Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Today was the day. The day I move to America. The day I leave my life in Doncaster and trade it for a new one. An easier one.

I'm happy to be leaving. I'm ready to start over, but I'm also upset. I still think it isn't right that I didn't tell Harry or the rest of the boys that I'm leaving. Nick helped convince me it was okay, though. He's right. After everything I've been through for Harry and Louis, they don't have to know where I am.

I have another problem, though. Leaving Nick and Lilly is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I think maybe if Nick hadn't come over yesterday I might be a little more sane now. But if Nick wouldn't have come over, I probably would have ended up telling Harry. I'm upset that I didn't get to see Lilly. I just have to think it's for the best. If I would have seen her too, today would be one hundred times worse than it already is.

I'm not complaining. I've always wanted to visit America, and now I am. Except I'm going to be living there, not visiting. Besides, Nick and Lilly will come and visit me soon, and I'll visit them. If I really wanted to, I could have told Harry. Just because Nick thought it was a bad idea doesn't mean I agree with him. But the thing is, I did agree with him. Telling Harry that I was leaving is the worst idea you could think of. He would come for me in a heartbeat. And really, I've had enough drama for now.

Everything was packed and already at the airport. Aunt Jen said her manager got us a private plane. Thank God he did. I wouldn't want to deal with teenage girls asking me questions and spreading rumors.

Anyway, all of our things were transported to the plane between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. It was five o'clock now. We had two hours until our plane took off. We were going to be leaving soon once Paul left.

Yes, Paul stayed the night. He only stayed because I begged him to, and I wanted to spend more time with him. It took a few hours, but I eventually convinced him to stay.

Right now, we were waiting for the pizza man to arrive at our house. Since we didn't have any dishware or food and there was no way I was going out to eat, we ordered in. Aunt Jen called about a half an hour ago so he should be here any minute. For some reason though, I'm not that hungry. I don't think I'll be able to eat when he gets here, but knowing my family, they'll make me eat something.

I've noticed when I'm nervous, I'm never hungry. I don't understand why. I've seen a doctor about it because Aunt Jen was worried about me for a while, but he said it was nothing. Just something that happened when I got nervous. Some people eat a lot when they're nervous, and others don't I guess. Another weird thing that happens when I get nervous is my knees shake. Not my hands, my knees. It makes absolutely no sense to me. On the bright side, when I have presentations in class, no one can ever tell that I'm shaking.

There was a knock at the door followed by the ringing of the door bell. Aunt Jen got up from her place on the couch and answered the door. A few minutes later, she came into the living room with a huge cardboard box in her hands. The smell was completely filling the house, and because I was nervous it smelt horrible. Now that is going to be hard to eat.

She set the large pizza box on the small coffee table. All of our furniture was still in the house, well everything on the first floor anyway. The second floor is completely empty. Once we leave, Aunt Jen's manager is going to have some people get the remaining furniture out of the house and take it to a homeless shelter.

Since the upstairs was empty, Paul and Chris were running around up there like two little kids. I swear sometimes they act like they're four years old, but I shouldn't be judging them. If I wasn't in such a mood, I probably would be up there with them.

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