Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Are we there yet?" I complained. I was in Louis' car sitting in the front seat next to him. Harry was in his own car following us. I have no idea where we were going. Neither one of them would tell me, but I'm excited for whatever it is.

Louis looked over at me and smiled. "Sorry, Ellie. Not yet," he chuckled. I groaned which caused him to laugh even more. "If you're going to complain, then I'll turn this car around and we can go home." I looked at him wide-eyed. Did he seriously just pull the dad card on me?

I opened my mouth and tried to come up with a smart ass response, but I quickly shut myself up. There was no way I was gonna win this battle. Instead, I just let out a deep sigh.

"That's what I thought, Wilson," he smirked. I shot him a playful glare.

"Whatever, Tomlinson," I huffed. He laughed at my response and continued to drive.

I turned up the radio to fill the silence in the car. "Alright, now what you've all been waiting for..." the DJ said through the speakers. "One Direction!"

I laughed as Kiss You by the boys started playing. Louis rolled his eyes before he started to sing along with himself. I sang with him.

Once the song was over, we laughed again. "That was perfect. The first time I've heard one of you sing in person. My life is complete!" I joked.

"You've never been to one of our concerts?" he asked surprised.

I shook my head. "No, I could never afford it," I shrugged.

Louis looked at me and smiled. "Well then, today is your lucky day!" he said with his big smile.

I looked at him confused as we pulled into a car park. I looked around and saw a huge building standing in front of us. It took me a minute to realize where we were. We were at the O2 arena!

My eyes got wide as Harry pulled into the parking spot next to us. He looked over at me and smiled. I continued to stare at the stadium in front of me.

I can't believe I'm actually here! All of my favourite musicians have performed here. It's always been my dream to come here.

As I was taking in my surroundings, someone opened my door. I looked up to see a pair of bright blue eyes smiling down at me. Louis. I didn't even notice him get out of the car. Harry was standing next to him smiling at me. I blushed as Louis offered me his hand and helped me out of the car. I got out and noticed a few more cars pulling in.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

Louis and Harry just stood there and smiled. I looked over their shoulders and saw four figures walking towards us.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?!" I asked impatiently. Louis kept smiling as Harry answered.

"We have a surprise for you," he simply said. His smile grew a bit wider as the four people finally reached us.

"Ellie!" exclaimed Niall. As usual, he pulled me in for one of his famous Horan hugs. I tapped him on his shoulder, and he released me. I turned to see Liam and Zayn standing next to him.

"Hey, Ellie!" said Zayn.

He pulled me in for a hug just like Niall had moments before. The difference between a Niall hug and a Zayn hug was when Zayn hugged me, I could actually breathe. I pulled away from Zayn and quickly hugged Liam. While I was hugging Liam, he buried his face in my hair. Liam acts like an older brother to me. Just like Louis, I guess. Liam let go of me, and I turned to look at the last person in the line.

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