me and nodded.

"Okay. Um...I'm Ellie's older brother." I looked at him confused. Did I hear him right?

"I'm sorry. What?"

"I know. It's a lot to take in, but it's true. I'm Ellie's biological brother, and my mum is her birth mother." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"How do you know?" I asked concerned.

"When Ellie told us her birthday, my mum knew it was her. I found her sitting on the back porch almost in tears. She gave Ellie up for adoption a few days after she was born. She explained everything that happened and why she did it. And, honestly, if you put me and Ellie next to each other, there is a resemblance between us."

It was true. I can't believe this. I put my head in my hands as I processed it all. Louis got up and took a seat next to me. He rubbed my back as I thought about everything. This explains why he's been acting so weird. This explains why I'm so comfortable around Ellie. This explains why when she smiles, her eyes remind me of Louis.

"Does she know?" I asked. Louis shook his head.

"I'm the only one. My mum kept Ellie a secret. No one knows who she is except me, you, and my mum." I nodded. "You can't tell anyone, especially Ellie. I wasn't supposed to tell you. So, you can't tell my mum either."

"Are you going to tell her soon? She has to know."

"I know, but I promised my mum that I wouldn't tell her. So the next time when we visit her, she will tell her. I'm worried about what will happen, though. What if she doesn't accept it? What if she hates my mum for what she did? What if she hates me because I didn't tell her?" Louis was almost crying, I could hear it in his voice. I've only ever seen him cry once. It was when we were all solo performers on the X-Factor and Simon didn't put him through. I didn't want to see my best friend cry again.

"She won't hate you, Louis, and she won't hate Jay either."

"I'm really nervous about it. I'm still getting used to having another sister." I nodded and rubbed his back.

"Look, I'm sorry about freaking out on you. I knew you had feelings for her, but I feel very protective of her. It's different because she's different. With Lottie and Fizzy, I knew how they would act. Around guys, I mean. They've had boyfriends, and I never thought twice about it. But with Ellie, I feel very protective of her. She's my baby sister, and I just met her. I feel like I've missed everything. I can only imagine how my mum feels."

"I know what you mean, but I really do fancy her, Lou. I would never do anything to hurt her." He nodded and looked up at me.

"I know. If you want to date her, that's fine with me. I know you'll treat her right. Just please don't tell her anything." I smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Thank you, Louis." He gave me a half smile and yawned. "Maybe I should get going."

"Yeah, I'm knackered," he yawned. I slightly chuckled and got up to leave.

"Hey, Harry." I turned around to see Louis dozing off on the couch. "Just don't hurt her." I nodded and turned to leave.

Once I was in my car, I rested my head against the steering wheel. Ellie was Louis' sister. Jay was Ellie's mother. This was so much to process. I can only imagine how Ellie will feel when she finds out.

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