Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We drove to our unknown destination for about an hour. I wasn't in the mood to bug Harry about where we were going so I didn't. He didn't tell me either.

So, here we are sitting in silence and driving to who knows where. I think Harry could tell I wasn't up to talking, and he didn't try to get me to talk either. Which is good. I'm still processing what I saw on the television earlier.

I can't believe the news is out so early. Usually, people would have to wait a week or so before anything was confirmed. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case this time. Someone told those horrible reporters. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? I don't know, but I'm going to find out. There are only few people I know of that know about the situation: Jay, Louis, and Harry. The rest of the boys might know, but I could be wrong. Harry only knows because I told him. Louis' sisters might know, but then again, if they knew they probably would have been there when Jay told me. Jay made it pretty clear that Mark doesn't know. I know Louis wouldn't tell anyone. Neither would Jay, obviously. Harry hasn't left my sight since I told him, so he didn't tell anyone either. This is so frustrating. What am I gonna do?

I let out a frustrated sigh and rested my head against the window. Harry reached over and placed his hand on my leg. I looked over at him, and he smiled at me.

"Don't let it get to you. We'll figure out who told the press," he said.

I nodded. "I hope you're right, Harry."

"Would I ever lie to you?" he smiled.

I shook my head. "No, you wouldn't," I confirmed.

He turned back in his seat and continued to drive. Not once did he remove his hand from my leg.

After about fifteen more minutes, Harry finally stopped the car. I looked around at our surroundings and saw nothing. No buildings, no roads, no people. Just trees, trees, and more trees. I turned my attention to a smiling Harry.

"Where are we?" I asked confused.

He shot me his cheeky smirk before getting out of the car. I followed him out and to the back of his car. He opened the trunk and pulled out a picnic basket. I looked at him confused as he continued to smile. He took my hand in his, and we walked into the woods. We walked for a few minutes before coming across an open field in the middle of the forest.

The sight before me was absolutely breathtaking. The grass was a bright green with a few white flowers popping up here and there. The trees perfectly outlined the small field. There was a clear blue stream near the other end of the clearing, and the sky was a brilliant blue along with a few puffy white clouds.

Harry had to practically drag me to the middle of the clearing since I wasn't really paying attention. He let go of my hand and pulled a blanket out of the basket. I snapped out of my daze and helped him spread it out on the grass. We sat next to each other on the blanket, and he took my hand in his once again.

"Now will you tell me where we are?" I asked innocently.

He smiled as he spoke. "Of course, love. We are at my favourite place. I used to come here all the time before the X-Factor. My mum's house isn't far from here. I would walk here almost every day after school. It was where I came to think."

He laughed before continuing. "I actually had my first kiss here. It was back there in the woods behind the stream," he said as he pointed behind us.

"What's funny is the girl dumped me the day after at school," he explained.

"How's that funny?" I asked giggling.

He shrugged. "I think she broke up with me because I kissed her. It was my first kiss, I didn't know what to do."

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