Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Aww, look at how precious she is!" the nurse exclaimed. She looked up at my mother and smiled. "Congratulations, Mrs. Tomlinson!! You have given birth to a healthy baby girl."

The nurse handed me to my mother as I cried. I was so damn cold! Doesn't anyone own a blanket around this place? My mother looked at me with tears in her eyes. Was she cold too? I doubt it. She actually had a blanket, unlike some people around here. I continued to cry as my mother smiled at me.

"She's beautiful," she whispered. She smiled up at the nurse who was previously holding me.

"She looks just like you ma'am," the nurse complimented.

"Thank you," my mother said with watery eyes and a faint smile.

The nurse nodded. "I'll leave you alone with your baby for a few minutes. The doctor will be in shortly."

She turned for the door and quietly left the room. I was now alone with my mother. That made me realize something. Aren't I supposed to have a father? Where the hell is his arse?

My mother let out a shaky breath as a few tears escaped her blue eyes. "Hello there, little one," she smiled.

I continued to cry because no one had gotten me a blanket yet. I guess she realized what was wrong with me because she picked up a small pink blanket from beside her and wrapped me in it. I mentally let out a sigh of relief. That was so much better. At least someone around here has a brain.

My mother leaned down and kissed me on my forehead. I was no longer crying, and my eyes were growing heavy. I could hear her chuckle to herself.

"Is someone getting sleepy?" she asked.

I completely shut my eyes to answer her question. Of course I'm tired, I'm a baby. I could hear soft hums coming from my mother. It was very soothing and made me even sleepier.

I was almost fully asleep when someone entered the room. The door shut with a loud bang, and we all know that caused me to wake up. Whoever this guy was he is an inconsiderate jerk. There are people trying to sleep, genius! To get him to understand I was upset with him, I started crying again.

He approached my mother's bed and smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Tomlinson. I'm Doctor Miller. I'm here to check up on your baby," he stated.

My mother nodded and handed me to the man. I understand that I was just born, but this guy smelt funny. So in response, I cried even more. Give me back to my mother, dammit! The doctor placed me in a little bed of my own and picked up a clip board. He started to check some things off and would ask my mother questions every so often.

"What's her name?" he asked smiling.

"Ellie," she replied.

Ellie, my name is Ellie. I like that name. My mum has good taste.

"Is she your first child?"

My mother shook her head. "No, sir. I have a son who is four."

"I'm sure he's excited about having a little sister,"the doctor smiled.

My mum nodded and smiled.

"Okay. Well, she is 100% healthy. You two will be able to leave in three days. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask," he said before he left.

Great now I'm stuck in this little bed. Is it too much to ask that he give me back to my mother? She's the only person I trust around here. I continued to cry as I laid in that awful bed. My mother hushed me from her spot on her bed. It eventually worked, and I soon fell asleep.

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