Chapter 16

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Chapter 16~ Harry's POV

I arrived at Louis' flat a little after nine in the morning. He had asked me to come over last night, but I fell asleep before I could read the message. I thought coming now was better than not coming at all. There was something up with Louis. I could feel it. He wouldn't just text me at one in the morning for nothing.

As I pulled into Louis' drive way, I noticed three cars outside of Kerri's flat. One of them I knew was her's. The other two belonged to Sabby and Hope. The girls were still having their "girl's night" even though it's no longer night. They probably stayed up really late last night and were still sleeping. At least, I know Ellie is sleeping because she hasn't called me yet.

I got out of my car and walked up to the front door of Louis' flat. I knocked on the door a few times before it swung open. Once the door was open, it revealed a red-eyed Louis. He had obviously been crying. Before I could react, he embraced me in a big hug. I closed the door behind me and rubbed Louis' back to comfort him.

"Lou, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. He pulled back from me with fresh tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's Ellie," he said between sobs.

"What do you mean? Is she okay? Did something happen?" I asked worried.

He shook his head. "She's fine. For now."

Then it hit me. I realized why he was so upset. Today was Wednesday. Tonight was the night Ellie found out the truth about who she really is. Louis was dreading her reaction all week, but he was hiding it. Now he was showing it. If Ellie walked in, she would see Louis crying, and I would have to explain everything. I wouldn't be able to lie to her, so I would have to be the one to give her the shocking news.

I pulled my best friend back into a hug and let him cry. I was the only one, besides his family, who actually saw Louis cry. He thought if the boys saw him like this that they would think differently of him. We all know this isn't true. The lads would love Louis no matter what.

Louis' sobs became less violent, and he pulled back from my soaked white t-shirt. I looked at him with worried eyes. Tears continued to escape from his eyes. I placed my hand on his shoulder and walked him into the living room. We sat down on a couch, and Louis immediately put his head in his hands.

"Louis, please, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. She won't think any differently of you. If anything, she'll be happy to know she has a family. She'll be happy to have you as an older brother," I said as I rubbed his back.

"I'm scared, Harry," he said.

"I know, Lou, but if you think of the worst possible outcome, you're just making it more difficult on yourself. If you think positively, something good will happen."

"No. It won't matter, Harry. She'll hate me because I didn't tell her the minute I found out."

"She'll understand, Lou. Trust me. Even though she's only known you for a few days, she really looks up to you. It's as if she knows that you're her brother. The way she looks at you sometimes, gives off that 'little sister' vibe. It's hard to explain, but I think somehow she feels a connection to you. She loves you, Louis. Don't doubt her."

Louis nodded his head in his hands. He lifted his head up and looked at me. Dry tear marks were on his cheeks, but he wasn't crying anymore.

"You're right," he simply said.

"Of course I am. I've gotten to know her over these past few days. I'm starting to get an idea of how her mind works."

Louis gave me a half smile. "Don't medal in my little sister's mind, Styles," he chuckled. His comment caused me to smile. I'm happy Louis is acting a bit better. If Ellie was to walk through that door during his little moment, it would have been really bad.

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