Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Here, put this on," Kerri said. She threw a short red dress at me. Tonight was my first date with Harry. Kerri and Natalie were helping me get ready. We were at Kerri's flat, and they were throwing different clothing at me every five minutes.

I groaned and turned to enter the bathroom to change. They were taking this way too far. It was just a date. I don't understand why it's such a big deal.

I bet you're probably wondering, 'What is this girl's problem? The first date is always the most important. Has she ever dated anyone before?'

Well to answer your question, no. I have never dated anyone before. I never had time to. I always kept to myself. Sure I've had people ask me, but I never accepted. Plus, so far in my life everyone who I've gotten close with left me. My birth mother left me when I was just a few days old. I know I was never close with her, but she still did it. My parents left me in a car acciden, but it wasn't by choice of course. My cousin, Chris, left me to go to college. I know he'll come back, but I'm still lost without him. Aunt Jen hasn't left me yet, but that could be because I'm not very close with her. I would always go to Chris with my problems. We grew very close during those moments. Now, I vent to my pillow when needed. I'm scared that if I get too close to Harry or Louis or any of the other boys that they'll leave me just like everyone else in my life.

I looked at myself in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. Kerri's eyes got wide when she saw me. Natalie just smiled down at her phone, obviously not realizing I was back. I saw her cheeks slowly start to blush. There was no doubt in my mind that she was texting Zayn. "What? Does it look okay?" I asked trying to smooth out the dress as Natalie looked up at me.

Kerri got up from her seat on the bed and stood next to me. She motioned for me to spin around. I did as I was told and spun slowly. I stopped and faced Kerri again. A big smile made its way across her face. "You look amazing!" she squealed. I smiled at her reaction. One thing I've learned about Kerri is she over exaggerates sometimes.

Natalie got up from her seat on Kerri's bed and stood on my other side. "You really do look great. I'm happy that dress fits you. My cousin gave it to me, and it was a bit too big." I smiled as I looked down at the dress.

It came to my mid-thigh just like my blue dress. There was nothing fancy about it. It was just a simple red dress. It had one strap that wrapped around my shoulder. It's not something I would've picked on my own, but it was very pretty.

"Wait right here. I have the perfect shoes to go with it," Kerri said. She opened the door to her cupboard and pulled out a pair of black strap heels. They looked to be about three inches high. It wasn't what I was used to, but I would have to deal with it. "Put these on," she instructed. I took the heels and sat on Kerri's bed. I slipped on the shoes, and surprisingly, they were my size. I stood up and nearly fell over. Luckily, Natalie was close enough to catch me.

"Sorry. I'm not used to heels higher than two inches," I laughed. Natalie let go of my arm, and I steadied myself.

"Walk around the room, just to get used to them," instructed Natalie. I did as I was told and walked the perimeter of the room. It was kind of hard. I would sneak a pair of black flats in my purse if I had to. I stumbled a few times before getting back to the girls.

"You'll get used to them. You just can't take them off," said Kerri. I groaned, and the two of them laughed. "Get over it. Now, let us do your hair and make-up." Kerri pulled me by my arm into the bathroom. Natalie followed behind us.

Kerri sat me down on the closed toilet and pulled out her curling iron. Natalie got out the make-up kit and started looking through the colours of eye shadow. I had my phone in my hands and was scrolling through my contacts. I realized I haven't talked to Nick or Lilly in a while. I opened a new text message and started to type.

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